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These are millions of dollars worth machines. Where do you propose we get the money from when we cannot pay off earlier debts and are asking them to reschedule them. PAF will assess the needs and decide once it has developed a doctrine for them decide the numbers it wants.
From where we got to order them in first place. Also Type 54 A, Milgem, 8 submarines, VT 4 and dozens of other such weapons
From where we got to order them in first place. Also Type 54 A, Milgem, 8 submarines, VT 4 and dozens of other such weapons
Yara Zarvan .
And why do you think we are in the shitstorm financially? We have played beyond our league and pay scale. Invited foreigners to wage war on our land for money. Wbere has that landed us? Why do we want to fight India? Over Kashmir? My dear tbe very same youth which was against India will be against Pakistan. They want independence and neither Pak nor India wa ts them independent for various reasons.
There will be a no holds barred fierce contest over in 1-2 days i case of war with nothing left of Pakistan and nothing worth supporting in India. This is the true reality we face.
But any sane person who thinks the top heavy forces need to be trimmed down is a traitor.
We need to have a deterrent defence but lets face it nothing that we have will-empower us to take the fight to India even in Kashmir..
But then everyone is badshah. Buy this and then buy that. Most of what you buy is dead investment which will probably never see any action in its-working life.
These are millions of dollars worth machines. Where do you propose we get the money from when we cannot pay off earlier debts and are asking them to reschedule them. PAF will assess the needs and decide once it has developed a doctrine for them decide the numbers it wants.
The quickest way to get money is to sell more JF-17 B3 jets. In order to do so, Pak needs to find more new customers like Iraq, Argentina, and etc.
When the very institutions become the enemy of the state then what?
Then check your assumptions to see if these align with the Constitution & law or not. Then decide who is the enemy & who is not.

Institutions are larger than individuals, even when these individuals making bad decisions happen to be in leadership positions of the said institutions.

Pakistan being a very young country in its present iteration has little history to look back too. That is one of the reasons why we have little patience & near-zero introspection. Most things happen for the first time, it seems. Even when patterns repeat themselves, lack of knowledge & distorted perspectives mean that most do not see them as repeats.

Even when a mistake is realized, institutional interests do not allow a course correction. For course correction would mean admission that something went wrong somewhere; but fragile egos of little people in high offices bar even discussions. Case in point would be Kargil fiasco. Any critical discussion that did take place, happened after Mushy was gone.

So, whenever you are down, just tell yourself that "this too shall pass".

Sorry for the OT folks.
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