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pak army torturing video (new)

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if its being done to civilians the wtf if its been done to those mofo terrorists treat them with more brutality throw them in boiling water throw them in cells with rats so they can be eaten by them

btw its always hard to see any form of torture whether innocent or culprits because thats what distinguishes good from the bad. having said that people who have been repeatedly worked for the terrorists providing them intel about army movements, giving them refuge and even participating in public execution dont have my sympathy if they are caught and beaten up by the soldiers. I don’t like torture for the sake of torture or to instil fear in the public. This is clearly being carried out in the compounds of an army’s HQ in contrast to the ones staged by Taliban in front of the spectators where the civilians and captured soldiers were beheaded or shot in the head at point blank range and then their bodies mutilated and hung by the polls. Going by that standard, the beating up is very light.

Yes we might never know who these people were, where they completely innocent? Local informants of Taliban or actually combatants captured after the fight and now being beaten up for information.

What I am concerned about is
How did that video find its way to the web?
What it officially recorded or undercover?
Were those soldiers beating these guys up on specific instructions from the commanders or not?

The way the camera is moving it doesn’t suggest that there was an undercover whistle blower but it does show the army in the bad way because the whole premise of the operation against the fanatic Taliban is that the terrorists are inhumane beasts and lack any respect for human rights and if the soldiers start following the same footsteps then that moral argument is lost.
Well, the video certainly gives a picture of some run of the mill type of brutality - Torture?, I don't think so, that's not torture - The kinds of stuff we see in the video is clearly by individuals who are poorly trained in interview and interrogation techniques - nothing serious, but the boys need some technical training -- and beating them altogether, big mistake, the effect on all of bad guys, of the audibles, should have been enough to soften them up considerably more than sharing the experience of being beaten together and creating even more of a bond between the bad guys -- any how, not torture, definitely the Fauj need technical assistance.
no need for torture...

kharji scum should be shot dead after summary trial BUT in view of available evidence against them...
Who's gonna prove these guys innocent or guilty?. I think its an interrogatory session, but yeah quite vintage.
so are these army guys so stupid that they make videos and upload them on youtube
All the Enemies of Pakistan Deserve this treatment .......!
Musafara, my family has experienced these torturing houses. I'm not saying my family was dealt with in this way, but Swatis which include my own family and I do realize the importance of these torturing houses. There was a similar video showing Army torture, and I explained why the uploader was propagating Armys role, but if you lived in Swat during the brutal Taliban regime, I swear to you, you would feel no pity for these people. I feel no pity for these people myself, and I have experienced the Taliban brutality myself.

Now what you see here is actually being supported by Swati civilians. The Army interrogates captured Taliban leaders as well as tribal or village elders to help in locating and confirming that such and such have affiliated or still are Taliban. Then they are tortured and either killed by Army themselves (Rarely), or either given to the family who that particular Taliban done something to. The Most important Taliban commanders and leaders are killed this way, I would have written you a whole list of Taliban commanders that have been killed this way (in torturing housing), but due to personnel, and family security reasons, I can not. Trust me brother, there are far more Taliban being killed than what you here in the media.
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no need for torture...

Precisely . Though information is a must, can never have enough information - all this beating people stuff or at least the way done in the video is just simply ineffective and ends by developing bonds between the bad guys -- If the experience has to be public, it should produce a psychological effect, in keeping with the culture, to allow, the subject to have a stake in "giving it up" -- you beat him up and he and his comrades may give up some things but they will be seen as valiant tin the culture, as opposed to murderous, mercenary, characterless and cowardly.
no need for torture...

kharji scum should be shot dead after summary trial BUT in view of available evidence against them...

May i ask what are you talking about ?
Please educate yourself before commenting (Khawarij) !

When did you ever see a "kharji" ( < -- word means Outside, from the root word "Kharj" ).

Do you even know about "Kharji" apart from what you have learned from CNN ?
Arbi bigard giya - Arbi got friends in high places
Here's another Video (Warning, must be 18 or older to watch):

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I wonder how they get on the internet in the first place? How can an army personnel upload such videos on the Internet?
Dont forget


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