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PAF's possible answer to MRCA


will you stay on topic plz.

and for ur kind info..................China is not enemy of India.
Russia is still worlds top most military power

stop trolling and stick to topic:devil:

lol :devil: russians are top military power :P which was destroyed in afghanistan :disagree: chinese didnt loose any war since there independence
lol 1971 war was on eastern boders where indians took advantage of internal problems of pakistan most coward indian army n east pakistan was surrounded by indian territory there was no supply line for east pak

so that should have been easier for china to intervene. But did they?
lol 1971 war was on eastern boders where indians took advantage of internal problems of pakistan most coward indian army n east pakistan was surrounded by indian territory there was no supply line for east pak

Whatever.. at the end of the day, the only thing that matter is result.
In next war you will say, we had internal problems due to TTP and WoT. We have hostile Afghans and Iran in the west and India in the east. India will block your naval supply lines and result will be same.

good.. I have provided you excuses for next the war so you don't need to work hard...have fun
Whatever.. at the end of the day, the only thing that matter is result.
In next war you will say, we had internal problems due to TTP and WoT. We have hostile Afghans and Iran in the west and India in the east. India will block your naval supply lines and result will be same.

good.. I have provided you excuses for next the war so you don't need to work hard...have fun

this time we dont need any war indians already have huge poverty bomb inside it which will bang them :azn:
this time we dont need any war indians already have huge poverty bomb inside it which will bang them :azn:

i dont understand you you talk about poverty in india but you guys are the ones going around the world with begging bowls
trolling at its best................now poverty bomb comes in:taz:

so u wana say indians dnt have 800 million poor ppl which are living on less then 2 dollars a day :what:

u talking about TTP which are few in numbers u forgeting naxals n other freedom fighters of india which are in millions :what:
i dont understand you you talk about poverty in india but you guys are the ones going around the world with begging bowls

we are not begging we are fighting war against terrorism which destroyed our whole economy .. we got damage of more than 38 billion dollars its responsibility of other nations to support us
You know this is why members here are such perfect suckers. A troll offers the bait, and presto.....hook, line and sinker! The thread is completely derailed and the purpose of the discussion is gone.

Can we get back to topic now? And please ignore the trolls
India will block your naval supply lines and result will be same.
When did in the past indian navy caused the blockade of Karachi and port qasim?Good plans for future war.Well you will need to include Gawadar as well.BLA is still unable to convince at least 3% of Baloch population which is the smallest province of Pakistan population vise.And uncle Sam won't be coming for help for their new strategic partner because they can't afford another front and that too involving Pakistan.
You know this is why members here are such perfect suckers. A troll offers the bait, and presto.....hook, line and sinker! The thread is completely derailed and the purpose of the discussion is gone.

Can we get back to topic now? And please ignore the trolls

yeah we can back to topic by bringing 250 indian FGFA's :cheesy:
aksi was eagerly w8ing for your coments buddy

and everybody the discussion is getting diverted,this topic is about PAF possible answer to MRCA not about what happend in 1971,its done and dusted,n for indians every day is not a sunday ,be back on track and discuss about the real topic

Botton Line is India is still planning for MRCA....so no need to panic
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has deferred the purchase of state of the art fighter J-10 planes from China till test flights.

Defence sources told Online Monday Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was taking interest in acquisition of state of the art J-10 fighter planes from China. Air Chief Marshall, Rao Qamar Suleman however during his briefing to the members of senate committee on defence told no formal decision had been taken so far to purchase these planes. �We are reviewing the matter. Until these planes are inducted in Chinese air fleet and they meet their targets and objectives during test flights then PAF will decide to purchase them that upto what extent these planes can prove productive for PAF �, he remarked.

Sources told PAF was facing lack of funds problem in the wake of tough economic situation. Therefore, PAF was completing its ongoing projects and these would be completed in time.However a clear decision with reference to J-10 planes would be made after their induction in Chinese air fleet and their performance in test flights.

THEIR ANSWER TO INDIAN MRCA WILL BE CRYING MOTHERS AND TEARS AND BLAMMING USA AND ANY1 THEY FIND NEAR THEM THEY CAN PUT BLAME ON.....INDIA IS GATHERING ITSELF FOR WAR AND OUR AIRFORCE IS MAKING CHOCES AS IF ALL COUNTRIES ARE READY TO SELL THEM. AND CHINA IS THE LEAST THEY WANT...we laugh at indians that they delay things rather then looking in our own...we hve not yet decided that which fighter we will buy....jf17 squadren waas spose to be ready in mid 2008 now end 2010.
THEIR ANSWER TO INDIAN MRCA WILL BE CRYING MOTHERS AND TEARS AND BLAMMING USA AND ANY1 THEY FIND NEAR THEM THEY CAN PUT BLAME ON.....INDIA IS GATHERING ITSELF FOR WAR AND OUR AIRFORCE IS MAKING CHOCES AS IF ALL COUNTRIES ARE READY TO SELL THEM. AND CHINA IS THE LEAST THEY WANT...we laugh at indians that they delay things rather then looking in our own...we hve not yet decided that which fighter we will buy....jf17 squadren waas spose to be ready in mid 2008 now end 2010.

can u plz tell me on which date this article was published ?
Ok, here is what i think Pakistan should do to counter Indian MMRCA:

1) Increase Air Defence: This goes without saying. I remember stories of how Indian MiG-25s flew uninterrupted over Pak territory. So current Pak air defence is lacking. Pak can try get advanced Air Defence Systems from China (S-400) or USA (PAC-3). This will limit effectiveness of MMRCA aircraft

2) Arrange for leasing: PAF should arrange an agreement to try lease aircraft from friendly nations in time of war. I dunno to what degree this will work, but since Pak has good relations with many Arab nations and most of them operate quality aircraft, this can bring some needed quality into PAF. But logistics might be a problem.

3) Invest more money in defence spending, and try get some high quality aircraft like F-16 block 60, F-35 or Gripen NG (I mention these since PAF almost always operate Single engined fighters). Effectiveness of J-10 is subject to speculation (I can't comment on this, since most J-10 info is classified). But if upgraded J-10 proves to be equal to or superior to F-16 blk 52, then they might do as well. But this option is not really viable unless Pak economy picks up.

4) Devise a plan to neutralise Indian fighters: Like air strikes on Indian airfields. Again success will depend on execution of the plan.

I think best will be a combination of all the above 4. but it will require some seriosu investment
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