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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Not that I do not agree with the base meaning of your points, I must point out US doesnt play small short term gains with large countries like you just pointed out. Its never going to help Iran irrespective ff India and Pakistan go to war. Unless it recognises Israel there is no chance of any deal with Iran under Trump's America.

It plays the waiting game with India with respect to China, just like it played with China during the cold war wrt Soviet Union. I am pretty sure when India gains economic and military might to challenge China and US, it will start training its guns on India again, this time helping Pakistan again, considering it has cleared itself of terrorism by that phase.
In the war, fighter aircrafts are consumables, not durable goods.
Really and what is durable? Stupidity is really durable as nothing can change it into wisdom

It never made sense to me why Pakistan didn't acquire J-10.

If nothing else, its additional new build airframes.

Unless access to the AL-31FN was the problem.

But J-10C seems to finally have the WS-10 so perhaps that has been overcome.

Get F-16s sure. Develop the JF-17 sure. Work on Azm sure. But why not get J-10C if on favorable terms for the near term.

China I'm sure would love to get an export on this bird.

If past is prologue, strategic vision seems to be lacking with the PAF.

Maybe this time, think long and hard about this one.
PAF was in complacent mode and F16 was the comfort zone. It was plain lack of will to change the status quo.
Wait are we discussing Iranian issues here?
What is this Varman even talking about?

I see your first post and it pissed me off. What is a Muslim Logic? This is discussion regarding something not related to religion or Iranian crap
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Nope. US is smart and powerful. I might not be surprised if US is playing even more bigger game with India. That's how national interests work. But as for this, US knows its a huge decisions, we informed US in Feb, informed P-5, GCC before a day. It was in the plan for last 4-5 months. A decisions as huge as this cannot be a knee jerk reactions. The study has to be elaborate, meeting with lawyers and constitutional experts so it can withstand Indian Judicial scrutiny.

I am just saying Trump played Pakistan by saying mediating in Kashmir and you guys were jumping up and down and how the US needs Pakistan bla bla bla. It still needs Pakistan, but the extent of brouhaha is/was unfathomable. Right now US needs India for its long term game plan, it knows the ground situation, it knows who arms and sends people across, it knows who funds them. Even Chinese opposition is related to showing Aksai Chin as part of new Ladakh division in Parliament.
Well publicly theior stand Is they don't know and we have to accept it today state department said that. The only way out is to revert this move by Modi and company or by Indian courts otherway u can't lock down whole valley for ever plus pressure will keep mount on Modi Govt from inwards and outwards. I don't think war is coming right now but, the Hindu news,, stands correct it was knee Jerk reaction by Modi Govt over Trump statements.But in all this ultimate looser is Indian democracy and Modi Govt which labeled as Nazis.No country can prosper by alienating her own ppl. For a moment P5 say ok then u think problem solved???? If u think yes then good luck and if U think No then what is way farward.
Nope. US is smart and powerful. I might not be surprised if US is playing even more bigger game with India. That's how national inqaterests work. But as for this, US knows its a huge decisions, we informed US in Feb, informed P-5, GCC before a day. It was in the plan for last 4-5 months. A decisions as huge as this cannot be a knee jerk reactions. The study has to be elaborate, meeting with lawyers and constitutional experts so it can withstand Indian Judicial scrutiny.

I am just saying Trump played Pakistan by saying mediating in Kashmir and you guys were jumping up and down and how the US needs Pakistan bla bla bla. It still needs Pakistan, but the extent of brouhaha is/was unfathomable. Right now US needs India for its long term game plan, it knows the ground situation, it knows who arms and sends people across, it knows who funds them. Even Chinese opposition is related to showing Aksai Chin as part of new Ladakh division in Parliament.
Well publicly theior stand Is they don't know and we have to accept it today state department said that. The only way out is to revert this move by Modi and company or by Indian courts otherway u can't lock down whole valley for ever plus pressure will keep mount on Modi Govt from inwards and outwards. I don't think war is coming right now but, the Hindu news,, stands correct it was knee Jerk reaction by Modi Govt over Trump statements.But in all this ultimate looser is Indian democracy and Modi Govt which labeled as Nazis.No country can prosper by alienating her own ppl. For a moment P5 say ok then u think problem solved???? If u think yes then good luck and if U think No then what is way farward. If india wants to prosper he needs pak with him as equel partner peace with Pak is more to gain for india than even Pak let's hope sanity prevails and this Brown Nazi machine will cut to size by Indian ppl before it destroy social cultural and democratic fabric of India

Where is the money baby to buy even 1 F-16? :)
Muno note wakha Mayra mood banay
What's the trade-off here?

If its help in Afghanistan, I am all for it. I would, however, not like any compromises on CPEC.

Shahid Masood who is normally pro-IK said on his tv show about how the Chinese ambassador was unhappy about the non-seriousness of the govt. vis-a-vis Gawadar and the propaganda campaign launched in the media regarding the fake marriages.
What's the trade-off here?

If its help in Afghanistan, I am all for it. I would, however, not like any compromises on CPEC.

Shahid Masood who is normally pro-IK said on his tv show about how the Chinese ambassador was unhappy about the non-seriousness of the govt. vis-a-vis Gawadar and the propaganda campaign launched in the media regarding the fake marriages.
CPEC projects are on track but orange train is not and will not should not Dr shahid only knows his sources r dry since he is jail
Well publicly theior stand Is they don't know and we have to accept it today state department said that. The only way out is to revert this move by Modi and company or by Indian courts otherway u can't lock down whole valley for ever plus pressure will keep mount on Modi Govt from inwards and outwards. I don't think war is coming right now but, the Hindu news,, stands correct it was knee Jerk reaction by Modi Govt over Trump statements.But in all this ultimate looser is Indian democracy and Modi Govt which labeled as Nazis.No country can prosper by alienating her own ppl. For a moment P5 say ok then u think problem solved???? If u think yes then good luck and if U think No then what is way farward.

And that is where that trap door is. The way forward. Modi might have talked about mediation with Trump. He had this revocation in mind. He would be thinking if he gets stuck, can he use US to extricate himself.
Where is the money baby to buy even 1 F-16? :)

Sometimes people ask very dumb questions . People pretend as if we are bankrupt or worse defaulters . Pakistan got 11 billion USA dollar budget. Part of which is allocated for new weapons system. Any purchase is negotiated and payments spread out over a decade. Stop asking and gloating over as if we are beggars. We paid for the last F16s out of our pockets too.
@Khafee - Incase you missed, please respond to...:
Ever since @Khafee started this Topic, i've been working on a side project & thought i'd unleash it on 14th of August :pakistan:.

I thought, i'd come down here & get his blessing with the go ahead - as I know some of you enjoy my Video Edits.
@_Sherdils_ @loanranger @mingle @Path-Finder @war&peace @Hodor

I've already completed the Editing, and now i'm just working on the titles & final touches to make certain its P-E-R-F-E-C-T.

So, as its his News, i'll wait for a ':tup:' from his end...or...I suppose, i'll just keep it with some other unfinished projects.

Below is a Print Screen from the actual project...

View attachment 572833
98% done. Final touches...
Sometimes people ask very dumb questions . People pretend as if we are bankrupt or worse defaulters . Pakistan got 11 billion USA dollar budget. Part of which is allocated for new weapons system. Any purchase is negotiated and payments spread out over a decade. Stop asking and gloating over as if we are beggars. We paid for the last F16s out of our pockets too.

I dont think, in all honesty, we are getting any new weapons from USA. USA is playing nice as it needs an exit from Afghanistan and Trump needs a political victory. Even today, Alice Wells in Islamabad was not sympathetic about FATF. In fact she was advocating Indian agenda regarding 'rogue groups'.

So while wasting our energy here for almost 150 pages, geopolitics dictate a short transactional exchange between Pakistan and USA. The way USA has behaved with Pakistan, as soon it gets its part of the deal, it will simply walk away. USA owes nothing to us. They think they have paid for our services.
And that is where that trap door is. The way forward. Modi might have talked about mediation with Trump. He had this revocation in mind. He would be thinking if he gets stuck, can he use US to extricate himself.
It's not easy and Pak will not accept current status its always give and take. India is big has to sacrifiy bit if someone explain them cost and profit in long run for india they might take shot for them dividends are greater than Pak

I dont think, in all honesty, we are getting any new weapons from USA. USA is playing nice as it needs an exit from Afghanistan and Trump needs a political victory. Even today, Alice Wells in Islamabad was not sympathetic about FATF. In fact she was advocating Indian agenda regarding 'rogue groups'.

So while wasting our energy here for almost 150 pages, geopolitics dictate a short transactional exchange between Pakistan and USA. The way USA has behaved with Pakistan, as soon it gets its part of the deal, it will simply walk away. USA owes nothing to us. They think they have paid for our services.
US will not give US CSF so we can spend for Russian armoury it will subject to local purchase in our case is F16
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