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PAF shoot down IAF SU-30 MKI l News & Discussion

Its for what you want to believe becomes proof if you don't want to believe it then it stays evidence.
Proof and evidence are one and the same...they are synonyms.
Some think there is a lot more happened than just these 3 evidences and that Pakistani authorities are mum about and off course India wont admit it. Pakistan's intention was not to humiliates India but to prove that we can do a lot more than you can do....But then again some think Modi just cave in after one fighter down because he is such a saint he doesnt want more death on either side.
I don't care much for speculation...I will wait until some solid evidence/proof is released.
I would suggest that everybody be patient till the PSL successfully comes to a conclusion in Karachi. After that, we expect a surprise. Fingers crossed.
I think PAF should clear the air once and for it, it should release details as to which Jets were used by PAF and which were used by IAF and it should also release footage from the Jets as well as the AMRAAM (SD-10A/B or PL-12 or whatever) to substantiate those claims.

I mean, if one of our Thunders did indeed shoot down an SU-30MKI, we may as well have initiated a full scale Air Superiority mission to inflict substantial damage to IAF.
PAF is gonna troll them in due time, they're giving Indians enough time to buy their governments propaganda and once things settle down, they'll hopefully release details & footage of the second jet :p: let's see how Indians deal with that.
They will come up with a new bullshit excuse. After their f-16 engine theory has been busted they now claim a fake serial number of F-16 that were imported from jordan. Excuses after excuses! Even if their bhagwan comes to life and tells them no f-16 was shot down they will say otherwise.

Proof and evidence are one and the same...they are synonyms.

I don't care much for speculation...I will wait until some solid evidence/proof is released.
It has been proved that no f-16 was shot down but however I am curious about su-30?
From what i accumulated is that abhinandan was a su-30 pilot and mig pilot is someone else but where is the wreckage?
They will come up with a new bullshit excuse. After their f-16 engine theory has been busted they now claim a fake serial number of F-16 that were imported from jordan. Excuses after excuses! Even if their bhagwan comes to life and tells them no f-16 was shot down they will say otherwise.

It has been proved that no f-16 was shot down but however I am curious about su-30?
From what i accumulated is that abhinandan was a su-30 pilot and mig pilot is someone else but where is the wreckage?
Yes that's what I'm also waiting on...pics of Su30 wreckage or some other concrete evidence regarding that.
According to some information I received, a lot had happened on the ground during the night of 26th and 27th February. It started from the LoC near Sialkot and spread out in a wide area along the LoC.

Pakistan Military did not divulge or make public the details because they wanted to convey a message to India without humiliating their Military and Modi. Because that would mean escalation. It has not been our objective to escalate. But to convey that we are quite capable of defending ourselves and take punitive actions if we sought to do so. But without escalation.

In that context it is my opinion that a downing of a SU-30 in the morning of the 27th of February, would be quite humiliating for Modi and the Indian Military. Pakistan is possibly holding on to the details till an opportune moment. Possibly to avoid escalation at the moment and perhaps to use it to foil Modi's election boosting tactics after he has played all his cards and used up all his options.
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Pakistani news media has zero credibility in defence matters. The 'analysis' spouted by civilians on news channels is very indicative. They are prone to misunderstanding even when correct information is supplied to them.
The real question is Where is abhey anandnan? Where is the indian pilot right now? What happend to indian hero ?
he is in custody of Indian intels, they are screwing him up and planning to retire him on medical grounds.
Most probable sitrep,

PAF JF17 shot down lead MiG-21
PAF F16 fired the AMRAAM versus a Su-30MKI which was in air to prevent an attack towards Udhampur, and it missed, as BVRs aren't very reliable. Thus it's remains found near Reasi, almost 100km away (roughly matching the max range of the AIM120)
IAF jets were pretty much surprised as they disengaged after the first loss.
PAF aerial victory.
Most probable sitrep,

PAF JF17 shot down lead MiG-21
PAF F16 fired the AMRAAM versus a Su-30MKI which was in air to prevent an attack towards Udhampur, and it missed, as BVRs aren't very reliable. Thus it's remains found near Reasi, almost 100km away (roughly matching the max range of the AIM120)
IAF jets were pretty much surprised as they disengaged after the first loss.
PAF aerial victory.
No the aamram does not blow up if it misses the target
substantial proof will come when India admits their SU30 pilot is missing, which is in Pakistan's custody

I knew it!!!
They didnt officially admit of abducting our colonel which doesn't give us any leverage to invoke Geneva convention and vice versa :taz::pakistan:

No the aamram does not blow up if it misses the target
PAF should make a movie on 27 Feburary Achievements with the help of private Sector.And they should add the Real Dog Fight Clip in that movie.
As per fellow member, Dazzler, Hkhan has revealed PAF to planning to release footage of SU-30 MKI kill.
If PAF is releasing it then it should be JF-17 which shot down SU-30MKI.
1 - We have seen only the wreckage of MIG-21 on Pakistani side (claimed by Pakistan and accepted by India).
2 - Burning wreckage of Indian MI-17 on Indian side (Indian admits that crashed due technical glitches).
3 - We did not see the wreckage of 2nd plane type not confirmed (claimed by Pakistan but denied by India).
4 - We did not see the wreckage of F-16 (claimed by India but denied by Pakistan). Even Pakistan confirmed, F-16 never used in 26-27Feb2019 engagement.

The first 2 points are known. Indian have the answer to 3rd but the word 'truth' is not in their dictionary though 'lies' and 'deceits' are much popular and official.
Point 4 is also much cleared that if a type of plane not used so no question about it.
So we have to emphasise only on point 3 and that is the mysterious or missing link.
But why would Pak government release one pilot and not the other? Both had committed aggression against Pak...so either they were both to be held responsible or something like that...or both released?

We can't just hold one and release the other for the same crime(for the lack of a better word).
GOI official line is that they only lost one plane and one pilot
so as far as Pakistan and the wider world is concerned he doesn't exits concerned.......................we can also use him for covert prisoner exchange

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