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PAF New Batch J-10 C Spotted

Its no problem for your aerospace company to remove folding wing mechanism and hook of j35 or another possibility is that we will go older version of fc-31 version 2 that had have no folding wing mechanism and tail hook of j35

Its pointless to reason with the guy that carries 0 logic. In the end what good will all these technological developments in the military field do for China? they are still very very far behind compared to where they should be especially with its economy almost at the same size of the US military. The PLAAF by now should have 500+ 5th generation jets and thousands of 4th generation ones.

I am not saying significant progress has not been made. It has especially in missile technology and ship building, but in the end missiles will only get you so far as shown in Ukraine today. China completely lacks a fighting culture especially compared to the US. The US has a well defined fighting culture built over hundreds of years. Go to any high school in america and you will see weight rooms, and students enrolled in 3-4 different types of sports. Most of the US military are younger well built men under 35. Today this culture is continuously being fed by none stop immigration.

China may have had a semblance of a fighting culture in the past, but that is all but destroyed with its 1 child policy. Imagine the losses every Chinese family/village/neighborhood would feel in a potential conflict where China would lose hundreds of thousands of soldiers invade taiwan or facing the US? Look at chinese youth today, they lack complete testostrone instead focus on playing video games or focused on studies. Same issues are there in the west but not nearly to the degree in China. These are things that are hard to quantify but make a very very big difference in war time/ conflict. How many Chinese youth would honestly be willing to fight a war or even be capable of fighting???

Todays US military is a well oiled machine that neither China nor Russia combined can face. I am not even including US allies such as Japan, Taiwan, NATO, Australia, UK, South Korea, etc... that would also involve. China+ Russia are at best 20 trillion USD GDP vs US+NATO+ETC at around 90 trillion USD GDP. There is simply no match.
Its no problem for your aerospace company to remove folding wing mechanism and hook of j35 or another possibility is that we will go older version of fc-31 version 2 that had have no folding wing mechanism and tail hook of j35

Lets wait and see brother

Yes this is true. It isn't hard to change things around mechanically BUT it requires another assembly line or huge differences made to existing line for naval fighter. It also requires different radars and software because naval radars account for sea surface clutter and lots of other things. Also different electronic warfare and so on. These changes are tens of billions dollars worth just in factory assembly and in new subcomponents and the manufacturing of lower volumes of different subcomponents.

Money that has to be spent basically.

PLAAF I think may choose to not buy J-35. They really just don't need it if they want J-20S + UCAVs and 6th gens as next step. Finite money and resources do you want 300 J-35 for PLAAF or 100 J-20S + Dark Sword and 100 6th gen when they are ready. Time factor ignored, the resources and cost, honestly I think it's clear what's a wiser decision. Assuming stuff of course.
But they have lots of experience to design avionics and EW package of their jets unlike China you just started to developing avionics EW recently since late 90 and early 2000
Yes we used to learn from them, and is going to surpass them.

Its pointless to reason with the guy that carries 0 logic. In the end what good will all these technological developments in the military field do for China? they are still very very far behind compared to where they should be especially with its economy almost at the same size of the US military. The PLAAF by now should have 500+ 5th generation jets and thousands of 4th generation ones.

I am not saying significant progress has not been made. It has especially in missile technology and ship building, but in the end missiles will only get you so far as shown in Ukraine today. China completely lacks a fighting culture especially compared to the US. The US has a well defined fighting culture built over hundreds of years. Go to any high school in america and you will see weight rooms, and students enrolled in 3-4 different types of sports. Most of the US military are younger well built men under 35. Today this culture is continuously being fed by none stop immigration.

China may have had a semblance of a fighting culture in the past, but that is all but destroyed with its 1 child policy. Imagine the losses every Chinese family/village/neighborhood would feel in a potential conflict where China would lose hundreds of thousands of soldiers invade taiwan or facing the US? Look at chinese youth today, they lack complete testostrone instead focus on playing video games. Same issues are there in the west but not nearly to the degree in China.

Todays US military is a well oiled machine that neither China nor Russia combined can face. I am not even including US allies such as Japan, Taiwan, NATO, Australia, UK, South Korea, etc... that would also involve. China+ Russia are at best 20 trillion USD GDP vs US+NATO+ETC at around 70 trillion USD GDP. There is simply no match.
General McArthur had the same thought in Korea war, with 17 allies of US joined the war, and result was to tie the game with far superior weapon systems than China.
Its pointless to reason with the guy that carries 0 logic. In the end what good will all these technological developments in the military field do for China? they are still very very far behind compared to where they should be especially with its economy almost at the same size of the US military. The PLAAF by now should have 500+ 5th generation jets and thousands of 4th generation ones.

I am not saying significant progress has not been made. It has especially in missile technology and ship building, but in the end missiles will only get you so far as shown in Ukraine today. China completely lacks a fighting culture especially compared to the US. The US has a well defined fighting culture built over hundreds of years. Go to any high school in america and you will see weight rooms, and students enrolled in 3-4 different types of sports. Most of the US military are younger well built men under 35. Today this culture is continuously being fed by none stop immigration.

China may have had a semblance of a fighting culture in the past, but that is all but destroyed with its 1 child policy. Imagine the losses every Chinese family/village/neighborhood would feel in a potential conflict where China would lose hundreds of thousands of soldiers invade taiwan or facing the US? Look at chinese youth today, they lack complete testostrone instead focus on playing video games or focused on studies. Same issues are there in the west but not nearly to the degree in China. These are things that are hard to quantify but make a very very big difference in war time/ conflict. How many Chinese youth would honestly be willing to fight a war or even be capable of fighting???

Todays US military is a well oiled machine that neither China nor Russia combined can face. I am not even including US allies such as Japan, Taiwan, NATO, Australia, UK, South Korea, etc... that would also involve. China+ Russia are at best 20 trillion USD GDP vs US+NATO+ETC at around 90 trillion USD GDP. There is simply no match.

lol your entire post is like an off topic angry rant to piss on China basically. You sound annoyed by whatever. I notice most posters on this forum is like this. Overly emotional. At moments notice will change tune and have a preference of pissing on others whenever convenient and suits them to "attack" another member.

All good though.

The on topic conversation is worth remembering. Don't underestimate IAF. Don't assume J-10CE is simply good enough a response to Rafale. The situation is a complicated and difficult one where resources need to balance capability and capability needs to keep in mind of resources.
Yes we used to learn from them, and is going to surpass them.

General McArthur had the same thought in Korea war, with 17 allies of US joined the war, and result was to tie the game with far superior weapon systems than China.

I agree but if you read my previous posts you will get the answer as to why. It was mainly due to human wave tactics of sacraficing hundreds of thousands lives for a few miles of gain. China back then had a competitive advantage if a huge population of fighting aged men. Today China nor Russia have that competitive advantage. Russia is having huge trouble finding new soldiers to fight, even with a deeply ingrained aggressive fighting culture.

In the last 150 years Russia has only won 1 war, and China has only won 1 war as well (more of a conflict against India).

China will face even a worse situation due to its 1 Child policy. China also has a much more feminine culture compared to Russia/West. I am just stating the facts, in a future conflict China wont have the advantage of large numbers anymore or aggressive population of men as it did in the 40s-50s
But they have lots of experience to design avionics and EW package of their jets unlike China you just started to developing avionics EW recently since late 90 and early 2000
Yankees said Conventional power can’t stand for EMALS, we make it. They come up with the idea of dual pulse BVR missiles, we make it with PL15. Nothing is impossible with China.
I agree but if you read my previous posts you will get the answer as to why. It was mainly due to human wave tactics of sacraficing hundreds of thousands lives for a few miles of gain. China back then had a competitive advantage if a huge population of fighting aged men. Today China nor Russia have that competitive advantage. Russia is having huge trouble finding new soldiers to fight, even with a deeply ingrained aggressive fighting culture.

In the last 150 years Russia has only won 1 war, and China has only won 1 war as well (more of a conflict against India).

China will face even a worse situation due to its 1 Child policy. China also has a much more feminine culture compared to Russia/West. I am just stating the facts, in a future conflict China wont have the advantage of large numbers anymore.

Actually in Korean war, the US loss and exchange ratio is the narrowest in its entire modern military history. It wasn't simply human wave tactics despite China's then industrial and military base being absolutely horrendously bad and just coming out of WW2 and Civil War, still in famine, poverty, and low resources and productivity.

1 Child policy for a military honestly I mean can we stop claiming 1 child policy means China cannot go to war? At this point there is no purpose to any discussion, you will find whatever way to twist it so China is bad and looks bad. Let's move on from this lol. Let's just say China is the worst and can't compare with mighty USA the perfect superpower. Let's get back on topic of J-10 and at a stretch, incl PAF and IAF in that discussion of J-10 acquisition.
Yes we used to learn from them, and is going to surpass them.

General McArthur had the same thought in Korea war, with 17 allies of US joined the war, and result was to tie the game with far superior weapon systems than China.
They are not sitting ilde either my friend
I agree but if you read my previous posts you will get the answer as to why. It was mainly due to human wave tactics of sacraficing hundreds of thousands lives for a few miles of gain. China back then had a competitive advantage if a huge population of fighting aged men. Today China nor Russia have that competitive advantage. Russia is having huge trouble finding new soldiers to fight, even with a deeply ingrained aggressive fighting culture.

In the last 150 years Russia has only won 1 war, and China has only won 1 war as well (more of a conflict against India).

China will face even a worse situation due to its 1 Child policy. China also has a much more feminine culture compared to Russia/West. I am just stating the facts, in a future conflict China wont have the advantage of large numbers anymore or aggressive population of men as it did in the 40s-50s
We don’t want war, if it is not imposed on us.

They are not sitting ilde either my friend
Yes I know, we will be fully prepared.
We don’t want war, if it is not imposed on us.

Yes I know, we will be fully prepared.

Best to understand ones weakness. I think China will need atleast another 20-30 years minimum before its close to matching the US military. Even then China wont be able to fully match the US being equal due to the US network of international alliances. Problem is that China does not have many friends, and the few that it has had it managed to squander away with the exception of Pakistan+ North Korea.

China will have the build allies, this will become more important the more weaker Russia becomes as the west will be more able to focus its resources to China. For this China needs the muslim world+africa.

Think of the muslim world+Africa as being on the side lines not taking a side but being flippable. If I were the Chinese id focus there a lot more when it comes to building allies. The US strengh doesnt just come from itself but from its strong international alliances.
Best to understand ones weakness. I think China will need atleast another 20-30 years minimum before its close to matching the US military. Even then China wont be able to fully match the US being equal due to the US network of international alliances. Problem is that China does not have many friends, and the few that it has had it managed to squander away with the exception of Pakistan+ North Korea.

China will have the build allies, this will become more important the more weaker Russia becomes as the west will be more able to focus its resources to China. For this China needs the muslim world+africa.

Think of the muslim world+Africa as being on the side lines not taking a side but being flippable. If I were the Chinese id focus there a lot more when it comes to building allies. The US strengh doesnt just come from itself but from its strong international alliances.
If is like so, USA will be very cautious and hesitated to wage a war against China, even we are 20 years away from the top. For China doing business is far important than fighting a war. The only lead for war is Taiwan claiming independence, the rest is peace. Even I has divergence with you as we are from different camps, I don’t wanna shoot you in the real battlefield, I mean where is the real hate coming from man? As I say, we will not fight a war if it is not imposed on us.
But we should make sure that we has the ability to win the war.
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