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PAF & Turkish Pilots Sporting Indian ''Kill'' Patches



Incase someone missed the point, patches are worn and exchanged only when there is a military alliance between nations, when they fight together in war and train together in peace ...
This must be a troubling sign for Indian government
Incase someone missed the point, patches are worn and exchanged only when there is a military alliance between nations, when they fight together in war and train together in peace ...
This must be a troubling sign for Indian government

IIRC Turkish airforce have a pilot/instructor exchange program with PAF.
They could have shown any Indian aircraft like Mirage 2000 and mig 29 but they are only highlighting the two aircraft's which were actually shot down,thus confirmed RIP Sukhoi,
They don't wanna reveal their tactics and strategies which they develop after so much hard work at CCS,after 5-10 years they might reveal it.
You can have proof released without disclosing those. The moment plane was going down could be shown. Also it's number and other things.
I consider it as PAF officially claiming SU30 kill and as a Pakistani I believe them 100%. But for international community and neutral observers some proof should be put forth. I think some evidence from PAF will presented inshAllah.
What do you thini would had happened to other two Pilots?
Please elaborate how? sorry I d,nt understand technical language of air force........
This picture confirms that these patches are official. Which in turn officially confirms SU-30 kill from PAF.

This is as close to an official confirmation as you are going to get from PAF.
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