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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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As i said earlier we shall fight the war with what we have...unfortunately do not expect any help from anybody...i mean anybody including Muslim countries.. we are alone to fight this war and Insha Allah we will win it!

Allah Pakistan ka hami o Nasir Ho!
We have 2 divisions worth of jihadis waiting in the wings!!:)

2 divisions is very little bro, its that 30-40k. What we were planning and discussing @Signalian knows a bit about this, was something closer to 10-20 new divisions.

We were looking at the details of how we could raise these numbers at the lowest cost and most efficiently, particularly in terms of financial resources.

Imagine if the calculations I made are right and we can raise these numbers at minimal cost in 3-5 years. Our ability to find a military solution to the Kashmir problem suddenly comes wide open.
2 divisions is very little bro, its that 30-40k. What we were planning and discussing @Signalian knows a bit about this, was something closer to 10-20 new divisions.

We were looking at the details of how we could raise these numbers at the lowest cost and most efficiently, particularly in terms of financial resources.

Imagine if the calculations I made are right and we can raise these numbers at minimal cost in 3-5 years. Our ability to find a military solution to the Kashmir problem suddenly comes wide open.

Insha Allah irregular forces will not be required...I believe our armed forces are enough to take the war to dehli and i mean dehli on there own.

May Allah help us all!
Your Strategic interests with US are only based on illusions and wet dreams, we will never get any Block-70 and if we reduce CPEC and military support with China for the sake of wet US dreams then you will see the results, still our relations are good with China but sorry no comments appeared from China today.
Dear brother, China has no problem if PAF inducts F16blk70 from USA. After all, Pakistan can't cut relationship with USA, actually no one in this world can do it, including China. Remember Pakistan has JF17 for diversification, so no worries.
Insha Allah irregular forces will not be required...I believe our armed forces are enough to take the war to dehli and i mean dehli on there own.

May Allah help us all!

I know I can trust your info, and I am happy we have a plan.

I would still be happier if we could raise 10 more divisions using conscription. Acting as defensive and reserve forces. We as a nation, once a decision is made that we will go to war x years from now, need to learn the art of gearing up the nation. Gearing up military production. Galvanizing the "nation at war" concept we have always missed in the past.
I know I can trust your info, and I am happy we have a plan.

I would still be happier if we could raise 10 more divisions using conscription. Acting as defensive and reserve forces. We as a nation, once a decision is made that we will go to war x years from now, need to learn the art of gearing up the nation. Gearing up military production. Galvanizing the "nation at war" concept we have always missed in the past.

These plans require time and time is luxury which Pakistan armed forces not have..
These plans require time and time is luxury which Pakistan armed forces not have..

On balance you're right, war may break out in the next 3 months, within this year. I imagine the probability of this is as high as 80%. Being the armchair general that I am, I was just hoping this was the ripe time for my pipe dream to become reality.
war may break out in the next 3 months, within this year

I dont think its that far ..i dont want to sensationalize but i think its around the corner.

I know I can trust your info

dude! i dont trust my info - why should u? i am no different just a normal car salesman brother...who happened to have knack of been proved correct...recently
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Just to throw my own spanner in the mix, maybe a parallel development can take place with a custom J10 for Pakistan built to spec similar to blk 70+ F16! That way F16 can be brought in only when needed and bulk of the flying will be handled by J10.
so after 122 pages what is the conclusion of this thread??? Block 70 is coming or what??? by the way at start of this thread i pointed out that it will never happened and i provided the reasons and now today when india terminated the special status of Kashmir, we saw American silence, not only this today IMF has informed pakistan that incase of failure of not exiting the FATF gray list, foreign financing assurances could suffer.

according to indian sources their foreign minster S J Shankar had already given briefing to mike pompeo regarding the oblation of articles 370 and 35.

when all this was happening behind the close doors .. our members were busy in watching dreams of Block 70, and when i pointed out the facts and some admin give me plus rating few guys starting bashing the admin :cheesy: .... and he revert back his decision saying it was a mistake ... who was at mistake i guess now sensible people will understand.

Pakistan must come out with its own solutions, should work with friendly nations for development of our own military solutions and this is one dignified way to survive
We just saw who from the OIC countries attended the special meeting on Kashmir (hint, no one prominent). On top, when our supposed 'brotherly' countries come out and say its Indias internal matter, they can go **** themselves. This also makes me think either that Khaffes news is completely wrong or Pakistan already knew and has sold IOK Kashmir for a measly few billion dollars.

We will get the Cobras and associated equipment due to our role in the Afghan peace deal with money held up from the CSF and that would be it.

If we can then get on the job of improving our industrial output and increasing trade with the US and China, we will soon be able to buy whatever we want with our own money, as it should be.
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