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Pak air force narrows gap as IAF struggles to get fighter jets

I Wonder What would have PAF gone for if IAF wasn't Struggling to get fighter jets

Still we are Behind IAF...
In some extent IAF's stupidity bless Pakistan. You need to hurry up as well.

Try and qualify your post buddy

Or you will be ridiculed certain .

The I'S huge difference between the Euro canards designs from the airframe design and manufacturing system to the crystal blade engines and the accuracy of respective weapons.

You spend peanuts you get monkeys

Your thunder is fine if you fighting Bangladesh or Afghanistan but your not

Your fighting a formidable for equipped with some world class equipment not just fighters but whole systems where your thunder will be very very vulnerable like the
Phalcons awacs
Israeli supplied derby bvr
Mica French bvr
Hmd and hobs missile combo S
Spyder sams
S400 abm system's
And soon the soon the awesome meteors bvr and ew spectra suites.

Tell me about this awesome new Thunder I all ears,
Those bought toys can't guarantee your safety.
In some extent IAF's stupidity bless Pakistan. You need to hurry up as well.

Those bought toys can't guarantee your safety.

Need this to tell PAF... Come on

Replace Mirage with J-10C's
Replace F-7's with Thunders
Add Long Range Sams with Mid Range
Induct couple of Squadrons of Air Superiority fighters (Flankers)
We Still need a Tankers to Refuel F-16's in Mid Air

After that move on to 5th Generation Fighters which aren't coming before 2024
Old third generation aircrafts are now a days just for filling the numbers....real comparison is between fourth generation aircrafts and their number matters!! While India is rolling out new MKIs and Tejas every year, Rafale will join the party really soon too...our numbers will keep getting better along with quality.

There's more to see....India is getting new Tejas, though slowly for now but it will pick up the pace....Rafale will join the party too. So Its not that we are sitting idle. While on a different topic, Indian navy's air arm has been turned to be a good airforce in its own ways with 45 4th gen aircrafts and many AEW helis. More to come for in Navy's basket too.

Ya!!!! We know the quality of tejas you are rolling out! Your own Navy rejected it!! What a quality sir g!!!
The west? Since when you have turned to USA's puppet from Soviet puppet?

We never were a puppet of anyone...we had an independent policy. That is the reason we have survived. If our intrests colludes we co-operate.

We provided lot of artillery to Pakistan army during the 65 and 71 war. Since China now is much stronger than used to be, China will support Paksitan to protect CPEC. We need a war to polish our blade.

If Xi just sit and watch Pakistan dying, he will go against the will of Chinese people. He have to step down.

China might be stronger but not strong enough.
In year 1971 China released a ultimatum to India government: if India keeps attacking Lahore and push toward inner land of Pakistan, China will have to join the war to defend Pakistan. In 1970, China is in the turmoil of Culture revolution, even the marshal of Tibet army division was criticized and struggled. We send our best artillery extracted from PLA arsenal to PA in 1971! We won't let this shit happen twice. If it was not BD people want to seperate from Pakistan, India had no chance to win at all.
Naah you don't know the truth at all.

1. In 1962 you ran away from Arunanchal Pradesh because Cuban missile crisis got over and you had a real chance of facing American and Russian forces. Notice how much close the cease fire and retreat dates for '62 war is with conclusion of Cuban missile crisis

2. In '71, even though US was goading you to 'Move trucks' along the border, you did nothing because you knew that Russians were lurking there to help India if a confrontation with US/China happens. Remember a certain leaked cable of Kissinger?

All India needs to do is to have a treaty with US to support India in case of a confrontation with China happens AND for Russia to stay out of any conflict involving India and China. After that The Party will simply ignore call for help from Pakistan.

Even Bastards also can't fly!!!!! Lpc!!!! :D
And Pakistani kids can't write properly even if their life depends on it.
Ya!!!! We know the quality of tejas you are rolling out! Your own Navy rejected it!! What a quality sir g!!!
Kid, you need to read alot about carrier operations before you'll even understand that part. Making some stupid remark here will only make you look more stupid!!!
The economy is growing steadily and has massive potential. Pakistan has to just bide its time. It's useless competing against India right now, who have had major economic success since 2000 onwards. It's all about money.
The PAF is doing what it can, but again it's about funds.

Every country has this, but who gains how much depends on their leaders. Pakistan had some success during early 2000s but it wasn't sustainable, i hope if paks economy takes off, it remains airborne........

You can only prepare with resources that you have..

Your nation is spending every penny they can raise.
Ducking and diving politically via China or USA etc to get support for your air force

I don't understand what you expect

How can spend what you don't have

I was trying to say, that PAF has emphasized on quality rather than quantity in the past, that's why they had some edge over IAF, but now it seems, they want to fill up the numbers to narrow the gap.
Every country has this, but who gains how much depends on their leaders. Pakistan had some success during early 2000s but it wasn't sustainable, i hope if paks economy takes off, it remains airborne........[/QUote
I do agree smaller leaner can be better but still requires more money
Every country has this, but who gains how much depends on their leaders. Pakistan had some success during early 2000s but it wasn't sustainable, i hope if paks economy takes off, it remains airborne........

I was trying to say, that PAF has emphasized on quality rather than quantity in the past, that's why they had some edge over IAF, but now it seems, they want to fill up the numbers to narrow the gap.

Quantity has its own quality. All the big wars were won with numbers on their side. Tech even when inferior was made up with numbers.

The Tiger was the best tank but the T 34 was simpler and could be deployed in numbers.
BS. China will definitely come to aid if India invade Pakistan.

We can't see Pakistan fall.

We don't give west a shit.

You guys shall not possess fluke mind that China will stay away when India invade Pakistan. We 130% will come to aid Pakistan.

PAF will flying Chinese fighter jets to combat with IAF in war time. I hope India can respect Pakistan's independence and sovereignty. China don't want to get invloved in unnecessary conflict. But When push come to shove, we sure will stand with Pakistan. We will provide Tanks, fighter jets, artillery, whatever Pakistan need to defend himself from invasion from outside.

China also won't instigate Pakistan to attack India.

Sure, why not we can consider that! but let me ask you something; First of all being the Armchair general you are. Are you requesting or threatening a great nation such as India?

let's say we fulfil these and we consider your diatribes can you stop intervening in Kashmir & Disband construction in the CPEC which is in the heart of the disputed zone of P O K?

It's a bilateral affair with no room for 3rd party mediation even you admitted it yourself!

You're inviting trouble by building your infrastructure in our lands. A point worthy of a mention - if you could come to the aid of Pakistan in the event of war, we would surely be able to do the following:
  1. provide port access for the United state's Navy & establish a perm base for them to keep their assets checkmating your Air and sea assets.
  2. provide access to our airbases in the Northeast regions of India and on the west border with Pakistan in collaboration to counter your aerial threats again and choke your trade routes.
  3. Provide Vietnam with an expedited stock of missiles and radar's to defend their claim on the SCS.
  4. Dump the one-China policy and declare Tibet as a free autonomous independent state & start issuing stapled visas to Tibetans.
  5. Ramp up naval presence in the South China Sea in collaboration with most ASEAN countries like Japan-South Korea & of course not limiting to ASEAN countries the USA and Australia to join, heck even New Zealand might join!
  6. Take China to court on several issues including the proliferation of nuclear arms to North Korea and causing regional instability.

    Some more information provided in the link
Reassess your choice of words, you have a lot more to lose if you join their bandwagon.
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Lol, when Pakistan standed up for China when Yankee led UN wanted to impose sanctions on China in 1990, they didn't give it thought what they can get for return. That is brotherhood! Yankees seduced Pakistan to join the bandwagon to sanction China for weapon aid, and threat to sanction Pakistan if they didn't follow what told by Yankees. We will never forget the great support Pakistan give China at the most difficult time. We will 3000% come to Pakistan aid if India invade them.

Those come in need is friend indeed.
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