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PAF shoot down IAF SU-30 MKI l News & Discussion

I am feeling like ISPR will be doing another conference with more details and maybe another pilot with Su-30 kill. Its in Pakistan's interest to show the SU-30MKI kill because:

1. Completely discredits IAF
2. More importantly completely discredits Modi's gov
3. Easy to forward the narrative that Modi gov tried to disown their own.
4. Indian people have high feelings for their troops, #3 means he will massively lose support
5. For peace efforts we don't want terrorist like Modi ruling India
6. Unrelated to India but SU-30MKI kill would bolster JF-17 sale and exports.

So if we want peace, which surely can't happen under Modi, completely destroying the trust people have in Modi's gov is important. And nothing can destroy trust in them than showing that indeed there was a 2nd Indian aircraft destroyed, and HOPEFULLY we have another pilot in custody to prove it (as Indians will say video evidence was edited/fake)

This would be a great opportunity to destroy Modi's gov. Of course this is only if we have indisputable evidence.

This is precisely why they are waiting. They may release the truth a day before election day, or even perhaps that morning.

You don't want to push a psychopathic terrorist like Modi against the wall; the truth coming out will put his entire political future on the line, and he will be predisposed to doing something VERY dangerous and reckless, risking all out war.
I mean, if one of our Thunders did indeed shoot down an SU-30MKI, we may as well have initiated a full scale Air Superiority mission to inflict substantial damage to IAF.
we are in no way any position to do any such thing our economy is running on fumes and it would lead to a full scale war that we cannot afford.
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PAF is gonna troll them in due time, they're giving Indians enough time to buy their governments propaganda and once things settle down, they'll hopefully release details & footage of the second jet :p: let's see how Indians deal with that.
for this we will have to wait for new Song by PAF and in that the max they will show will a glimpse of 1 sec of that encounter
we are in no way any position to do any such thing our economy is running on fumes and it would lead to a full scale war that we cannot afford.

Air Superiority over IAF would automatically translate into air dominance and PAF strike missions on Indian Military and Indian Navy movements. If the sky is ours, we can wreak havoc over the enemy and it is a position in which India would not want itself so it would not have initiated open hostilities.........and Kashmir issue could potentially be resolved once and for all.
Air Superiority over IAF would automatically translate into air dominance and PAF strike missions on Indian Military and Indian Navy movements. If the sky is ours, we can wreak havoc over the enemy and it is a position in which India would not want itself so it would not have initiated open hostilities.........and Kashmir issue could potentially be resolved once and for all.
Economy cant sustain it
Our allies will not help us if we are the aggressor let India initiate it.
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Actually the ambiguity helps Pakistan too. Do not show anything unless all Indian lies have been brought forward. Wait wait.
Hiding it may of been part of the strategy, all along.

It is a bigger trophy, that's why it'll hurt more. Right now they're all pumped up about their hero going Behind Enemy Lines in a MiG-21 & shooting down a *ahem* F-16. People back in India all joyful for getting their man back & the second he crossed into India, the trash talk went a notch up. The very thought that a JF-17 took out a Su-30...will be the nail in coffin

Which brings me to my next point. My guess, at the end of Modi's grand tour of India prior to the elections - a news of a 2nd Fighter Jet crash and its pilots in the hands of his mortal enemy may put a dent in the all the hard work he's put in getting re-elected.
they already announced a crash of an SU30 to reduce such damage
Does that MLU also give you licence to use/misuse US AIM-120 AMRAAM which you got with F16 block 52 ??
Your posts are not even worthy to answer but you are a habitual troller. Enough said. For your kind information AMRAAMs were not only got for Block 52s but those AMRAAMs are for full inventory of F-16s in PAF. PAF F-16s' whole fleet is capable to fire AMRAAMs and their Radars on board are the same as on block 52s.
And for your pathetic logic, PAF got the AMRAAMs to fight an air war against India not against terrorist who dont have any aircraft even a helicopter. So for hunting terrorists PAF have all the relevant targetting pods and LGBs. But these AMRAAMs are specifically for hunting down enemy jets. so your randi rona dosent have any value. Also request to all members dont respond to this troller who dont even know that AMRAAM is an AIM not AG weapon.

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