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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

Let me conclude by saying this.... This thread is just pointless speculation as what can be bought... But forgetting an Important tool which pakistan lacks MONEY.... and whats the use speculating in a foum, Does it serve any purpose?

If PAK lacks money then how they are buying these arms

Major U.S. Arms Sales and Grants to Pakistan Since 2001

Major post-2001 defense supplies provided, or soon to be provided, under FMF include:

! eight P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft and their refurbishment (valued at $474 million);
! about 5,250 TOW anti-armor missiles ($186 million; 2,007 delivered);
! more than 5,600 military radio sets ($163 million);
! six AN/TPS-77 surveillance radars ($100 million);
! six C-130E transport aircraft and their refurbishment ($76 million);
! five refurbished SH-2I Super Seasprite maritime helicopters granted under EDA ($67 million);
! one ex-Oliver Hazard Perry class missile frigate via EDA ($65 million);
! 20 AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters via EDA ($48 million, 12 refurbished and delivered); and
! 121 refurbished TOW missile launchers ($25 million).

Supplies paid for with a mix of Pakistani national funds and FMF include:
! up to 60 Mid-Life Update kits for F-16A/B combat aircraft (valued at $891 million, with $477 million of this in FMF, Pakistan currently plans to purchase 35 such kits); and
! 115 M-109 self-propelled howitzers ($87 million, with $53 million in FMF).
Notable items paid or to be paid for entirely with Pakistani national funds include:
! 18 new F-16C/D Block 50/52 combat aircraft (valued at $1.43 billion; none delivered to date);
! F-16 armaments including 500 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles; 1,450 2,000-pound bombs; 500 JDAM Tail Kits for gravity bombs; and 1,600 Enhanced Paveway laser-guided kits, also for gravity bombs ($629 million);
! 100 Harpoon anti-ship missiles ($298 million);
! 500 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles ($95 million); and
! six Phalanx Close-In Weapons System naval guns ($80 million).

While the Pentagon notified Congress on the possible transfer to Pakistan of three P-3B aircraft as EDA grants that would be modified to carry the E-2C Hawkeye airborne early warning suite in a deal worth up to $855 million, this effort has not progressed beyond the notification stage. Other major EDA grantssince 2001 include 14 F-16A/B combat aircraft and 39 T-37 military trainer jets. Under Coalition
Support Funds (part of the Pentagon budget), Pakistan has received 26 Bell 412 utility helicopters, along with related parts and maintenance, valued at $235 million. Finally, under 1206, Frontier Corps, and Pakistan Counterinsurgency Capability Fund authorities, the United States has provided helicopter spare parts, various night vision devices, radios, body armor, helmets, first aid kits, litters, and large quantities of other individual soldier equipment.


I quoted the source also, plz reply if u have sensable and reasonable answer else stop flaming. All we have purchase only from USA more then 5 Billion +.......and u there are more weapons purchased from France, China ,Sweden Brazil etc......that also have huge cost.
So PAK bought them, if u think PAK hav no money.

Reply with responsibilitiy and logicaly else shut ur mouth
Again Speculation that it might be Yours.... You guys are good at dreaming, while India is Making and Buying it, you guys Speculate that JXx will be Yours and have also Fixed the timeline of your delivery... You guys are fast Indeed
So you're going to trump Richard Fisher? He is an actual paid analyst who has access to way more sources of stats and info than the vast majority of us here...and he said "Some reports also suggest that the J-10B is primarily intended to meet a requirement from Pakistan. These modifications point to the J-10 having evolved rapidly toward a 4+ generation level of capability." It is funny how the discussion shifted from FC-20 being/not being a 4+/4.5 generation fighter to FGFA and 5th. generation fighters...Indian point-dodging magic at work.

You know... I was "speculating" back in 2004-2005 that PAF will get Block-52 F-16s...I was "speculating" only in 2007 that FC-20 will be a heavy upgraded variant of J-10. People familiar with my "speculations" will testify as to the results today...why? Because my speculations are based on what real analysts have said, such as Richard Fisher, and some deductive reasoning - nothing out of the ordinary. Just think about it...can anyone in 2004 have imagined that PAF will be getting the F-16s with CFTs and dorsal spines? Really?
Lets assume the J-XX will be feilded in 2016, the only problems is if it does get feilded it will be the first batch; further, it would likely take time to set up factories where they can quickly and officiently produce the aircraft, the problem here is that stealth aircraft are difficult and timely to produce, also the Chinese would likely fulfill their orders before they would offer any for export.

Russki its not written anywhere that we have to field our 5th gen answer to india the same year they would be fielding .

There could be a difference of few years which we wont worry about.
Come on I never said that..... The Only thing I said is, You cannot Have air superiority over Us in a war....

100% true. With in given resources Pakistan's doctrine will be focused on defensive role. I do not see that they have other option.

All post above are talking about 15 ~25 years from now… hopeless
100% true. With in given resources Pakistan's doctrine will be focused on defensive role. I do not see that they have other option.

All post above are talking about 15 ~25 years from now… hopeless

In war only fighter jets would not be envolved there would be missiles......that will play the role in ur terroritory........

Missiles in PAK are not for decoration, y dont u people understand this :hitwall:
If Mkis are not able to cross border so please think about your aircrafts :lol:

They can try at least:coffee:

What will happen to them or to their Air bases is another question.
Here is a "speculation" of mine on PakDef from August 2007:
I asked tphuang a lot of questions about J-10 (I think he may have been annoyed at one point hehe). His understanding is that PAF is interested in the the next block of J-10 currently in development in CAC - it will be test flown late this year or early next. He said we can expect airframe and structural changes along side commonly mentioned upgrades. Though I didn't ask him whether this variant could super-cruise, his view is that the J-10-series is capable of it. IMO the J-10 upgrade could more or less be considered the Super-10 fighter we've heard about on Janes and other sources. The FC-20 will have to be a solid and firm counter to the IAF MRCA, so that's my root reasoning of it being Super-10/variant of J-10 significantly superior to the current series.
J10/FC-20 and PAF doctrine
aid and sellers credit if am Not wrong...If You cant deny it, Shut your mouth.

Open ur eyes , I have also quoted the price and source which we paid ...........Stop flamming Toad

Do u think USA, France, China , Swden , Brazil are selling weapons like F-16 block 52, Saab etc as an AID or Credits.
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