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Pak-China Rail Link News

India's concern are absolutely well grounded and 100% correct. Kashmir under pakistan's control is a disputed territory and pakistan should not exploit it for benefit as they call it azad. Also, its not good on part of china when they want good relations with India.

But what are these 'countermeasures' India is going to take?
My sympathies with our Indian friends.It really hurts and one can imagine their pain. On the other hand India must take the issue to some international forum, most favorably to UN. And then ask for a solution in the lights of UN resolutions, will it??? enough saying disputed region, time to solve this dispute. Stand up and show some courage. Shed all the hypocrisies and give a long lasting relief, not primarily to kashmiries but billions of your own citizen,who are suffering just because of this dispute for decades now.


India's concern are absolutely well grounded and 100% correct. Kashmir under pakistan's control is a disputed territory and pakistan should not exploit it for benefit as they call it azad. Also, its not good on part of china when they want good relations with India.

My God!!!!!

If Azad Kashmir is disputed then what about occupied. can India exploit it for benefit ?????
OMG did Indian have anything else to do except crying all the time. What a shame country which is 10 times bigger then us is crying that much. Next will be India crying on our farts and sh@# we going to dump on them!!!

India's concern are absolutely well grounded and 100% correct

Well grounded in what? hypocrisy ?

Kashmir under pakistan's control is a disputed territory and pakistan should not exploit it for benefit as they call it azad.

So is the Kashmir under Indian occupation. Isn't India exploiting it as you say for benefit?

Also, its not good on part of china when they want good relations with India.

Why should China or for that matter any other country heed to concerns of a third party in it's bilateral relations with another one. I guess by maing such hue and cry India is only causing more harm to itself than anyone else than good, because eventually nothing will come out of it.
But what are these 'countermeasures' India is going to take?

India is just raising the issue casually as its disputed land. Otherwise we don't have any worry. We can raise the issue in some forums but RAW will not be involve for now.

We don't want war. But, In case of war it will be the weakest link and the first target of India.

Indian army has studied the terrain, lakes etc. in that area and we have all the requisite to cut it off along with land link to china.

And as china's trade from sea passes under our area, this will be also stone throw away from our present locations.

So, in case of war we can play with it at our will.

In long term it will force china to be friendlier with India.
India's concern are absolutely well grounded and 100% correct. Kashmir under pakistan's control is a disputed territory and pakistan should not exploit it for benefit as they call it azad. Also, its not good on part of china when they want good relations with India.
What kind of an idiotic response is this?

You should stop constructing any new transportation links in Disputed Kashmir including roads. Also, withdraw your forces as it is disputed. Because the region that you occupy is disputed, you must close down all government offices as well.

Does that sound right?
Well grounded in what? hypocrisy ?

Its been our part for thousands of year and still GOI claims it.

So is the Kashmir under Indian occupation. Isn't India exploiting it as you say for benefit?
There nothing called under Indian occupation.

No, you are very ill informed we don't earn a penny from Kashmir insted spends billions of us dollars on it. It's our integral part.

Why should China or for that matter any other country heed to concerns of a third party in it's bilateral relations with another one. I guess by maing such hue and cry India is only causing more harm to itself than anyone else than good, because eventually nothing will come out of it.

Because you are forgetting something and that is its not your part and as per Indian its their land under your forced admin at present. Even you claim it as azad with separate prime minister etc.

We have nothing to loose as those elements wants India to suffer are doing their best and we are still progressing and developing stronger day by day in economy and also in military.
What kind of an idiotic response is this?

You should stop constructing any new transportation links in Disputed Kashmir including roads. Also, withdraw your forces as it is disputed. Because the region that you occupy is disputed, you must close down all government offices as well.

Does that sound right?


Because these areas are integral part of India as per pact with Maharaja of Kashmir. And also people of Kashmir wants it.

There is big difference between India and Pakistan

1. We openly says it as our integral part but Pakistan says it azad and even appointed a separate prime minister for it.

2. We don't invite foreign money and investment in Kashmir as Pakistan do it with china.

3. We are not exploiting Kashmir but investing for Kashmiri people on the other hand Pakistan is, as the electricity will be used by the elite Punjab not Kashmir.

We are not saying to stop offices or stop building roads.
What kind of an idiotic response is this?

You should stop constructing any new transportation links in Disputed Kashmir including roads. Also, withdraw your forces as it is disputed. Because the region that you occupy is disputed, you must close down all government offices as well.

Does that sound right?

No it doesnt. And I agree with you on the rest. Both India and Pakistan should develop their respective parts of Kashmir as much as possible. Why hold millions living there hostage to the dispute that doesnt seem to be getting solved in foreseeable future..
Its been our part for thousands of year and still GOI claims it.

Thousands of years? Wow.. Check your history books again friend.. Partition took place in 1947 !

There nothing called under Indian occupation.

Why is India keeping 600,000 troops there ?

No, you are very ill informed we don't earn a penny from Kashmir insted spends billions of us dollars on it. It's our integral part.

Well, i was refering to development projects just as being carried out on our side.

Because you are forgetting something and that is its not your part and as per Indian its their land under your forced admin at present. Even you claim it as azad with separate prime minister etc.

Mine or your's ! That's the whole issue..!

We have nothing to loose as those elements wants India to suffer are doing their best and we are still progressing and developing stronger day by day in economy and also in military.

No one is asking you to stop your progress. Nor should you !
China plans railway link with Pakistan

BEIJING: Kashgar -- an important transit point on the ancient Silk Route and a gateway between China and Pakistan -- has earned a special distinction during the ongoing visit of Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari. It has been declared a special economic zone, which is the magic formula that has catapulted several Chinese towns like Shenzhen into world class trading centers.

The move suggests that Chinese leaders are seriously considering plans to connect Pakistan with rail that would run through the difficult terrain near the Karokoram Highway, which connects Khunjerab Pass with Chinese towns including Kashgar. Indian strategic experts see the proposed railway plan as a serious military infrastructure close to the Indian border, sources said.

Zardari on Wednesday told a group of officials from the China Northern Railways Corporation that Pakistan was keen to build several new new lines for access to the Central Asia, West Asia and Chinese markets. He requested CNR to form a consortium with Pakistan Railways for to give shape to the plans.

The announcement makes Kashgar in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the sixth special economic zone in China. This will mean preferential policy support for development of new industries in the city. This will mean a growing market for Pakistani exports.

Kashgar is also known as a hotbed of Uighur separatists indulging in occasional incidents of violence to press for their demand for an independent East Turkmenistan nation. China has been seeking both intelligence and military support from Pakistan to keep the Uighur militants in check and cut off their links with pro-Taliban forces across its borders.
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