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Pak Armed Forces Non-Military Projects

USA Military Expenditure $466 Billion!!! - I believe the other top 9 combined together is not reaching this figure...If so much money is not spent on Military by every country then human race could have colonized the outer space or achieved even more advanced scientific inventions for the benefit of humanity!!!
1. Pakistan has a large military. The size of ex-servicemen is huge. GOP is doing good to employ them for nation building. Thus the reserves are also kept active and in positive vocation.

2. Nations like PRC,DPRK, Turkey, Singapore,Taiwan, ROK and others have progressed due to national service which provides a disciplined and dedicated work force. Germans and Japanese are militarized disciplined societies. Military discipline is also the culture observed in their work place. These nations have, therefore, prospered.

3. Pakistan should increase the number of non-military projects entrusted to the Services. Hospitals and agro-industries should be the encouraged. Hospitals will benefit non-officer ex-servicemen who are not authorized CMH treatment. Agro-industries will find jobs for the ex-serviceman near his home.
Santro, if i'd even be a DQ in any Div HQ, i'll make sure that the MOQ/House (the sarkari married accommodation) i am allotted the best one available in the cantt. If i'll be distributing sweets in packets for free, i'll probably keep the better packet (even though the contents are the same) for myself of for the people i know.

Now i dont say that this approach is right, it's bad, but isnt this happen everywhere (with different intensities)?

And for your other point, frauds are dealt with in the military through the MPML (the JAG vets it), any favor that can be given can only be done during the inquiry. The JAG cant alter the punishments. And the officer(s) conducting the inquiry never take chances (favor the culprit) as the JAG branch has very clear punishments for crimes, so if the punishment suggested by the inquiry officer is not as per the MPML (lower or higher than what the Regulation state), the inquiry officer himself faces a court martial!

i have conducted inquiries, and have been with very senior officers who were president of court of inquiries, speaking frankly i have seen them worrying about the content of punishment, because if the punishment is not what the culprit should actually have received, this sole inquiry would turn into the last nail in his coffin within days.

i have seen friends ruining the carriers of friends during inquiries (even though they wanted to hep them), but let's face it, no one likes to screw his own carrier for someone else.

P.S i wonder when would this obsession of yours with the Jernailship would finally end? BTW, you need to change your nick now ;)

Good to hear that Janab..
my obsession with the brass would end the day I feel pride in meeting every General as I do for a few.
Sade sheron ke upar Geedarh baithain that I CANNOT stand.
Btw.. are you familiar with the "safeda" case in DHA Karachi? Thats a funny one:lol:

And yes.. I am considering changing my nick to Belta.. but it just sounds weird.
lots of people will not like this but to be honest Khyber pakhutnkhwa has been more neglected than Baluchistan. this was statement by world bank saying poverty levels are higher in KPK.
secondly Baluchistan got neglected because till 1971 it was made of different prince state and after that nawab were given full freedom by marking those areas as B areas thus no development was ever possible. only Musharraf finished those areas but current govt reverted them back to B areas
Most people, when criticizing the PA (which it should be, when it makes mistakes) forget that it is a product of Pakistani society. So the comparisons of the PA to the other institutions inside Pakistan are perfectly legitimate, as all of them are products of Pakistani society. While the Army represent the middle, lower middle, lower class people of Pakistan regardless of ethnicity, the politicians represent the 'Pakistan oligarchy', the upper & privileged feudal class that loots the wealth of the land, by exploiting the people of the land. Quite frankly, despite all the flaws the Army has, it represents the best of the Pakistani society. Ideally speaking, we all want the Army to focus on its military activities. And honestly speaking, it has done quite a splendid job, which is seen in terms of the rapidly decreasing terrorism violence inside the country. Now looking at this civilian government, we have gas shortages, electricity shortages, etc; which is all the fault of the Army, if the liberal ghairat brigade is to be believed. The people are fed up with the civilian government, with their constant failures. Even the non-military projects managed by the Army produce far better results than what the civilian regime has to offer.
this thread was needed a long time ago, but better late than never

now if only Muse were still posting on this forum :cheesy:
he's undergoing a few 'briefings' and deliberations

i never thought i'd miss him either......even though (it appears) he's older than I am age-wise, i always felt like he was like that troubled younger brother. You can't hate him, you cant lay a hand on him. You just wanna pat him on the shoulder and pray he'll mend his ways.
he's undergoing a few 'briefings' and deliberations

i never thought i'd miss him either......even though (it appears) he's older than I am age-wise, i always felt like he was like that troubled younger brother. You can't hate him, you cant lay a hand on him. You just wanna pat him on the shoulder and pray he'll mend his ways.

he was cool i agreed on a lot of things with hm an excellant mind on most things but i think that maybe he was too hard on pa and me too soft on pa lol
An interesting comment in the Washington Post comments section of this article:

3:55 PM EST

Readers, please Google "Pakistan Defence Forum" to find how many businesses and other income generating ventures Pakistan army has opened.

In fact, after reading the detalis in one of the link, I realized that Gilani was corrent in his remarks that Pakistan military has developed a deep state withing the civilian state, which is accountable to no one, not even Allah of Khuda.
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