Dude, are you drunk from a New Year party? I am not sure if anyone of your posts are making sense today. The PAF may not have seen combat in terms of REALLY destroying an enemy jet. But the PAF has participated in many, many exercises, which are battle scenarios and do require firing missiles and gun in simulation mode, but no one dies.
The Red Flag is the mother of all exercises. It provides about 90% real combat scenarios and war like situations. There was the Red Flag, the Green Flag, a few with Turkey (also multinational), then the UK, China, KSA, other Middle Easter countries, the UN, etc. So their tactics and expertise get polished in each exercise. Then, there has been the campaign against the Talibans. Actual combat and with the current precision bombing. So these strike missions are super important also. After the US, Israel, the UK.....IMO Pakistan's air force has the most combat experience.
No, but I think you're drunk. Celebrating new year a bit too early?
"The PAF may not have seen combat in terms of REALLY destroying an enemy jet. But the PAF has participated in many, many exercises, which are battle scenarios and do require firing missiles and gun in simulation mode, but no one dies."
Let me use your own words, with a word or two edits, to ensure that it is easy for you to understand.
Are you saying the Chinese do not participate in many, many exercises, which are battle scenarios and do require firing missiles and gun in simulation mode, but no one dies? Actually yes, Chinese do do that. As a matter of fact, they're a rich nation and can afford to do that far more than PAF.
And you really need to study a bit of history before coming here and start commenting nonsense. Because, "The PAF may not have seen combat in terms of REALLY destroying an enemy jet." What the hell do you mean by "REALLY" destroying enemy jet? Was Pakistan shooting down paper planes during the war with India in 65/71?
"The Red Flag is the mother of all exercises. It provides about 90% real combat scenarios and war like situations. There was the Red Flag, the Green Flag, a few with Turkey (also multinational), then the UK, China, KSA, other Middle Easter countries, the UN, etc. So their tactics and expertise get polished in each exercise."
Indeed and the Chinese Air Force practices very little. In fact, it just goes on youtube to watch PAF videos. How many pilots are there for PAF? Now how many are there for China? Far more. This means, as more people working for an air force, the greater experience it has (collaboration).
Oh and a further proof for your lack of knowledge:
Information Dissemination: Evolution of PLAAF doctrine/training "During the past year, PLAAF has held exercises with Turkey and Pakistan. " and
PLAAF stages 'Red Flag' exercise in northwest China|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
"Then, there has been the campaign against the Talibans."
Are you shitting me? Do talibans fly jets? I specifically said in many posts here that the last time we had active real air combat was during soviet war in Afghanistan, which occurred 26 years ago. After that, we've been hit by sanctions. We didn't fight during Kargil war. We have done only ground offensive vs taliban and finally, we failed to react during Abbotabad operation.
So indeed you're drunk. I said there was no air to air combat after the soviet and ask for proof if I was wrong. You come here to reference taliban. Again, do taliban have jets? Let me quote myself " In recent history, we did fail to detect the abbotabad operation by US. If there is, please link.
Experience being jets vs jets, not the current war on terror."
"After the US, Israel, the UK.....IMO Pakistan's air force has the most combat experience"
Yeah, in your own opinion. Because hey, Russian air force doesn't have more combat experience. Neither does China or India and so forth. Cuz come on, China/Russia or India hasn't fought more battles and thus lack the experience. Oh and let's not forget France. Their airforce also lacks combat experience.
If facts offend you, that's really not my problem. I'm not making excuses, I'm telling you the facts, nothing more.
Another fact, everyone (and I mean everyone) on this thread is telling you that you're wrong, with many providing to you evidence of why you're wrong, yet you don't seem to be budging from your position. I know it's hard to admit that you're wrong, but you can just end this conversation right now. It's not that hard, just stop typing.
Huh, we actually agree on something. Maybe it's the new year spirit?
Facts offend me? Oh come on. A war that was fought 26 years ago carries modern aircrafts but a war that was fought 15 years prior to that one is an old one? Sorry, but in today's world, there are these missles (fire and forget) as well as jets seeing jets from hundreds of KMs away. These are modern aircrafts. A jet cannot do a dog fight or practice 26 year ago experience if it gets blown up before it gets even close. (here's your words "The Soviet-Afghan war isn't even that old, in fact, it's still very relevant today for lessons to be learned with modern air crafts. ")
Another fact for you, I have been agreeing with points. I agreed with Horus. So I'm not some "screw you all, i'm right here" person. What did you come up with anyway. Instead of posting facts, like Horus did, you said "PAF would win 10/10 times. That's not to say that PLAAF pilots are bad, they just lack experience." Yeah, PLAAF lacks experience and PAF wins 10/10 (even 8/10 is exaggeration). Any facts to prove they lack it? Because the fact is, they fought in Vietnam, a 20 year long battle, and they fought in Korea, against a massive coalition.