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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

i thnk we must purchase Suzuki fx cars fit them with a WS-10 engine load some missiles on them,induct them in large number ,make them fly by ussing hundreds of balloons and then blast them in enemy's territory coz with our budget ths is the best option we can utilize
i thnk we must purchase Suzuki fx cars fit them with a WS-10 engine load some missiles on them,induct them in large number ,make them fly by ussing hundreds of balloons and then blast them in enemy's territory coz with our budget ths is the best option we can utilize

You forgot to attach the wings and rudders.Then these jet cars will look nice as well:D
Just for the sake of an idea.
What if we destroy all enemy forward bases with missile strikes(although we will have to counter s300 but that too will be on limited occasions) then most of the jets will be low on gas already before they wanna start their operation in Pakistan.:azn:
You forgot to attach the wings and rudders.Then these jet cars will look nice as well:D
Just for the sake of an idea.
What if we destroy all enemy forward bases with missile strikes(although we will have to counter s300 but that too will be on limited occasions) then most of the jets will be low on gas already before they wanna start their operation in Pakistan.:azn:

dun forget that balloons are much cheaper than wings .......n we cant afford them
dun forget that balloons are much cheaper than wings .......n we cant afford them
Well then ballons are also not reliable.What if our super fighter jet car came back with the wind;)
What will we name them economo, suzujet:rofl:
i thnk we must purchase Suzuki fx cars fit them with a WS-10 engine load some missiles on them,induct them in large number ,make them fly by ussing hundreds of balloons and then blast them in enemy's territory coz with our budget ths is the best option we can utilize

lols....reminds me of wacky races
Russians will sell there own mothers for the right price. Its all comes to the top brass someone needs to put pressure to get J-11.
J-10 is good no doubt but you cant compare lavi project vs J-11, J-11 is to superior. Have one SQD in Kamra one in Karachi and we are covered pretty much.

What the hell is this? I'm sure this is an international fourm, is it not?
I went through most of the post in this thread and found it very intersting.

PAK (or should I say Pakistan) should do nothing at all, by which means, IAF (or should I say India) will not attack/bother them. So, let IAF do whatever they want. Remain calm and Pakistan is in no harm at all :)
I went through most of the post in this thread and found it very intersting.

PAK (or should I say Pakistan) should do nothing at all, by which means, IAF (or should I say India) will not attack/bother them. So, let IAF do whatever they want. Remain calm and Pakistan is in no harm at all :)

Nah i think we should induct some sabers to do the job? shoot 5 indians in 1 minutes and get over with it :lol:
Yaar don't make fun of Pakistan's credibility at least thanks.

brother we are not making fun of PAKISTAN rather our leaders are making fun of this whole nation ...if a single person from general public says a single word against Pakistan v all stood up against him but when our corrupt leaders are looting our wealth and making fun of Pakistan infront of whole world no one stands up? r we dead souls???

Sorry for going off topic but cant resist myself
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