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PAK-FA takes to the sky!

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F-35 is offered to india lol thats in its final testings and destined to countries like turkey israel french uk and they have booked them already like turkeye is buying around 115 or more so india doesnt stand a chance maybe ur talking russian.

Sometimes they say Ignorance is a bliss...I am not sure it suits you...Its been offered...we might go for it...and it will complement our navy in future...obviously after the requirements of stake holders are over...As of now we have MIg29...and is wnough for our current needs... and we know we will have far lethal planes for future needs...Where do you see PN in a deacde from now???

My request just think before making fun...
Some interesting pics from other forums, they show the internal weapon bays below closer and possibly even a missile bay on the wings, also it seems to have the L band radar arrays on the wings which was developed for Flankers too:

Apart from the internal bays that you see beneath the fuselage, check out the topmost circled part of the wing.
Apparently that is a movable slat on the wing - something akin to a canard, but not independent- part of the overall wing - a LERX (leading edge root extensions). Provides all the advantages of a canard without its RCS penalty!
That above is a flap actuator for the LERXs. Just behind the actuator you see the internal bay in the wings (apart from those in the fuselage). People have been saying that this bay will hold missiles which will fire in the opp direction relative to the aircrafts flight path.

What else can be deduced?

Large air intakes - suggestive of a very high service ceiling and FAST!!

Air intakes seem to be inline with the engine....however we can clearly see that those are S-shaped intake in a vertical plane to shield the compressor blades, instead of horizontal plane like the F-35.

It also seems to have a vertical stabilizer on its tail boom.

Nose seems pretty small compared to other 5th gen aircrafts to house a AESA radar, but I may be wrong.

All in all, its just a prototype and any kinks will be ironed out in the months or years to come.

Anymore inputs?

Anymore inputs?

ps: I like it. She's beautiful.
To my fellow Indians......

I think people here forget one very important thing.....

From an Indian perspective....The "Indian" PAK-FA will NEVER face an F-22...so why compare with something that we dont intend to fight.....
Whether its less stealthier than F-22 hardly affects us....Its good enough for us....Why worry about whether Growler, the Turkish dude or SuperFalcon give their approval...Like their opinion even matters...(What these folks should be worried about is what the PAK-FA will face off against...LOL!!)..If it helps some people sleep at night....Why not....else there is always Ambien!!

Whats important is that this project is well on its way.....and an important step towards the modernization and future of our airforce....

And if this option is not good enough (Hopefully not), we can always opt for the F-35....

To the naysayers....."Beggars cant be choosers"...

Im proud of my country for having the foresight to make this investment.....
And obviously thanks to the Russians....our all weather allies!!!

Jai Hind!!!
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Yup... the 'realization' struck as soon as Russia and India reached an "unpublicized compromise" over the sale.

Procurement: Everyone Wants A Piece Of The RD93

What the "compromise" was and who really made it is anyone's guess. :azn:

So called 'compromise' has not affected production of JF-17 in any way, your link says the newer RD-93s brought have higher thrust

September 30, 2009: China has ordered another hundred RD93 jet engines from Russia. This order is believed to be for an ungraded RD93, with additional thrust.

Chinese have ordered more RD-93 & they are coming, there are no reports of India stopping the supply of these engines & moreover the the J-10 is using the Al-31 not any Chinese Engine this proves that Russikies will sell when ever they will see money, they haven't stopped supplying Chinese with Engines because 'Chinese Copy', If you think Engine is an electronic circuit that can be copied then you are absolutely WRONG
so why havent this compromise & understanding worked in case of AL-31
you think Russikies will loose contract for so many Engines just because India tells them to do so ,aww well :rolleyes:
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INSHAHALLAH u will see it is not stelathy but remember this thread

Now listen to me at last..

4 years back a thread was started by an Indian 2006 stating India to co develop 5th gen fighter AC With RussiaLol that time most of the Pak member Rubbished the report and said it is just a rumor, So it is 29th Jan 2010..

A request to all the logical and rational people here, why the hell you even care to stretch the argument to this long? If some members from Pak and turkey or even India don't want to believe its a fifth gen plane so be it? How does that makes our air force impotent?

Let them discuss this in there own... And to all the pakistani members most of them know I have always been very rational with my opinion,

had I been a pakistani, I wouldn't have cared if it is as worthy as F-22, I would have instead tried to figure out what I have to counter this Military development. Just give a little stress on your mind and think that way.. Belittling this AC is a fanboy stuff and when we don't want to face the harsh reality that we don't have anything to counter such development..

Believe me, if the condition has reciprocated, Pakistan being developing and India sitting duck, I wouldn't have given a f**k about if it is as capable as F 22 raptor, But I surely would have ejaculated to look for some counter.

This is the most rational approach I could have used. Trust me guys... Ok here is the deal...

This is not as good as F 22 and even F 35 but is slightly better than Euro Fighter,,,

Now tell me what Pakistan is going to do against 250 of these????
Now listen to me if some one is saying BS its better to ignore you can't deal with every one, Stop acting like a kid

its a great achievement but if you think PAK-FA has made you super Power & unbeatable then wait a bit my dear, we are yet to see it been 'inducted' & don't think Chinese & Pakistanis are sleeping
So called 'compromise' has not affected production of JF-17 in any way, your link says the newer RD-93s brought have higher thrust

Chinese have ordered more RD-93 & they are coming, there are no reports of India stopping the supply of these engines & moreover the the J-10 is using the Al-31 not any Chinese Engine this proves that Russikies will sell when ever they will see money, they haven't stopped supplying Chinese with Engines because 'Chinese Copy', so why havent this compromise & understanding worked in case of AL-31
you think Russikies will loose contract for so many Engines just because India tells them to do so ,aww well :rolleyes:

Well... I agree that the Russians will sell wherever they see money.

But here are two examples for you -

Russia agrees the sale of RD-93 to China/Pakistan --- Russia agrees the sale and TOT of much more advanced RD-33 series 3 and proposes the sale of RD-33MK to India.

Russia allows China to build Al-31 --- Russia allows India to build AL-31FP with thrust vectoring.

You can make whatever conclusions you want from the above two examples.

Anyways, we are going off-topic.
To my fellow Indians......

I think people here forget one very important thing.....

From an Indian perspective....The "Indian" PAK-FA will NEVER face an F-22...so why compare with something that we dont intend to fight.....

Actually, IMO from both Russian and Indian perspective, PAK-FA will never go against a F-22. At the present scenario, there is absolutely no chance of any military confrontation between Russia and the USA. They did not go to war even during the cold war, when the tension was at it's peak. So now no chance whatsoever. But even if that happens in the future the distance between USA and Russia will most likely prevent a Raptor PAK-FA direct face-off as F22 doesn't have any naval variant.
Well folks, it seems as a pretty good development by Russians. The plane itself appears to be pretty low observable and seems stealthy from outside but the engine nozzles seem a bit of give away. I like the design of PAK FA and I am sure the Russians have come up with a plane that will make its space in the global market. Well done Russia.
Not just deluded "Pathologically deluded"! :)
OK.. let us believe that the F-22 and F-35 are way superior to the PAK-FA.Does India really care? Nope.
ammm its a fact that F-22 and F-35 are supirior to Pak-FA. end of story now carry on your ego satisfaction remarks and at the same time being delusional.
You know why? Because our opponent flies F-16s and JF-17s and the only "advanced" jet it can afford to buy in the next decade is J-11.
Once our F-16s are equipped with sniper pods they will be able to track T-50 with its IRST capability without out even turning on its radar. But sorry to wake you from your super shkti IAF honeymoon but PAF will spend billions of dollars upgrading its Air force in the next decade. Their is more to just F-16s and JF-17. And just like IAF PAF too have found a solution for their 5th generation fighter requirement which is Chinese stealth Fighter. Again you being a pathological delusional you are most welcome to believe Chinese technology is cr@p just for the sake of satisfying your loser indian ego.
Now listen to me if some one is saying BS its better to ignore you can't deal with every one, Stop acting like a kid

its a great achievement but if you think PAK-FA has made you super Power & unbeatable then wait a bit my dear, we are yet to see it been 'inducted' & don't think Chinese & Pakistanis are sleeping

was that a reply to my question?? I mentioned its a duck against F 22 but slightly better than Euro Fighter.

If yes then a pretty lame one, if no then Please reply..

And ya no doubt about Chinese, they are the fastest developing people in the world I am sure they will develop it, and Pakistan will have it too in partnership..
But the question is, just when
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