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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Like I said earlier nothing is coming !!!!
Pakistan has informed the u.s that cooperation in Afg is not possible as with the happenings in IOK are/will have a negative fallout on peace in the whole region.
The only option left is j10c.

Nonsense..... we have a world to deal with and survive other than India. This Kashmir issue will grind on and nothing will make us happy and safe than the removal of Indians from Afghanistan which we are so close to achieving.

People are stupid to think that we will let Afghanistan deal fall for what India is doing in Kashmir. Funny this is exactly what Indians want us to do and hence the timing of all this chaos.

We need to stand ground and continue achieving our goal of placing our people in kabul through the peace deal.

Once the peace deal is signed only then we can hope to win good will from the rest of the world and get back into the good books of the west.
Only then anyone will pay attention to our diplomacy and complaints.
@airomerix what do you think? Don't you feel that PAF should have options if the F-16s don't show? or show and then get spare parts shut down?

In the finance world, we call it risk diversification. It helps to not put all your eggs in one basket. War is imminent, don't you think we should be doing everything possible right now to increase the combat aircraft available to us?

If I were the PAF chief, I would be going to every nook and cranny in the world to increase fighter aircraft numbers. But the PAF seems to be dazed by the glow of F-16s and standing still. I would be trying to get J-10s on an emergency basis. Buying of Mirages from Switzerland. Buying LRSAMs even if I had to get them from North Korea. Pushing the US to release EDA F-16s...

I will only comment on what I'm certain about.

Pakistan has itself expressed interest in acquiring new F-16s in the recent visit. Not sure about upgradation of current fleet.

However it comes with a bill attached of $8 Billion which is a far cry atleast for now. I think the total number was 26 or 36 jets. I cant recall. But we have definitely performed an assessment and we find new F-16s as a suitable candidate for our future fighter requirements to counter IAF's rafales.

I am very intrigued, how did you arrive at the figure of US$8bn for "26 or 36 jets."(as per your you)

Would you be kind enough to elaborate?
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In the war, fighter aircrafts are consumables, not durable goods.


Thank you very much for posting that---. Maybe these words may open the minds of young and many old pakistanis---.

The allies won the second world war---because they had higher replaceable numbers of machines available---.

The american battle tanks brought nothing new to the table other than higher numbers---.

The american aircraft brought nothing new to the table except for more aircraft---as many as the germans shot down---more came in---but the germans could not keep up with the supply---.

Like I said earlier nothing is coming !!!!
Pakistan has informed the u.s that cooperation in Afg is not possible as with the happenings in IOK are/will have a negative fallout on peace in the whole region.
The only option left is j10c.


I believe that pakistan should focus on the J10CE and go for it on a fastrak---.

If Paf gets the J10CE's---then

The US would desperately want to sell us the F16's---.

The J10 would mean that Pak has gone over completely to china---.

Thank you very much for posting that---. Maybe these words may open the minds of young and many old pakistanis---.

The allies won the second world war---because they had higher replaceable numbers of machines available---.

The american battle tanks brought nothing new to the table other than higher numbers---.

The american aircraft brought nothing new to the table except for more aircraft---as many as the germans shot down---more came in---but the germans could not keep up with the supply---.


I believe that pakistan should focus on the J10CE and go for it on a fastrak---.

If Paf gets the J10CE's---then

The US would desperately want to sell us the F16's---.

The J10 would mean that Pak has gone over completely to china---.

It never made sense to me why Pakistan didn't acquire J-10.

If nothing else, its additional new build airframes.

Unless access to the AL-31FN was the problem.

But J-10C seems to finally have the WS-10 so perhaps that has been overcome.

Get F-16s sure. Develop the JF-17 sure. Work on Azm sure. But why not get J-10C if on favorable terms for the near term.

China I'm sure would love to get an export on this bird.

If past is prologue, strategic vision seems to be lacking with the PAF.

Maybe this time, think long and hard about this one.
Get some J-10s ASAP for training pilots, so that in case of war numbers can quickly be increased.
PAF is familiar with every platform in the PLAF. Some of PLAF's doctrine has been made and fine tuned by PAF.

Won't they still outrange us with the Meteor?

The range diff between the Aim-120D and the Meteor is marginal, not exponential.
Anyways, they aren't going to get the Meteor operationalized in 3 months, so its not an immediate problem. F-16s are a brick at altitude compared to the Eurocanards.

One always fight from a position of strength, not weakness. IF your asset is lacking in WVR, you stick to BVR, you dont go running looking for WVR.


JH7A's available---almost free of cost---.
So if they are available "almost free" why not get them?
@Khafee I have no confirmation from anywhere. Perhaps it is something in offing.

PAF is familiar with every platform in the PLAF. Some of PLAF's doctrine has been made and fine tuned by PAF.

The range diff between the Aim-120D and the Meteor is marginal, not exponential.

One always fight from a position of strength, not weakness. IF your asset is lacking in WVR, you stick to BVR, you dont go running looking for WVR.

So if they are available "almost free" why not get them?
Are you usually this condescending? You are an old member hence I'll ignore this.

Watch your responses.
Now he is saying we are short of 100 frontline fighters, but on 26th of February, he was saying we should have destroyed 20 Indian fighters when they entered for 2 minutes and 43 seconds..

Very few people take him seriously so chill please..
Now he is saying we are short of 100 frontline fighters, but on 26th of February, he was saying we should have destroyed 20 Indian fighters when they entered for 2 minutes and 43 seconds..

Very few people take him seriously so chill please..

His words have values.
his way of thinking is different from you doesn't means that he is wrong or what you think is right.
One always fight from a position of strength, not weakness. IF your asset is lacking in WVR, you stick to BVR, you dont go running looking for WVR.?


Isn't that the simplest rule of combat---to fight from a position of your strength.

When you can hit the enemy from 40-50 miles away---then what is the need to get into 10 miles away---.
Did you try west of the Atlantic?

I think she meant J-10CEs

Even if we get the F-16s, the J-10s allow us the only fighter aircraft that has commonality with the PLAAF. In the event we both gang up and teach Hindudesh a lesson or two, a common platform is of strategic significance.
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