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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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In case india starts a war then all military sales to Pakistan ( only) will be banned or suspended
There is a real possibility here. Indian have recently stepped up artillery and small arms fire along LOC

This time, we can play the hardball with the yankees, the Afghan card is still with us.
i think all this is coordinated darama of india and america to fool us for the moment for kashmir thing. it also include afgan situation.
@airomerix what is your views on this?

I will only comment on what I'm certain about.

Pakistan has itself expressed interest in acquiring new F-16s in the recent visit. Not sure about upgradation of current fleet.

However it comes with a bill attached of $8 Billion which is a far cry atleast for now. I think the total number was 26 or 36 jets. I cant recall. But we have definitely performed an assessment and we find new F-16s as a suitable candidate for our future fighter requirements to counter IAF's rafales.

And trust me when I say this. F-16 Block 70 is not significantly inferior to rafale. F-16V is a very very mature platform. Zero bugs in its operating system and seamless weapons integration ensure its lethality and survivability against IAF's mixed breed of fighters.
When you done laughing
Open a new thread and make your case

I am interested
I will only comment on what I'm certain about.

Pakistan has itself expressed interest in acquiring new F-16s in the recent visit. Not sure about upgradation of current fleet.

However it comes with a bill attached of $8 Billion which is a far cry atleast for now. I think the total number was 26 or 36 jets. I cant recall. But we have definitely performed an assessment and we find new F-16s as a suitable candidate for our future fighter requirements to counter IAF's rafales.

And trust me when I say this. F-16 Block 70 is not significantly inferior to rafale. F-16V is a very very mature platform. Zero bugs in its operating system and seamless weapons integration ensure its lethality and survivability against IAF's mixed breed of fighters.

How do we deal with the range and lethality of the Meteor? F-16, latest blocks are heavier and heavier, with those tiny wings, they have increasingly less agility at high altitude and high speeds. If we are talking about combat above 40,000 feet, the Rafales will trump us even if we have new Vipers.


This is probably not the time to be indecisive. We should be getting J-10s on an emergency basis. Along with any military equipment we can pick up on the fast.
Pakistan is not sitting idle.there are few prj undergoing to acquire new aircrafts.if Pakistan top brass able to convince on payment.we may get surprise .
There is also Russian factor .ie 27th feb.we have to hide 2nd plane fact for future leverage.

So we have jf17 block 3.chinese.french.russian and f16.

If we play our cards well,we will give really hard to Indians.
Regarding rafale.its not inducted yet.buying and combat ready are totally different ball game.

So please pray to Allah and stop jumping on horses.
Allah will decide what is good for us.

Ive heard from two sources that Zulus are being released for now, more to follow. So at least some of your intel is going to be fulfilled. Coincidentally, PDN also shared this hours ago..

"#Pakistan to receive 12 Bell #AH1Z Viper #AttackHelicopters from the US along with 1,000 AGM-114R Hellfire II laser-guided air-to-surface missiles. AH-1Z #gunships are powered by two General Electric T700-GE-401C turboshaft engines, capable of producing an output of 1,800 hp. They have a maximum take-off weight of 8,390 kg and can carry as many as 16 anti-tank guided missiles. The AH-1Z variants that Pakistan is getting will also come with Thales TopOwl helmet-mounted display systems, Lockheed Martin AN/AAQ-30 Target Sight System, electro-optical and infrared pods, BAE AN/ALE-47 chaff/flare countermeasure dispensers, Northrop AN/APR-39C(v2) radar warning receivers, and Orbital ATK AN/AAR-47 missile warning receivers."
My best wishes, on and off the forum are always with Pakistan :pakistan:

Thank You for the confirmation.

In case india starts a war then all military sales to Pakistan ( only) will be banned or suspended
There is a real possibility here. Indian have recently stepped up artillery and small arms fire along LOC
You are right to a very great extent, but this time IF GoP plays its cards right i.e. Afg, results could be different.
After 2-3 more #khafeeleaks PDF py bhi yehi slogan chally gaa""""Khafee zinda rahy gaa """ :rofl: bach ky Bhutto ki tarah baad main tera mazar bhi na banwa dain
My best wishes, on and off the forum are always with Pakistan :pakistan:

Thank You for the confirmation.

You are right to a very great extent, but this time IF GoP plays its cards right i.e. Afg, results could be different.
How do we deal with the range and lethality of the Meteor? F-16, latest blocks are heavier and heavier, with those tiny wings, they have increasingly less agility at high altitude and high speeds. If we are talking about combat above 40,000 feet, the Rafales will trump us even if we have new Vipers.


This is probably not the time to be indecisive. We should be getting J-10s on an emergency basis. Along with any military equipment we can pick up on the fast.
Sir, I beg to differ. Aim-120D and Meteor are not generations apart. The diff can be negated through proper planning and training.

2ndly, the UAE opted for the higher thrust GE-132 engines for this very reason. GE engines also have the added advantage of performing well in sandy / dusty conditions, in comparison to PW.

But it seems, as always "commonality" seems to be the objective.

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The one who got trolled here is Pakistan and nobody else. Trump royally trolled your PM IK. India had this plan since February this year and informed US of its plan. No reaction from them. Trump never cared. Nobody can take a decision in 15 days. This was in works for the last 5-6 months. Only pigeon sized brained people will think its an reaction to some statements made 15 days back.

As always he slept through the briefing and he had no idea on what Art370 is and thought India is asking for mediating on Kashmir. And then came our decision by informing US and P5 nations and GCC nations. US maintained silence. If anything IK sold this issue for 125 million dollars and probably another 3-4B dollars for Afghan solving issue.

Pakistanis were trolling Indians not so long back. The Troller became the Trolled.

says the kid getting trolled by modi without even knowing whats going on.
Wait and watch kid.
You kids were also dancing up and down on 26th Feb, and then "cloud cover", "raphaaaayel", and "hero abhinandan" :cheers:
Apart from Zulus coming, everything else sounds a bit far fetched for now. And given the developing situation in the region it seems even more unlikely than before.
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