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PAF in 2015 & 2025

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FBC1 is a Ground attack orientated aircraft and according to info on wikipedia the systems are already used in J10. I

It has a poor reputation for not enough thrust and a insufficient payload.
I was reading an article more of a line one can say that pakistan is looking to replace its F-16s by 2020, and the PAF has shown heavy interest in F-35 as the possible successor. Anyone whos linked to the airforce has any confirm news on this or its just another myth as the source i was reading from was wikipedia which isnt much of a source though and as for the JFs i dont think US would ever clear the sale of this aircraft to pakistan and nor will india let it happen, as the current US tilt is clearly towards India one can see that very clearly and obviously they will give more attention to what India has to say while keeping pakistan engaged on WOT.
As far as i know Pakistan hasnt looked too much at 5th gen fighters. The concentration is more on JF-17s, F-16s and J-10s.

If PAF has started looking for 5th gen fighters, i guess the chinese J-XX program is the best bet.
Well the time mentioned is 2020 and by that time pakistan will have a need for a 5thgen fighterplane, because by then india would defentinely accquire a 5th gen plane. And also by that time i think F-16s would defentinely reguire replacement, what my question was "is pakistan looking for JFs" because i doubt that seriously US would ever sell something like that to us and we shouldnt be looking towards american equipments anymore.
Its good to have long planning and see ourselves as how the PAF would look like by the year 2025, but can anyone tell about tomorrow as what the world would look like . So its better to see the present and go for the short term planning and see what the immediate challenges are.
75 jas 39 with tot (if possible)
150 jf-17
60 j-10 (in totall)
40 french rafale's or euro fighter typhoon( since their is an indication of that in the PAF)
25 jxx
25 sakui 34 (if we can uitilze the russia card which we should , no matter what)
36 -mig 35( in the same line as the above)

this the best deal we can get. yes we have to work for it no doubt about it but if we are serius their is a chance in todays changing geo-political allainces, of which alot of diplomatic efforts and hard choices( spacialy regarding russia) will have to be made which we should do coz it's in our best interest.

Most western airforces are becoming more streamlined to the point of 1 to 2 main combat aircraft. Those being in either an air defence or ground attack role but mostly as multirole aircraft.
This list you have presented would require one heck of an infrastructure for each airplane and would not be cost effective or worth it.
all thing are near to possibility but i think USA will never provide Pakistan with F-22 Raptors they may offer this stuff to IAF but it seem to be impossible in case of PAF.

F-22 are not for sale as for now.......but even if they are, they are to expensive for even the IAF to obtain.
F-22 Raptor isn't for sale, not even to Japan! This is the reason Japan recently launched her Advanced Technology Demonstrator or the ATD-X Stealth programme.

Japan's MoD is reported to have made the dicision on August 10th to go ahead with development of an indigenous stealth fighter under the ATD-X programme. Ambitiously, Japan is seeking to have a prototype flying within five years, a goal which seems rather optimistic, although its unclear how much research work has already been undertaken.

The decision to go ahead with the ATD-X appears to have largely been brought about by US reluctance to sell Japan the F-22.

No way India is getting the Raptor!

PAF by 2015;
  • 36+ F-10A/B
  • 36 F-16C/D Block 52+
  • 60 F-16A/B MLU
  • 150+ JF-17

I think this is the best guess so far.

Just to add to that list, I'll say PAF will still have about 2 or 3 squadrons of ROSE III Mirage 3s
I agree, that seems like the most realistic prediction so far ,.....
NEO but USA offers india F-35 i think they are much better then F-22 :undecided: :what:

They are doing that because they want India to compete with China, which is obviously not good for us.
News to me. Inducted more? Any details?

There was a news that in late 2001 or 2002( no sure about the year) PAF inducted more of these planes as there was currently time left in the induction of JF-17s and J-10s, but eventually they will be replaced by Jfs by 2015
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