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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

Well then ballons are also not reliable.What if our super fighter jet car came back with the wind;)
What will we name them economo, suzujet:rofl:

Szu superjet will b a stealth aircraft :police:we will use balloons instead of wings and rudders to reduce weight so enemy radars cant detect them ....man understand the logic lol
i think we purchase F-15E strike eagle or Saab gripen same under tot.
f-15 Silent eagle best option

bt it would be better if we join J-xx program rather then buying any american aircraft
F15 Silent Eagle would be a deadly addition.

But chances of USA selling them to Pakistan are virtually nil
F15 Silent Eagle would be a deadly addition.

But chances of USA selling them to Pakistan are virtually nil

Infact the issue with Buying silent Eagle is not that if US will sell them To Pakistan or not the issue is the lack of trust between two countries and lack of Funds from Pakistan side.

We have been flying American built machines for over 60 years , where as India is yet to fly one.;)

We have had top of the Line US built fighters which US was using itself at that time.

F-86 sabre

F/A 18 Hornet was offered to Pakistan But we Rejected it.
F-20 Tiger shark.


If we want to buy F-15 silent Eagle there would be no opposition from US but the issues are those that i stated above.

When You all Are discussing Possible answers here, India is already Selecting its fighters, do You think Pakistan will spend A few $ Countering each and every weapon we make or Buy??

Can Pakistan Afford to even counter Indian Developments???? The Answer is Big -NO-
To be frank, India was supposedly "already selecting its fighters" for its '126' requirement before I joined high school...and now...I'm finishing my bachelors degree. Granted the MRCA will be a credible threat and perhaps even deterrence to a preemptive offensive by Pakistan...but the same will hold true for PAF's arsenal of FC-20, F-16 and JF-17 against IAF.

The Chinese now have some good birds to sell against Russian/Western goods, get over it.
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Hey Iam Not here to troll, if you dont like What i said, ignore it... there are other potential readers who can say if Pakistan can afford it or not.... And its not that I dont know to Give your Jaw Breaking answer, but its only that if you do the same its argument, and If I do, Its a troll.....
That had nothing to do with my point...which was simply stating that (a) PAF has already selected its set of top-tier 4+/4.5 gen fighters - F-16 & FC-20 - and that (b) IAF is in fact the one still in the process of "deciding", and has been "deciding" since at least 2003-2004. By the end of this year, the PAF will have inducted two new fighter types, two AEW&C types, refueling aircraft, and acquire a range of new capabilities such as precision ground strike and data-link interface. The urgency of IAF's acquisitions was far more threatening in 2004 when I was in Grade 9, than it will be in Fall 2010 as I start law school.

In any case, the PAF's counter to IAF's MRCA will be a variant of J-10B, and like it or not, China's current line of fighters are sufficient in their performance and technology to assume this vital task. PAF has already lined up its next fighter (FC-20), and there are now reports about it seeking as many as 150 of these aircraft. That said, the PAF also has the option to pursue additional upgrades of its F-16s in the form of perhaps AESA radars (such as SABR and RACR), or next-gen ECM/EW suites, etc in the next decade or so.

I think we all need to accept that IAF fighters such as SU-30MKI and MRCA are not invincible, nor are they guided by a magical fairy that will infinitely make them superior to *anything* PAF fields. Accept the reality that PAF has finally treaded itself into the stable position of thwarting IAF air dominance in the region. Yes Pakistan has financial troubles, but don't make it to seem that it is destitute - otherwise the aforementioned inductions will not be taking place. And please, don't cut with me crap about "American aid'...BS...aid money to Pakistan cannot possibly cover the scale of acquisitions in the form of subsystems and training needed to operationalize ALL the above.

PS: If you think I am a Pakistani patriot, then you're dead wrong...some of the senior most members here will be familiar with my notoriety of being critical about Pakistan's present establishment, the role of its military, its relationship with U.S. and China, and even at times its founders. That said, I do have enough research and knowledge of the PAF under my belt to tell you that it is indeed a very professional and contemporary organization. And finally, get over your bias (latent or active) of Chinese equipment...
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When You all Are discussing Possible answers here, India is already Selecting its fighters, do You think Pakistan will spend A few $ Countering each and every weapon we make or Buy??

Can Pakistan Afford to even counter Indian Developments???? The Answer is Big -NO-

buying lavishly -- and buying intelligently to counter it are 2 seperate things.--

counties talk about a lavish missile shield, pak went for relatively low cost yet deadly missile development project.

with our awacs supported aircrafts in our own airspace , trust me we are fine! -- we know our airspace , we know our terrain , our plus points -- we know how to exploit them , not only with sams but different menouvres including anti bvr menouveres which we are doing for years plus cruise missiles loaded to most of our aircrafts etc

if the mrca was a done deal 5 years back , then pak had a problem , particularly in offencive stategy--paf went for low teck fc1 alongwith j10a

the indian mrca deal - it got delayed-- paf knew what aircrafts india is looking for--

paf drew its requirements , upgraded the fc1 to jf17 which can easily be pitted against blk30 f16 , if not blk 40 alongwith mirage2000 , early mig29 --- instead of inducting j10a , came up with fc20 -- tot transfer was also in the news those days--

do some research while trolling here -- when you eventually get your mrca , our jf17 blk 2 alongwith fc20 will already be in our skies:pakistan:
That had nothing to do with my point...which was simply stating that (a) PAF has already selected its set of top-tier 4+/4.5 gen fighters - F-16 & FC-20 - and that IAF is in fact the one still in the process of "deciding", and has been "deciding" since at least 2003-2004.

May I know what are those top 4.5 gen aircrafts which PAF selected
F-16 and Jf-17 are getting Inducted much slower combined to the rate at which our suk 30 is getting Inducted.F-16 and FC-20 are not 4.5 gen aircrafts...

In any case, the PAF's counter to IAF's MRCA will be a variant of J-10B, and like it or not, China's current line of fighters are sufficient in their performance and technology for this vital task. PAF has already lined up its next fighter (FC-20), and there are now reports about it seeking as many as 150 of these aircraft . That said, the PAF also has the option to pursue additional upgrades of its F-16s in the form of perhaps AESA radars (such as SABR and RACR), or next-gen ECM/EW suites, etc in the next decade or so.

J-10 even if offered ,can pakistan afford it With such a fragile economy and Or if its on sellers credit everyone can afford, Iam asking Pakistans capability to buy not lend hands....And reports do come and go, there were even reports that USA is willing to Offer F-35's to India. Does that mean India is getting ready to buy them??? And IAF has already lined up for MMRCA ,FGFA,LCAMK1 and mk2 If you ask me....

And Sukhoi 30 is already undergoing Upgrades, Smart skin and AESA radars are the two vital Upgrades in it,

I think we all need to accept that IAF fighters such as SU-30MKI and MRCA are not invincible, nor are they guided by a magical fairy that will infinitely make them superior to *anything* PAF fields. Fact of the matter is, the PAF has finally treaded itself into the stable position of thwarting IAF air dominance in the region.

PAF cannot dream of countering Indian air superiority fighters such as Suk 30 MKI,Mig 29,LCA tejas,MMRCA and FGFA with Some of your J-10B,JF-17 and F-16, And India is going for both quality and Quantity, Pakistan has Limitations and India dosent.... Pakistan at this Point of time cannot go for twin engined aircrafts, as its management cost will trigger Your fun Crisis....

And More over we are not only buying but also have Detailed projects for Our Own R&D....
When You all Are discussing Possible answers here, India is already Selecting its fighters, do You think Pakistan will spend A few $ Countering each and every weapon we make or Buy??

Can Pakistan Afford to even counter Indian Developments???? The Answer is Big -NO-

i agree with your post to a certain extent.

Here is my view.

F-16A/B (MLU M3 Upgrade = Block 52 standard)

F-16C/D Block 52+

To counter MKI - MiG -29 Upgrades-MMRCA

Desired Fighters : 100 (According to My sources in PAF)
Fielding Date: By 2013-2014

FC-20: J-10B variant specifically Designed and Upgraded for PAF Needs to Counter MKI and MMRCA .

It may have an AESA Radar , CFT's , RIFRP , More weapons stations , WS-10 Engine , Reduced RCS , DSI's etc , in other words tailored to Match anything IAF fields.

Desired Numbers: 150
Deliveries from : 2013-2014

JF-17 Thunder: 3 Blocks to Counter LCA and Migs .
Desired Numbers: 350

Total strength: 600+ Air crafts.

Moreover , Y-8 AWACS , SAAB-2000 Erie , IL-76 refulers , SPADA -2000 SAMs , HQ-09E.

Its Enough to Counter IAF since we have a defensive doctrine for the Air Force.

All we need to worry about is T-50.

PAF cannot dream of countering Indian air superiority fighters
such as Suk 30 MKI,Mig 29,LCA tejas,MMRCA and FGFA with Some of your J-10B,JF-17 and F-16,

Not including the FGFA (wait till testing is over and IOC issued), why not?

Though I am pretty sure this question has been asked and answered several times on multiple threads.
May I know what are those top 4.5 gen aircrafts which PAF selected
F-16 and Jf-17 are getting Inducted much slower combined to the rate at which our suk 30 is getting Inducted.F-16 and FC-20 are not 4.5 gen aircrafts...
Please tell me what fundamental systems a 4.5. generation fighter has that FC-20/F-16 wouldn't? Lets hear it, I was waiting to see what special features these 4.5 gen fighters have that no PAF fighter (surprise surprise) could ever have. Let us finally see how PAF manages to fall through the cracks of technology's advances, and let us finally see the wisdom and irony of how contemporary tech equates to obsolesce in PAF's hands.
J-10 even if offered ,can pakistan afford it With such a fragile economy and Or if its on sellers credit everyone can afford, Iam asking Pakistans capability to buy not lend hands....And reports do come and go, there were even reports that USA is willing to Offer F-35's to India. Does that mean India is getting ready to buy them??? And IAF has already lined up for MMRCA ,FGFA,LCAMK1 and mk2 If you ask me....
Unlike the F-35 offer to India, PAF has had a vested hand of some sort within the J-10B program. Whether it actually funded the development or set the specifications irrelevant, what is actually known present is that J-10B is directed towards the PAF. I doubt anyone would actually invest money, time and manpower into a program for a specific customer if it was known that the customer cannot in its present form afford the system.

Yes, PAF cannot acquire J-10B in the short and immediate term - but I doubt many forces can given the nature of PAF's work these days, ranging from engaging in heavy COIN operations to inducting large-scale systems and revamping its communication and information management & transfer systems.
And Sukhoi 30 is already undergoing Upgrades, Smart skin and AESA radars are the two vital Upgrades in it,
So is it 4.5 generation or what?
PAF cannot dream of countering Indian air superiority fighters such as Suk 30 MKI,Mig 29,LCA tejas,MMRCA and FGFA with Some of your J-10B,JF-17 and F-16, And India is going for both quality and Quantity, Pakistan has Limitations and India dosent.... Pakistan at this Point of time cannot go for twin engined aircrafts, as its management cost will trigger Your fun Crisis....
Again, show us some fundamental differences between MKI/MiG-29/MMRCA/LCA and the F-16/FC-20/JF-17. When I mean fundamental, I actually want to see how the IAF set of aircraft trump their PAF equivalents in specific terms. General statements are useless, show us some specific details. As for FGFA, that fighter is still under development and years away from initial induction...IAF hasn't even begun inducting MMRCA and is barely scraping through with LCA...anything quick would imply that FGFA can enter service before MMRCA, which I think we can both agree is ridiculous.
buying lavishly -- and buying intelligently to counter it are 2 seperate things.--

Thats why we are taking 4-5 years deciding what is the best package for IAF in MMRCA, and that too by not Delaying the pace of Our R&D and production/Purchase of Suk 30 MKI

counties talk about a lavish missile shield, pak went for relatively low cost yet deadly missile development project.

Anything with more range,Speed,Deadliness Is Not lavish, its called Intelligence, and A good R&D and better Infrastructure, no one Buys weapons for Lavishness.

with our awacs supported aircrafts in our own airspace , trust me we are fine! -- we know our airspace , we know our terrain , our plus points -- we know how to exploit them , not only with sams but different menouvres including anti bvr menouveres which we are doing for years plus cruise missiles loaded to most of our aircrafts etc

So?? the point is, Our Sukhoi 30 MKI by itself can act as an AWAC fighter..... You are fine or not, and thats not my Issue.... the issue is Speculation and based on that creating a virtual fight over the machines which we are buying and the machines which People in Pakistan's cyber world are willing to buy..

And When the ballistic missile is flying over you, You will wish that if Our govt had spent of ABM's

if the mrca was a done deal 5 years back , then pak had a problem , particularly in offencive stategy--paf went for low teck fc1 alongwith j10a

Nop, If we had bought MMRCA before 5 years, it would have been a loss, as We arw bing offered better packages now, and we would Speed up our Induction, As HAL Kanpur and Bangalore are ready for this....

the indian mrca deal - it got delayed-- paf knew what aircrafts india is looking for--

And Still cannot do Anything about it....

paf drew its requirements , upgraded the fc1 to jf17 which can easily be pitted against blk30 f16 , if not blk 40 alongwith mirage2000 , early mig29 --- instead of inducting j10a , came up with fc20 -- tot transfer was also in the news those days--

And we doubled the speed of Induction of Suk 30 MKI, isnt that smarter?

do some research while trolling here -- when you eventually get your mrca , our jf17 blk 2 alongwith fc20 will already be in our skies:pakistan:

By the time You Jf-17's blk 2 flies Sukhoi 30 Upgraded would be ready.... and FC-20?? Is pakistan buying J-10? any contracts Signed???
May I know what are those top 4.5 gen aircrafts which PAF selected
F-16 and Jf-17 are getting Inducted much slower combined to the rate at which our suk 30 is getting Inducted.F-16 and FC-20 are not 4.5 gen aircrafts...

J-10 even if offered ,can pakistan afford it With such a fragile economy and Or if its on sellers credit everyone can afford, Iam asking Pakistans capability to buy not lend hands....And reports do come and go, there were even reports that USA is willing to Offer F-35's to India. Does that mean India is getting ready to buy them??? And IAF has already lined up for MMRCA ,FGFA,LCAMK1 and mk2 If you ask me....

And Sukhoi 30 is already undergoing Upgrades, Smart skin and AESA radars are the two vital Upgrades in it,

PAF cannot dream of countering Indian air superiority fighters such as Suk 30 MKI,Mig 29,LCA tejas,MMRCA and FGFA with Some of your J-10B,JF-17 and F-16, And India is going for both quality and Quantity, Pakistan has Limitations and India dosent.... Pakistan at this Point of time cannot go for twin engined aircrafts, as its management cost will trigger Your fun Crisis....

And More over we are not only buying but also have Detailed projects for Our Own R&D....


''LCA TEGAS---Nop, If we had bought MMRCA before 5 years, it would have been a loss, as We arw bing offered better packages now, and we would Speed up our Induction, As HAL Kanpur and Bangalore are ready for this....''

well , when the same token is used by paf , you say paf hasent done anything

jf17 will be coproduced for paf in 2 countries , plus its output will increase on both 2 assembly lines aswell.

the reason the production is relatively slow is not due to financial constraints , rather upgrading the exhisting j10b even further -- check j10b aesa radar structural changes in j10 airframe-----

The Dragon's New Claws: The J-10B Emerging - Grande Strategy

he J-10B appears as the next iteration of China's vaunted 4th Generation fighter and looks to take the J-10 to the 4.5 Generation level.

The differences that have been identified from the earlier J-10 include a DSI intake, similar to the one on the FC-1/JF-17.
The nose is now oval, more similar to an F-16's and is slightly canted downwards.
The wide angle HUD featured on the J-11Bs seem to have also appeared on the J-10B.
An IRST similar to the J-11Bs also feature on top of the nose. Slanted radome paint along with some of the other features suggest an AESA radar.

whats your definition of 4.5 gen aircrafts? im curious-

do u know anything about fc20? -- NO -- so dont talk about a jet which u dont know of-- get info from our f16 pilots who are flying it and are an integral part of upgrading and testing phase of j10b

j10a was also pitted against su27-- go to chinese boards youll get the results
The PLAAF expects to have 50 J-10s by 2005. The J-10, displayed at an air show in May, has received rave reviews from the pilots flying them. Wing Commander Wang Yunhui, a special-grade Su-27 pilot, praised J-10 aircraft and admitted, "During three rounds of "dog fight" in the mid-air, his Su-27 had lost to a J-10 fighter" (Hong Kong Sing Tao Jih Pao 29 May).
Rising Airpower: The People's Liberation Army Air Force in the Early 21st Century

a year ago you were sceptical about our blk 50 , awacs induction becuase of the same 'financial constaints'
dont burden your mind with our financial problems

if an american f117 can be downed by relatively low tech armies , then your jets are not invincible at all

---im done e feeding this troll---
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