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Pak air force narrows gap as IAF struggles to get fighter jets

Mind your language if you are talking with me, I m not Indian Muslim who had to bear non Muslims to live in India.

JF-17 block-3 will be 80% Rafael in terms of avionics sensor fusion and only thing it will lag much is range and weapons load carrying capacity, JF-17 block-3 is going to have tech developed for 5th gen bird.
JF17 BLK3 will be very competent.

Unless India speed up its acquisition of single engine fighter jets, PAF is going to close the gap. With Obama gone, India's talks with LM for F16 seem stalled. If things don't go as planned with F16, India should go for Gripens.

There is also a need for to increase number of Rafale to around 70. India needs to also fasten its development with Tejas and AMCA.
Unless India can achieve great success inTejad and AMCA, or the gap between India and Pakistan will narrow.
JF17 BLK3 will be very competent.

Unless India can achieve great success inTejad and AMCA, or the gap between India and Pakistan will narrow.

Yes, Ultimately India has to build its own fighter planes. Again in short term, I guess acquisition is the only way to keep the gap.
well seeing that in 2006 all we had were f-16s not upgraded and only 32 and way worse in 1999(not even the rose mirages) Pakistan has grown many many folds i will say at least 5X with induction of 77 BVR capable f-16 and around 90 BVR thunders

while india has inducted around 200 of su 30 during this period but lost many fighter sq due to retirement in of migs, the expectations were that like china who had nothing but only f-7s in 1999 india would induct many fighters inculding all 126 MRCA, and over 150-200 tejas as it was expected that tejas will start serial production around the same time as thunder in 2009-10

so yes IAF over overwhelmingly superior i will say 1:3 but Pakistan has closed gap from 1:6

Unless India speed up its acquisition of single engine fighter jets, PAF is going to close the gap. With Obama gone, India's talks with LM for F16 seem stalled. If things don't go as planned with F16, India should go for Gripens.

There is also a need for to increase number of Rafale to around 70. India needs to also fasten its development with Tejas and AMCA.
unfortunately for India i dont see rafale apart from those 36
tejas is facing hiccups, best bet will be the single fighter, india needs to move quickly within 1 year to get the deal inked (and thus production in 2-3 years and induction in 4 years) or it is going to face a crisis

other options are to increase tejas,su 30 and get 36 additional rafale (that what i would have done) this would be quick efficient, tejas can be completely westernized instead of going for gripen just go for similar radar and avionics for tejas (they already have the same engine), i dont see the logic to go for same type of fighter(Same delta wing, same engine)

a force of 400 su 30, 200 tejas and 72 rafale will be an ideal number
PLAAF has over 400 j10s, 400 flankers and rapidly adding j20s
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then why are you or for that matter any other nation in the world is putting so much effort and resources in mantaining such huge armies and whats the use all these nuclear stckpiles , missles , aircrfts , tanks , ships subs and all hat blah blah blah ?
To ensure that there is no war u thick head, ever heard of the term deterence??
while india has inducted around 200 of su 30 during this period but lost many fighter sq due to retirement in of migs, the expectations were that like china
Pakistani has also lost Many squadrons due to retirement of F-7P. Only one F-7P squadron remains.

PLAAF has over 400 j10s, 400 flankers and rapidly adding j2
PLAAF doesn't have 400 J-10s, only about 250. Flankers around 350.
Now that Pak has taken it upon herself to defend the Muslim heartlands - Hijaz and Haremain - it's up to the leading Ehl-i Sunnet countries (KSA/GCC/Turkey) to ensure that Pak herself is safe from her mortal enemy!!! Two important and urgent areas are PAF and PN where some sorts of parity need to be established. As a starter, PAF needs her own 32 squadrons - MLUed and re-hauled ones will do the job for the time being. In my mind, since PAF strategies are spawn around F-16s and Mirages, 6 squadrons of F-16s and 3 squadrons of M2Ks aren't a bad idea. And, 3 squadrons of Eurofighters will put the icing in the cake. With enough of such aircrafts available in the market it's not a far fetched idea. A little push will do. Meanwhile, PAF can carry on replacing F7s and Mirage 3/5s by JF-17s at an accelerated rate. It'll put the cramping from IAF to a period!!!!
Pakistani has also lost Many squadrons due to retirement of F-7P. Only one F-7P squadron remains.

PLAAF doesn't have 400 J-10s, only about 250. Flankers around 350.
keep dreaming.
they had 250 way back in 2012(the A version), janes reports indicate that number is around 400, which make sense to me with additional induction of many sq with B versions
they have started to roll out now the J20s

than you have over 120+JH-7 multi role fighter bomber that are moderna nd still being rolled out, 200+ the 80s-90s era twin engine J-8s with update avionics and not to forget the long bird H-6 with antiship /anti cruise missiles

Pakistani has also lost Many squadrons due to retirement of F-7P. Only one F-7P squadron remains.
PAKISTAN HAS NOT LOST SQs, we have replaced them with thunders. F7 each sq is replaced with thunder each year, next will be mirage 5 and than lastly the highly updated ROSE fighters

we exactly have 20 sq as we had in 1990s, india has lost sq and number has slowly decreased over the decades

than we have the pilot issues with IAF, i am pretty much sure this will be rectified though
Furthermore, the IAF’s current fighter aircraft to pilot ratio is 1:0.81.”Our sanctioned strength for [combat] pilots is less than that of our adversaries,” the report said, adding that the Pakistan Air Force’s fighter to pilot ratio was 1:2.5, IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly reported. In the U.S. the cockpit to pilot ratio is 1:2. Jane’s further summarized
keep dreaming.
they had 250 way back in 2012(the A version), janes reports indicate that number is around 400, which make sense to me with additional induction of many sq with B versions
they have started to roll out now the J20s

than you have over 120+JH-7 multi role fighter bomber that are moderna nd still being rolled out, 200+ the 80s-90s era twin engine J-8s with update avionics and not to forget the long bird H-6 with antiship /anti cruise missiles
Chinese J-10 production capacity is only 16/year.
Many analysts have over exaggerated Chinese production capacity.
AL31 exports to China shows that China has only 200 J-10s & 350 Su-30.
Another 50 at most with WS10.

J-8 are even more obsolete than MiG-23 & 70% are grounded.
things such as pilot ratio, maintenance and availability rate matter alot in actual comparison. if assuming current number is correct, IAF has more fighters than pilots!

Chinese J-10 production capacity is only 16/year.
Many analysts have over exaggerated Chinese production capacity.
AL31 exports to China shows that China has only 200 J-10s & 350 Su-30.
Another 50 at most with WS10.

J-8 are even more obsolete than MiG-23 & 70% are grounded.
all B versions have WS 10 versions, i would trust jane more
if anything exaggeration is a word we should not use for china
care to share the 70% figure of J8?, i mean J7s Q6s are being phased out at a very rapid rate(they still have 700) but never heard of J8 being parked with issues
PAKISTAN HAS NOT LOST SQs, we have replaced them with thunders. F7 each sq is replaced with thunder each year, next will be mirage 5 and than lastly the highly updated ROSE fighters

we exactly have 20 sq as we had in 1990s, india has lost sq and number has slowly decreased over the decades

than we have the pilot issues with IAF, i am pretty much sure this will be rectified though
Furthermore, the IAF’s current fighter aircraft to pilot ratio is 1:0.81.”Our sanctioned strength for [combat] pilots is less than that of our adversaries,” the report said, adding that the Pakistan Air Force’s fighter to pilot ratio was 1:2.5, IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly reported. In the U.S. the cockpit to pilot ratio is 1:2. Jane’s further summarized
PAF has only 18 squadrons (4 F-16, 4 JF-17, 6 Mirage, 3 F-7PG, 1 F-7P).

Also IAF has no pilot shortage as out of 12244 officers required, we have 12215 officers in service.
Thus shortage is only 29 and is totally negligible.

all B versions have WS 10 versions, i would trust jane more
if anything exaggeration is a word we should not use for china
care to share the 70% figure of J8?, i mean J7s Q6s are being phased out at a very rapid rate(they still have 700) but never heard of J8 being parked with issues
Only a few dozen B.s. have ws10 Rest have al 31 because of severeissues with ws10.

Also J8 low servicibility is a open secret.

Anyways J8 is irrelevant for India as it cannot operate from high altitude airfields of Tibet.
Bro, I have reservation of your opinions about Musharaff. He is man of vision, especially at military field.

I like Pevez Musharaff because he adopt iron fist towards agressive Barahtis. He has zero tolerance against terrorists.

General Musharaff served in the Pakistan army for a long time and personally experienced war twice against India at frontier, he is a representative of the army.

My personal favorable of Musharaff doesn't represent any China government stance. But I can't deny He shall have lot of supporters in China.
Sir he spread all the terror in our country.before him no one had listen about the suicide bombing in Pakistan. Economic situation was good before him even the sanctions were imposed on us but all the countrymen were all over happy.he was chanting first of all Pakistan but he damage most of Pakistan and Pakistani kashmir cause, in his tenure indians put fence on LOC and made it international border.for defence he buys some F16 and some other weapons,but overall he was not a man with Lion heart.sorry man off the topic.
all B versions have WS 10 versions, i would trust jane more
if anything exaggeration is a word we should not use for china
care to share the 70% figure of J8?, i mean J7s Q6s are being phased out at a very rapid rate(they still have 700) but never heard of J8 being parked with issues
Only a few dozen B.s. have ws10 Rest have al 31 because of severeissues with ws10.

Also J8 low servicibility is a open secret.

Anyways J8 is irrelevant for India as it cannot operate from high altitude airfields of Tibet.
Only a few dozen B.s. have ws10 Rest have al 31 because of severeissues with ws10.

Also J8 low servicibility is a open secret.

Anyways J8 is irrelevant for India as it cannot operate from high altitude airfields of Tibet.
If China fully support Pakistan, you stand no chance.

Sir he spread all the terror in our country.before him no one had listen about the suicide bombing in Pakistan. Economic situation was good before him even the sanctions were imposed on us but all the countrymen were all over happy.he was chanting first of all Pakistan but he damage most of Pakistan and Pakistani kashmir cause, in his tenure indians put fence on LOC and made it international border.for defence he buys some F16 and some other weapons,but overall he was not a man with Lion heart.sorry man off the topic.
Seems every story has two sides.
If China fully support Pakistan, you stand no chance.

Seems every story has two sides.

Same can be told here. Chinese have never come to the aid of Pakistan in times of war. And the west will make sure that China will not involve in this confrontation if it happens.
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