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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Its highly unlikely that they'll be able to produce that many jet (only) for Pakistan by 2020. Chances are slim to none.

Bahrain is the launch customer for the Block 72, and I doubt they just want a couple to start off with.

Q. With the assembly line moving off to South Carolina, how many jets can they produce in a 1 Year?

@Khafee @TheTallGuy @Irfan Baloch
If we look at it from another angle, that'd be a couple extra years for the PAF to scrounge up cash for the purchases.
Could the recent escalation by India be linked to PAF potentially getting the most potent F-16 out there?

The block 70/72 can not only kill the Rafale, it can bury it and hold funeral proceeding. Specially in the hands of a PAF pilot a F-16 BLK 70/72 will be very difficult opponent.

There is patriotism ........ and then there is madness. What you have posted is a step further up the ladder. A sweeping statement that the Block-70/72 can kill the Rafale as if Rafale is a sitting duck and not already the most advanced 4.5++ Gen fighter out there which is further armed with the most potent BVRAAM.
Hypothetically speaking, let say that for reason xyz the F-16 deal breaks down, is there contingency plan for something like EFT ? Since brother(s) are paying for it, does it have to be F-16 ?
let say that for reason xyz the F-16 deal breaks down,
except Russian & Chinese Options there is none....
• Russians wont sell any type of advance fighter Jets which poses threat to india example Su35..
• Chinese Options are available for filling the immediate gaps in medium sized fighter jets like J10c & heavy weight options which (Chinese) they're producing under license will be hard to acquire bcz of Russians & i guess there are some Agreements regarding exports to 3rd party..
chinese origin 5th gen Aircraft J20 - they wont sell it to us...& another stealth aircraft J31 is still under going tests & I think it is not a priority right now in immediate future...

is there contingency plan for something like EFT ?
if F16 deal doesn't go through which I think it wont & we will not be getting the latest blocks and USA can also block this (EFT) option for us through his Allies I.e not to sell it to Pakistan as many European countries jointly funded this project -- & its super expensive... so I dont think Pakistan will buy EFT..

other knowledgeable members can help you better on this issue :crazy_pilot:
PTI government tried hard to take Trump's favor and now we realize that all the Kashmir mediation and Block-70 etc drama was to divert Pakistan from China and now China will not support us like before in any crisis,
My opinion
I think you're wrong..

If only our relations with china that weak..
PTI government tried hard to take Trump's favor and now we realize that all the Kashmir mediation and Block-70 etc drama was to divert Pakistan from China and now China will not support us like before in any crisis,
My opinion
I think you're wrong..

If only our relations with china that weak..
Every big problem is starting with small miss understanding and If China feels less confident with us then he will reduce our support first, Do you believe that we will get Block-70 or Trump will mediate?
You are entitled to your view point. I merely suggested a way out of the insanity of the Bhutto era. This by the way is not conscription but the formula the British Territorial army employs. So in exchange for the duty they take care of your educational requirements. If you want to opt out you pay the cost of the education or serve X number of years and then you are free.


What you responded to was a discussion of bringing conscription. If you do not know what that is, and how that is conducted, perhaps it would have been better if you hadn't responded. If you wish to discuss other things, please do so, but it confuses the subject when you interject with something else. Hope to see your productive input in the future.
Every big problem is starting with small miss understanding and If China feels less confident with us then he will reduce our support first, Do you believe that we will get Block-70 or Trump will mediate?

China is not your girl friend that little misunderstandings , if any, will make them turn 180 degree...

China understands that we have our own strategic interests and they realize we are becoming more independent and thinking out of box under IK.

It’s like asking China to prove their friendship to us by ending trade with India.... they would be like why?

Same in our relationship with the USA. We have helped China expand their foot prints to Afghanistan through their open contacts with Talibans and interest in reaching Central Asia. They will never forget our favours and we should never forget theirs .
China is not your girl friend that little misunderstandings , if any, will make them turn 180 degree...

China understands that we have our own strategic interests and they realize we are becoming more independent and thinking out of box under IK.

It’s like asking China to prove their friendship to us by ending trade with India.... they would be like why?

Same in our relationship with the USA. We have helped China expand their foot prints to Afghanistan through their open contacts with Talibans and interest in reaching Central Asia. They will never forget our favours and we should never forget theirs .
Your Strategic interests with US are only based on illusions and wet dreams, we will never get any Block-70 and if we reduce CPEC and military support with China for the sake of wet US dreams then you will see the results, still our relations are good with China but sorry no comments appeared from China today.
PTI government tried hard to take Trump's favor and now we realize that all the Kashmir mediation and Block-70 etc drama was to divert Pakistan from China and now China will not support us like before in any crisis,
My opinion
Kahan kahan se a jata hain tum jaisa log. Kuch pata bhi hai . You are becoming a colony of china . China has not done fair deals with you .
Aur khabhi zindagi main research nhn ki . They are looking to remove article 370 for 50 years. And last 5 years they tried really hard .
And their economy is going down and election in 5 states is going to come.
So they did this action now when they have support .
Shame please do some research .
Don't make conspiracies as if we already have many.
An insane post, sorry to say. Anyone who has studied conscription will laugh their heads of reading this.
Nothing wrong with conscription. I was conscripted and had excellent experience and continued on in multiple fields. However some people dont; this does not mean it is bad. Many of my units were still 18 when they showed up; after 2 years they left well trained and disciplined. Some never made it thru.
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