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PAF & Turkish Pilots Sporting Indian ''Kill'' Patches

You can have proof released without disclosing those. The moment plane was going down could be shown. Also it's number and other things.

The shooting took place from long distance. Only radar scope pictures are available, but the data on them is classified. It cannot be released.




Actually Indians themselves confirmed it by showing AIM-120 C-5....An exploded BVR missile ,,,certainly that hit something.. Now that can't be a Truck on the road.
Most probably it was a Sukhoi,,
Actually Indians themselves confirmed it by showing AIM-120 C-5....An exploded BVR missile ,,,certainly that hit something.. Now that can't be a Truck on the road.
Most probably it was a Sukhoi,,

U mean air truck...

For 10 years indians used to call JF 17 pakistani junk... rude awakening for them ...

Allah has his own way of destroying arrogance ...

May Pakiatan always stay humble but show perseverance and utmost strike that it’s enemeis think twice before doing something stupid
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