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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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See---that is what most pakistanis don't understand---. The most they have seen is combat on the ground---but they are clueless about naval warfare---.

They also don't understand how vulnerable india is from naval strike missions from pakistan.

They don't understand the flight parameters of this aircraft---and how it could be used in our favor---.

The aircraft that the russians feared the most was none other than the F111---.

I can say it will be a game changer in that role, because of the Falklands war. The Argentinians sank a heck of a lot of ships. I've had the privilege to speak with senior US officers whose submarines testify that far fewer ships than were sunk was reported by the UK (they under reported their losses).

What's the trade-off here?

If its help in Afghanistan, I am all for it. I would, however, not like any compromises on CPEC.

Shahid Masood who is normally pro-IK said on his tv show about how the Chinese ambassador was unhappy about the non-seriousness of the govt. vis-a-vis Gawadar and the propaganda campaign launched in the media regarding the fake marriages.

These are serious issues and we cannot sell our country cheap to the Chinese. Their loans are double edged swords. A serious cost benefit analysis results in rejecting their loans.

Another baby step... USA has removed all restrictions on Pakistani diplomats to move around within the USA .

We don't want any more baby steps. They are playing for time. Nickeling and diming us. So they give the least before they pull the plug after they are through with what they want.
These are serious issues and we cannot sell our country cheap to the Chinese. Their loans are double edged swords. A serious cost benefit analysis results in rejecting their loans.

So going by your logic, the country should be sold EXPENSIVE to make it ALRIGHT for the Chinese to take over??

No one is selling the country Cheap or Expensive. The Geo-political decisions are taken years in advance, and these decisions have implications. And what you are seeing today are the implications of the decisions taken years ago by the so called "Deep State" or whatever other name you want to give it. And when they are "Geo-Political" decisions taken, then are "contingency steps" taken for different scenarios and fall-outs.

These decisions are certainly not made after listening to "lectures" or reading posts on "Military Forums". People need to have some faith here, and need to stop shooting arrows in the air hoping that at least of it will stick somewhere.
So going by your logic, the country should be sold EXPENSIVE to make it ALRIGHT for the Chinese to take over??

No one is selling the country Cheap or Expensive. The Geo-political decisions are taken years in advance, and these decisions have implications. And what you are seeing today are the implications of the decisions taken years ago by the so called "Deep State" or whatever other name you want to give it. And when they are "Geo-Political" decisions taken, then are "contingency steps" taken for different scenarios and fall-outs.

These decisions are certainly not made after listening to "lectures" or reading posts on "Military Forums". People need to have some faith here, and need to stop shooting arrows in the air hoping that at least of it will stick somewhere.

You're pretending to know more than you do.
If JH-7's were so damn hot..., why the hell did we get those damn Mirage's from Egypt?

@Imran Khan bhai.
no one said that its my personal opinion sir.

JH-7 is no doubt important but
If JH-7's were so damn hot..., why the hell did we get those damn Mirage's from Egypt?

@Imran Khan bhai.

Well according to some reports, from 2011 and onwards, the PAF Mirages fleet was modified to accommodate aerial refueling probes of South African origin. Remember, South African have similar probes built into the Mirage Cheetah.
If this is true, and it is highly likely to be true, then there is no need for JH-7 since Mirages can be refueled and use for deep strikes including to strike Indian Carrier and ships. With all sorts of Weapons integrated on Mirages, these are lethal machines.
I am very intrigued, how did you arrive at the figure of US$8bn for "26 or 36 jets."(as per your you)

Would you be kind enough to elaborate?

Now this is a tricky one. :D

PAF acknowledges the volatility of Pak-US relationship. So whenever we sign deals with US/NATO countries, we go with an all out approach. Ordering everything in bulk quantities. Which means a hell lot of money.

Otherwise had our relationship with US been a little less rocky. We would be ordering one thing or another every year and getting deliveries timely. The time wasted in sanctions is something our leadership has to take into account while procuring defence articles.

Hence in this price tag of $8B. We have complete aircraft (36 I think), 300 AMRAAMs,Mk-series weapons, sniper pods, AIDEWS, JHMCS sets etc and other support and material services.

How do I know about this figure? It's classified. :partay:
Now this is a tricky one. :D

PAF acknowledges the volatility of Pak-US relationship. So whenever we sign deals with US/NATO countries, we go with an all out approach. Ordering everything in bulk quantities. Which means a hell lot of money.

Otherwise had our relationship with US been a little less rocky. We would be ordering one thing or another every year and getting deliveries timely. The time wasted in sanctions is something our leadership has to take into account while procuring defence articles.

Hence in this price tag of $8B. We have complete aircraft (36 I think), 300 AMRAAMs,Mk-series weapons, sniper pods, AIDEWS, JHMCS sets etc and other support and material services.

How do I know about this figure? It's classified. :partay:
now after current developments is it still possible .... ???
Now this is a tricky one. :D

PAF acknowledges the volatility of Pak-US relationship. So whenever we sign deals with US/NATO countries, we go with an all out approach. Ordering everything in bulk quantities. Which means a hell lot of money.

Otherwise had our relationship with US been a little less rocky. We would be ordering one thing or another every year and getting deliveries timely. The time wasted in sanctions is something our leadership has to take into account while procuring defence articles.

Hence in this price tag of $8B. We have complete aircraft (36 I think), 300 AMRAAMs,Mk-series weapons, sniper pods, AIDEWS, JHMCS sets etc and other support and material services.

How do I know about this figure? It's classified. :partay:

People couldn't digest the new 18~24 units I said, and you have come up with 36, and a US$8bn price tag - Oh boy.

Nonetheless, hypothetically speaking, even if 36units were approved, which has not happened so far, the figure would not exceed $6~$7bn max. $2bn (approx) being the actual cost of the a/c's
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