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PAF JF-17 Shoots Down UAV from Iran

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if u arent aware during uzair baloch deportation hearing in uae iran pleaded that he was a iranian and should not be deported to Pakistan.
So no doubt in my minf iran is meddling in Pakistan internal affairs and is playing in india's hands.
Our shia community should unite and send a firm message to iran that it should stop bieng a india agent. And that for every shite living in Pakistan is a Pakistani first than anything else
We have nukes, nobody is going to start a war with us.

Even if a war with Iran broke out, Hindustan wouldn't jump in. Far too risky.

But we would watch from a distance.

(PS we would root for pakistan over some non-Subcontinental state.)
You are one of the most delusional person I know. You tend to overestimate Pakistan...remember India has 7 times your military budget, and 9 times Pakistan's economy. This is not 80's or even 90's where there was some parity between India and Pakistan...so my suggestion is stop believing in conspiracy theories and grow up. You can do nothing to India except going before UN and OIC to complain about India's behaviour
Can you please on topic
Hi , was it a gun kill or a kill by a short range missile like aim 9x or a bvr/ near bvr medium range kill by jf 17 ??
Gunfire I hope. No need to expend an expensive AAM against Iranian crap
if u arent aware during uzair baloch deportation hearing in uae iran pleaded that he was a iranian and should not be deported to Pakistan.
So no doubt in my minf iran is meddling in Pakistan internal affairs and is playing in india's hands.
Our shia community should unite and send a firm message to iran that it should stop bieng a india agent. And that for every shite living in Pakistan is a Pakistani first than anything else

It is a fake news that Iran pleaded for Uzair Baloch.
Gunfire I hope. No need to expend an expensive AAM against Iranian crap

Hmm, can you confirm that ? that would be great achievement as fighters around the world usually use short range A to A missile to shoot down drones
Very over smart by iranian

Actually this is a hard reality. These Jihadies are not only against Iran, but also against Pakistan. They have killed thousands of Pakistani soldiers (while Iran has never killed a single Pakistani soldier).

We must understand that the REAL culprits are these Jihadies. Before their emergence, there was no problem between Iran and Pakistan.

It was the ultimate goal of these Jihadies to start a conflict between Iran and Pakistan, and they have succeeded. Why people don't understand that this conflict means these Jihadies won and Pak/Iran both lost.
Interesting..... when US was sending drones over you were complaining.... could PAF not have intercepted those?
is this a serious question ?

Sqn Ldr Zeeshan, 2 Sqn flying a JF-17 shot don an Iranian UAV near Panjgoor inside Pak border. This happened today. A second instance of UAV getting shot down by JF-17. Earlier Gp Capt Zulfiqar had shot down the fist UAV.
wouldn't posting the name of pilots be a breach of operational security ?
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