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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion

What impact it would have if we add long range SAMs to the both sides as well. India got longer stick in that field which would severely hinder our AEW&C and other airborne support assets.
I also am wondering the same thing.
25 Planes are an odd figure would be interesting to know if the figure for March 23rd is 18 , 25 or 36 Jets

36 Seems more logical
  • 18 x First Squadron
  • 18 x Second Squadron
InshaAllah we will have at least full two squadrons and option for 3rd.
I was referring to the number of jets ordered and not questioning the authenticity of the deal per se, since it means that the PAF is ordering one squadron i.e. of single-seater jets and the remaining 7 units would be dual-seater/trainer/conversion/strike versions.

Like these:

18 of these:
View attachment 804995

View attachment 804994

no dual seater coming.
View attachment 805206

No, this comment is not written by a Indian. The guy commenting this is Pakistani. Seriously what is wrong with people like him? Sure everything Chinese is crap🤪
A side note to this. At one point in history, the Japanese, and then the Korean products, commercial or military, were considered nothing but junk. Fast forward few decades and see what the world thinks of their products now. Same logic applies to the Chinese now, especially to their military hardware, that is increasingly of very high caliber and quality, and it can only get better with time. BhaRATs can disparage them at their own peril, and it works to our advantage.
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Many have raised this question that when we have F-16, what's the point of getting J10. J10 is basically a similar blackmailing tactic that we have seen everywhere. UAE selected Rafale just to send a msg to the Americans, no worries if you won't sell the F-35. Technically, J10C is the replacement of F16 in the longer run. Jf17, J10C + J31/J35 (2026-2028) F-16 gradually offset from the PAF btw 2027 - 2032 (more like a backup). PAF after wasting 30 years realizes, Americans are a*******
Strange news.
I read on some other threads that JF17 was far enough to protect Pakistan from india....

to be seen.


The JF17's lack in numbers---. The upcoming BLK 3 has to go thru integration.

Paf is short by a 100 aircraft of the JF17 type capability aircraft

Those numbers had to be filled with something---BLK52's were not available.

The J10 C was there---compatible with all the weapons used on the JF17.

The J10 purchase is a LINEAR move.
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