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Yes it has been the case. They were still using 16 or 32 bit mission computers when virtually every street hawker had access to a 64-bit quad-core/octa-core smartphones.

But that's gonna change in F-35 block 4 upgrades. There are so much drastic changes that it would virtually be equivalent to a top notch crypto currency rig. The requirements of having feeds from multiple assets simultaneously and fusing them into a single realtime display output while also relaying similar amounts of data to multiple assets too. So 5th gen fighters with advanced datalinks, sensor/data fusion, complete 360 degree situational awareness in 3D environment, controlling multiple companion drones as well as sharing realtime video feeds with various assets have now pushed the boundaries of computing power in modern 5th gen fighters and upcoming 6th gen fighters. We would find upcoming blocks of fighters as flying huge a$$ GPUs 😜
In terms of data security older systems are better, for most of their loop holes also there's less wannabees available. Also as systems get old there are less skilled force in the open to exploit them.
Oh we have the tech in Pakistan alright. LOL....

Just saying that modern electronics has a huge Achilles' heel. In a total war, EMP is a plausible weapon.

Can it be delivered to enemy territory? Either next door or an ocean way?
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One of the last time people threw monkey wrench for adding bribe for the then "Mr. 10%," it cost the PAF M2K with BVR and decade plus of just relying on 32 odd F-16 Block15 with no BVR.

Are bribe takers bad people ? sure just ask Adnan Khashoggi. "The world needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door." Early 80s F-16 deal is marred with bribe accusations, has it kept the IAF at bay for the last three odd plus decades ?
IIRC the issue with the M2K deal(s) wasn't just the corruption or kickbacks, but the cost was really high. Despite all that, the PAF was largely game, but the French finance ministry wasn't forthcoming with releasing the loan. Ultimately, the M2K deals (we tried twice in the 1990s) fell through whenever the PPP governments in those times collapsed.
IIRC the issue with the M2K deal(s) wasn't just the corruption or kickbacks, but the cost was really high. Despite all that, the PAF was largely game, but the French finance ministry wasn't forthcoming with releasing the loan. Ultimately, the M2K deals (we tried twice in the 1990s) fell through whenever the PPP governments in those times collapsed.

I think, although I am unsure of this, Clinton Admin at one point was thinking of releasing the F-16 money that BB gov had paid the US to France for potential Pakistani Mirage 2000-5. Don't know what happened to it though.
EMP can take care of all that. Just few dozen KM high & boom, all electronics in all the gadgets would be done for - except good ol' vacuum tubes, of course.

It isn't a foregone conclusion, most military aircraft have varying degrees of protection against EMP attack but survivability depends on proximity and intensity of the attack. See image of the Typhoon being tested with an HPD Horizontally Polarized Dipole simulator. Larger aircraft such as B-52, B1-B Lancer or Airforce one B747 have greater volume and MTOW therefore have the greatest protection.

Survivability against a EMP attack in a modern Western fighter is relatively assured, contrary to evidence seen in cut scenes from Call of duty . Unless the aircraft is very near a HEMP event i.e. such as a high altitude nuclear blast.

Lol and Pakistan has no air defense to stop RAFALE lol:crazy:

I did see that Pakistan got ylc8e recently. This is a very advanced early warning radar. It's capable of detecting stealth aircraft from a long way off and cue air defense radar and aircraft fire control radar. China actually has probably the most capable air defense and early warning radar network in the world due to the us stealth threat. So if Pakistan is working with china to build similar air defense network, I would have very strong confidence in it. Of course, you need not only hg16, hq16, but close in weapon system, ew station, different types of radar and aerial surveillance systems.
@denel brother where are you.. hope you are all well..
hello brother.

I am good; was very busy with research work some personal issues.

Just have been put off this forum given the chinese/indian trash that has taken over this forum; it is just not a place where one felt happy to be with.

My congrats to PAF to getting the J10C.
Just have been put off this forum given the chinese/indian trash that has taken over this forum; it is just not a place where one felt happy to be with.
I know your China stance :P
Anyway, so happy that you are still doing reserach, you Miraj boy. Stay blessed and keep rocking sir.
Can it be delivered to enemy territory? Either next door or an ocean way?
Yes it can as my friend @Chak Bamu notes.

During our angola ops; i used to have the pleasure of opening captured russian manpacks and trying to see what was there. it was all vaccuum tubes; in some cases really good ceramic tubes; the rationale was if there was an EMP; all solid state would not work but these would. Yugoslavia was the first ones to buck the eastern block tradition by using solid state devices from 1975 onwards.

EMP also has some nasty side effects; just like you cause complete black out on the other side; the proximity also will blind you as well.

Hence, not a good idea.
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