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PAF's possible answer to MRCA

LCA Tejas FGFA Question:

If you think that FGFA is going to challenge our national security or when having FGFA in arsenal would give you a capability to attack Pakistan and we wont be able to counter it , i must have to say you are living in some stupid paradise .

According to US reports Chinese are likely to field their JXX Stealth platform around 2016.

India wont be getting T-50 by 2018 neither Russians because that would be the year India would start getting deliveries which may complete in 5 years time , which means 2023.

Till that time PAF would have its Fifth generation platform , mark my words.

* sorry for feeding the troll.
LCA Tejas FGFA Question:

If you think that FGFA is going to challenge our national security or when having FGFA in arsenal would give you a capability to attack Pakistan and we wont be able to counter it , i must have to say you are living in some stupid paradise .

According to US reports Chinese are likely to field their JXX Stealth platform around 2016.

India wont be getting T-50 by 2018 neither Russians because that would be the year India would start getting deliveries which may complete in 5 years time , which means 2023.

Till that time PAF would have its Fifth generation platform , mark my words.

* sorry for feeding the troll.
There are reports of China initializing the development of a medium-weight 5th generation fighter to supplement its J-20. Sounds like a possible door PAF could enter in terms of 5th.gen fighters.

It is increasingly apparent that since the early 1990s China has also been simultaneously developing a 5th generation combat aircraft, a prototype of which may fly in 2010 or 2011. Chinese aerospace officials hint it will be as capable as the U.S. Lockheed Martin F-22A. There are also hints of interest in smaller medium weight 5th generation fighters, raising the possibility of a Hi-Lo 5th generation fighter mix.


As for J-10B:
At the end of 2008 Chinese reports emerged of a new variant of the J-10 testing at Chendgu, and images soon emerges of what is called the “J-10B,” which has a redesigned engine air intake, a new infrared search and tracking (IRST) device and what may be a new AESA radar. Russian sources suggest that an early Russian Phazotron Corporation AESA radar sold to China in the mid-1990s may have formed the basis for the new Chinese radar. Some reports also suggest that the J-10B is primarily intended to meet a requirement from Pakistan. These modifications point to the J-10 having evolved rapidly toward a 4+ generation level of capability. In 2005 a Russian estimated for the author that China might build up to 1,200 J-10s over its lifetime, while in late 2009 another Russian source stated that so far 300-400 AL-31FN engines had been purchased to support J-10 production. It is expected that Chengdu will integrate a version of the WS-10A Taihang turbofan into the J-10, while Russia hopes to sell more powerful versions of the AL-31FN.
LCA Tejas FGFA Question:

If you think that FGFA is going to challenge our national security or when having FGFA in arsenal would give you a capability to attack Pakistan and we wont be able to counter it , i must have to say you are living in some stupid paradise .

According to US reports Chinese are likely to field their JXX Stealth platform around 2016.

India wont be getting T-50 by 2018 neither Russians because that would be the year India would start getting deliveries which may complete in 5 years time , which means 2023.

Till that time PAF would have its Fifth generation platform , mark my words.

* sorry for feeding the troll.

Black Blood, JXX question:

India has signed a deal for 200 FGFA and 50 PAK-FA, even if FGFA takes time we would Get PAK FA in 2018, and India is a Partner in that program

And Development for Avionics and Designs for FGFA are in progress In ADA....

my Question to you is, Has J-XX been offered to you??? Why create a fuss that what ever chinese make are Yours Too??? And Who is living in a Stupids paradise, You or me,I am Speaking of what is going to happen, where as you are speaking of What might happen, how can these two co-Exist?

Sorry Mod, I was Intending to stop, but this Guy Just put His hands in my mouth and Got this Out of me...
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Black Blood, JXX question, India has signed a deal for 200 FGFA and 50 PAK-FA, even if FGFA takes time we would Get PAK FA in 2018, and India is a Partner in that program
India will not get PAK-FA/FGFA in 2018. Not going into how Indian timelines go with LCA and MMRCA...even without hiccups, FGFA will not be ready for IAF in 2018. As for whether China offered PAF a 5th generation fighter or not is irrelevant for us. PAF was finalizing details about ZDK03 many months before there was word about China putting up its AEW&C systems on the export market. That said, we now have reputable Western analysts leaning towards the possibility that J-10B - an entire development program - was geared for PAF. So why - with all this in the background - will there be doubt over PAF pursuing a 5th generation option with China? Especially when there is now word of China developing a second 5th generation fighter to serve as a mainstay in a hi/lo mix of 5th. gen fighters.
PAF cannot dream of countering Indian air superiority fighters such as Suk 30 MKI,Mig 29,LCA tejas,MMRCA and FGFA with Some of your J-10B,JF-17 and F-16, And India is going for both quality and Quantity, Pakistan has Limitations and India dosent.... Pakistan at this Point of time cannot go for twin engined aircrafts, as its management cost will trigger Your fun Crisis....

And More over we are not only buying but also have Detailed projects for Our Own R&D....

Every nation has a right to dream and keep some aspirations to achieve something. It could be economical progress, having credible offensive or defensive power or at least a deterrence. It’s true that Pakistan now cannot simply go and buy hundreds of advance fighters. But they have skills, brain they will definitely go for the best option which suits their doctrine and lies with in given limitation of available funds or other resources.

It is also true that we are not going to attack (we cannot afford it now and risk development) our neighbor at least no in near future. So they have time to recover and comeback strong once thing there (internally) are in good shape and economy picks up.
There are reports of China initializing the development of a medium-weight 5th generation fighter to supplement its J-20. Sounds like a possible door PAF could enter in terms of 5th.gen fighters.


As for J-10B:


Thanks Mark:

Some PAF sources suggest the same thing as you are doing right now.
One of my guys in PAF has been closely related to J-10A and Described FC-20 "As Capable as F-16 Block 60 , F/A-18 Super Hornet , SU-30 MKI".

As for participation is concerned , Pakistani engineers have long been in china for this program they helped Chinese in Cockpit design of J-11B too.

All i have been told with no specific details that i can post is that FC-20 is "Tailored" to meet all High tech requirements of Pakistan Air Force.

As for 5th Generation developments in China , the chinese are working on Multiple platform which means that they are not developing just one 5th generation platform but more than one .

It includes heavy class ie F-22A and medium Ie F-35 JSF.
India will not get PAK-FA/FGFA in 2018. We've seen how Indian timelines go with LCA and MMRCA, don't assume that somehow FGFA will be the same. As for whether China offered PAF a 5th generation fighter or not is irrelevant for us. PAF was finalizing details about ZDK03 years before there was word about China putting up its AEW&C systems on the export market. That said, we have reputable Western analysts leaning towards the possibility that J-10B - an entire development program - was geared for PAF...so why should a prospective 5th generation fighter be any different all of a sudden?

Again Speculation that it might be Yours.... You guys are good at dreaming, while India is Making and Buying it, you guys Speculate that JXx will be Yours and have also Fixed the timeline of your delivery... You guys are fast Indeed
LCA Tejas FGFA Question:

If you think that FGFA is going to challenge our national security or when having FGFA in arsenal would give you a capability to attack Pakistan and we wont be able to counter it , i must have to say you are living in some stupid paradise .

According to US reports Chinese are likely to field their JXX Stealth platform around 2016.

India wont be getting T-50 by 2018 neither Russians because that would be the year India would start getting deliveries which may complete in 5 years time , which means 2023.

Till that time PAF would have its Fifth generation platform , mark my words.

* sorry for feeding the troll.

Lets assume the J-XX will be feilded in 2016, the only problems is if it does get feilded it will be the first batch; further, it would likely take time to set up factories where they can quickly and officiently produce the aircraft, the problem here is that stealth aircraft are difficult and timely to produce, also the Chinese would likely fulfill their orders before they would offer any for export.
Let me conclude by saying this.... This thread is just pointless speculation as what can be bought... But forgetting an Important tool which pakistan lacks MONEY.... and whats the use speculating in a foum, Does it serve any purpose?
Black Blood, JXX question:

India has signed a deal for 200 FGFA and 50 PAK-FA, even if FGFA takes time we would Get PAK FA in 2018, and India is a Partner in that program

Proof of India getting PAK-FA in 2018 Please.
India is a 25% partner in the Program.

my Question to you is, Has J-XX been offered to you??? Why create a fuss that what ever chinese make are Yours Too???

PAF will go for 5th Generation platform to counter IAF's capability and Since we know that China is building its platforms not only to meet PLAAF requirements but also to cater for export orders.

Is every Chinese Product ours ?? Yes it is.


F-6 Farmer -F-6 Rebuild factory PAC
FT-05 Trainer
K-08 Advance Jet Trainer-Co developed
JF-17 Thunder-Co Developed
L-15 Advance jet trainer-TOPT

Pakistan is the Biggest Defense partner of China and one has got to be a fool to believe that Pakistan wont be able to access Its latest Platform.

J-10 Being the workhorse of PLAAF is making its way to PAF the first ever country to use their mainstay fighter same is the case with L-15 Trainer.

And Who is living in a Stupids paradise, You or me,I am Speaking of what is going to happen, where as you are speaking of What might happen, how can these two co-Exist?

Time will decide.

Sorry Mod, I was Intending to stop, but this Guy Just put His hands in my mouth and Got this Out of me...

sorry if i did so.
LCA Tejas It will certainly be a bad day for you when PAF shots down first SU30MKI.Your ego will go down very fast.Let's hope IAF also thinks like you that PAF cannot counter any IAF Jet.
LCA Tejas FGFA Question:

If you think that FGFA is going to challenge our national security or when having FGFA in arsenal would give you a capability to attack Pakistan and we wont be able to counter it , i must have to say you are living in some stupid paradise .

According to US reports Chinese are likely to field their JXX Stealth platform around 2016.

India wont be getting T-50 by 2018 neither Russians because that would be the year India would start getting deliveries which may complete in 5 years time , which means 2023.

Till that time PAF would have its Fifth generation platform , mark my words.

* sorry for feeding the troll.

Sir, First of all when you start believe on US report ????
I dont think they are able to make Jxx before 2020 lets take it 2018 so if we go by same procedure so they need another 8 years to fully develop it . so they are able to make it in 2026 and as Pakistan is not partner in that program so who can you able to take your first aircraft before 2032 ..

I m just going by your procedure as u write in your post .
☪☪☪☪;917786 said:
LCA Tejas It will certainly be a bad day for you when PAF shots down first SU30MKI.Your ego will go down very fast.Let's hope IAF also thinks like you that PAF cannot counter any IAF Jet.

Come on I never said that..... The Only thing I said is, You cannot Have air superiority over Us in a war....
☪☪☪☪;917786 said:
LCA Tejas It will certainly be a bad day for you when PAF shots down first SU30MKI.Your ego will go down very fast.Let's hope IAF also thinks like you that PAF cannot counter any IAF Jet.

Day time dreams never come true.
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