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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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India is going ballistic on procurements. Rafales armed with Meteors will cross B-52s with AAMRAM. Once Rafales are inducted more will follow. Tejas is also coming of age. If it has their in house AESA then it will also equip Meteor.

What I am saying is if there it no development in getting of more F-16s then we should move on to next platform because the current F-16 fleet of PAF wont hold till AZM.
Just relax yaar.
PAF is not asleep..
The nations politicians are but I trust the armed forces. Pakistan now is not the pakistan of 71
Pak should go for F16 made in Pak same LM deal for india can be switch with PAC kamara.

Its stupidity in current situation as US is now current and future strategic ally of India and they will keep them happy, and Pakistan is transactional ally sine 1947, when work done then sanctions are slammed on Pakistan, so it will be better to have 28-40 EFTs with tech for JFT block-4 or Russian/Chinese bird then any US bird.

NO stealth there mate, just reduced RCS.

US don't want to share block-52 tech with Pakistan due to China factor and members here dreaming about making block-70 in Pakistan.

it is only because of the fear that chinese and pakistaniz wll copy the F-16 which might be true. they don't care for the airframe as its old now. all they care about is the avionics abord V and blk 70.

There are other stuff too in F-16s which US want to hide from China, like engine tech and materials used in airframe and how strong structure are made etc.

India is going ballistic on procurements. Rafales armed with Meteors will cross B-52s with AAMRAM. Once Rafales are inducted more will follow. Tejas is also coming of age. If it has their in house AESA then it will also equip Meteor.

What I am saying is if there it no development in getting of more F-16s then we should move on to next platform because the current F-16 fleet of PAF wont hold till AZM.

That is why EFTs with tech for JFT block-4 are best bet as block -4 based on latest EFT trench tech will be beast to have.
Its stupidity in current situation as US is now current and future strategic ally of India and they will keep them happy, and Pakistan is transactional ally sine 1947, when work done then sanctions are slammed on Pakistan, so it will be better to have 28-40 EFTs with tech for JFT block-4 or Russian/Chinese bird then any US bird.

US don't want to share block-52 tech with Pakistan due to China factor and members here dreaming about making block-70 in Pakistan.

There are other stuff too in F-16s which US want to hide from China, like engine tech and materials used in airframe and how strong structure are made etc.

That is why EFTs with tech for JFT block-4 are best bet as block -4 based on latest EFT trench tech will be beast to have.
EFTs are expensive to buy and also to maintain. I think the most ideal solution is J-10. J-10 will be continuously upgraded since it will form the back bone of PLAAF. Pakistan can get it own softer terms and also move production to back home if procured in 100+ numbers.
RFI = Request For Information / Request For Interest this is normally followed by a RFP = Request For Proposals which contains financial and technical feasabilities
Yeah, and anyone who has ever been on the Indian Defense Forum will understand the sheer frustration that goes on with the counterpart Members of that forum.

There are MoU's, RFI's, RFP's for new Aircrafts followed by a competition which (always) includes the usual suspects...

US: F-18 (Super Hornet) and F-16/F-21 (never the F-15 Strike Eagle)
Europe/UK: EuroFighter (Typhoon)
Sweden: GripenNG
France: Dassault Rafale
Russia: Su-30/35 and MiG-35

This bloody drama goes back 'n' forth with a lot corruption kickbacks for years.

The MoD gives their assessment which is followed by disagreements from the Opposition in the Parliament.

Their Shahid Latif's & Kaiser Tufail's of India give their inside information which contradicts with the standing Government.

This cycle goes on till the very next Election.

@Haris Ali2140
EFTs are expensive to buy and also to maintain. I think the most ideal solution is J-10. J-10 will be continuously upgraded since it will form the back bone of PLAAF. Pakistan can get it own softer terms and also move production to back home if procured in 100+ numbers.

They are bit expensive but if tech is procured for JFT block-4 then it will not be expensive to maintain as most systems will be overhauled and maintained in Pakistan including engine.
They are bit expensive but if tech is procured for JFT block-4 then it will not be expensive to maintain as most systems will be overhauled and maintained in Pakistan including engine.
You are right in terms of EFT but you also have to keep embargo in mind just like F-16s.

But I think Pakistan should move towards indigenous solutions and more JVs especially with Turkey for avionics because of Uighyr issue with China if that issue is not solved in near future.
You are right in terms of EFT but you also have to keep embargo in mind just like F-16s.

But I think Pakistan should move towards indigenous solutions and more JVs especially with Turkey for avionics because of Uighyr issue with China if that issue is not solved in near future.

EU will not pit embargo like US if Pakistan play its card well, we can get EJ-200/230 class engine with full overhaul capacity if we play our cards well, remember EU companies are still working with Pakistan in military field and are will to expand cooperation.
US don't want to share block-52 tech with Pakistan due to China factor and members here dreaming about making block-70 in Pakistan.
Has Pakistan requested TOT for F-16 from USA ? Has PAF requested LM for manufacturing in Pakistan ?
Someone on pdf posted some link of the US DoD the other day of f16 engine upgrade tenders in the name of Pakistan and other countries and one other item... funny how none is talking about that
Competing with Indian members has affected the thinking pattern of Pakistani members, who are now more concerned about weapon acquisitions since India has started a weapons race in subcontinent. It cannot be tit-for-tat in every case. India buys xyz so Pakistan has to buy abc to counter it ? No, because in many aspects Pakistan already has the weaponry to defend itself from Indian future weapon acquisition. On paper and on threads it was portrayed since past decade as if SU-30 will eat JF-17 in a jiffy - all that talk has gone down the drain since Feb 2019.
Competing with Indian members has affected the thinking pattern of Pakistani members, who are now more concerned about weapon acquisitions since India has started a weapons race in subcontinent. It cannot be tit-for-tat in every case. India buys xyz so Pakistan has to buy abc to counter it ? No, because in many aspects Pakistan already has the weaponry to defend itself from Indian future weapon acquisition. On paper and on threads it was portrayed since past decade as if SU-30 will eat JF-17 in a jiffy - all that talk has gone down the drain since Feb 2019.

Is it a surprize? Keyboard warriors don't have an iota of idea of how actual battlefield works.....
you also have to keep embargo in mind just like F-16s.

If we have noticed; Imran Khan clearly mentioned the trust deficit between Pakistan US especially since Pressler Sanctions; Pakistanis aren't much open to trust US. He even quoted George Bush Jr. who said, it will not happen again..... that means; if this offer comes to materialize; we aren't buying something more pron to sanctions this time. Furthermore, I do feel that we aren't objecting whatever others sell to India & hence, there is no limitations for kind of weapon of choice for India; Pakistan will too buy whatever we can and the rest will be decided in the war theater. Not to forget that we have been kept too short of our length while on other hand, India has been on shopping spree without any limit & provided with everything available in the market. ALLAH ne izzat rakh li and our training, hard work & dedication as well; gave us victory.
Competing with Indian members has affected the thinking pattern of Pakistani members, who are now more concerned about weapon acquisitions since India has started a weapons race in subcontinent. It cannot be tit-for-tat in every case. India buys xyz so Pakistan has to buy abc to counter it ? No, because in many aspects Pakistan already has the weaponry to defend itself from Indian future weapon acquisition. On paper and on threads it was portrayed since past decade as if SU-30 will eat JF-17 in a jiffy - all that talk has gone down the drain since Feb 2019.

No disrespect but,will these engine upgrades protect the F-16s from jammers of Rafales???
No disrespect but,will these engine upgrades protect the F-16s from jammers of Rafales???
Actully no such things, it's jst wasted prapoganda, some high level militry officials and some sectry level ppls making crouption if not let's open it a, free and fair commision of areonotics and go in debth, queries?
U ill see many ill run away? Lol
No matter what BLK, thy may book but its a dam crystal clear that F16S are under dogs, against RAFAEL but later comes the man behind machine?
Tht I'll take IAF about at least 3 to 5 years to get to know that bird well and Thts a lota time?
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