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PAF, Designed For Destruction of Aggressors!

Any M2K shot down ?
No because they said they had radar problems so they turned back to base before they got into the fight.
The claim on the 2nd Jet was fake. It's as true as the indian claim of downing F16
Flying 2 su30mki behind 3 M2K during a parade and labelling it the balakot formation doesn't disprove the su30mki shoot down.

Just ask your own air chief showing an AMRAAM fragment. Wonder where they got that from 🤔
It wasn't just his mig. The 51st squadron scrambled multiple migs from Srinagar to challenge you since it was the closest operational Base
I know it wasn't. I mentioned his wingman bugging out before he could get into range of engaging any of the PAF jets.
Again you're playing with words here. I didn't say that Pakistan doesn't have any conventional strike missiles , I just said that Pakistan doesn't have as many of them as India does.
No no not at all sir, I'm not plating with any words. Pakistan doesn't have ANY sort of missiles at all in its arsenal. Be it ballistic, cruise, MLRS, ATGM or whatever. Pakistan doesn't have it 🙃
Not to mention the OBL raid. Was the PAF asleep?
They obviously allowed America to enter for the raid.

Or America just entered and threatened severe retaliation so they were told to stand down
The so called Raptor of East was turned into Rabbit of Asia that day
the quote of the week lol

Not to mention the OBL raid. Was the PAF asleep?
did you participate in his funeral? its a shame Americans didn't trust us while raiding that goat fcker hiding in Abbotabad while people died in his name.
but I never felt bad for his death unlike these people

Indians mistook PAF absence during Abbotabad raid as incompetence but found out the opposite on 27 Feb 19. but hey for you glass is always half empty.
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don't worry, now PAF is conducting these strikes.
the eyewitness (who needed to keep his head intact with his neck) stated what was approved and right thing to say not to anger TTP.
it is not just that strike. back then Pakistan lacked precision strikes at that level and Americans were there to help.
just to let you know they also struck Hakim Ullah Mehsood when the prick was having oil massage on roof top.

your kind guises its hatred for army and love for TTP by mocking PAF and Pakistan army whenever Americans conducted strikes inside Pakistan. but we have seen how TTP supporters bashed Musharraf for conducting Lal Masjid operation which is modern day Masjid Zarar. well be prepared if TTP can use the terrorists from central Asea, Afghanistan, Middle east and support of Indians to conduct terror inside Pakistan then Pakistan air force and army will use Chinese, Americans and my In Laws to stick long rod in the TTP collective backsides.

You must be privy to inside information but sadly I'm not.
let me know if you feel that some PAF haters are spoiling the thread then I will thread ban them,
enough of covert TTP supporters.
let me know if you feel that some PAF haters are spoiling the thread then I will thread ban them,
enough of covert TTP supporters.
Keyboards don't hit back but bullets kill. The off the cuff one liners are perhaps their attempt to be popular.
ویسے بھی لگتا ہے کچھ حضرات اپنی بنڈ ننگی کرنے کا شوق رکھتے ہیں
Keyboards don't hit back but bullets kill. The off the cuff one liners are perhaps their attempt to be popular.
ویسے بھی لگتا ہے کچھ حضرات اپنی بنڈ ننگی کرنے کا شوق رکھتے ہیں
they are born from the donkey *** and they cant help themselves always condescending their own. they pretty much put Indian trolls out of job by doing better trolling. they remind me of those bitter people who enter in a gathering and bring the entire atmosphere down with their shit actions and words.

political discourse is one thing and must be discussed in relevant threads. but they cant help it. they will dig out selective content to support their argument. I remember these guys saying our forces are rented army killing "our own people" to get dollars.

missing the fact that "our own people" were playing football with soldier skulls, killing children and killing polio workers. but they will on purpose ignore that and bring something else.
I reminded them what Saudis did in Bahrain to quell the uprising and what they been doing in KSA.. and how Turks deal with the Kurds. their people have no delusion (those that do get picked up and get corrected permanently).

back on topic. despite all the political upheaval and financial difficulties the PAF has maintained itself well I am privy to some really heartwarming stories about PAF ingenuity and create use of resource applications which I cant disclose.

Indians have not forgotten the humiliation of 27 Feb 19 and they are waiting for an opportunity but PAF has the prayers of all the well wishers of Pakistan that it will continue to defend the country Against Indian adventures.
Another achievement of the PAF: it has compelled the crafty Indians to turn to the French - the cleverest folks in Europe! The French takes great pride in their extremely cunning and cruel exploitation of their colonies which is continuing till these days! I think the Indians initially took the French help in designing Tejas, and the results are there for everyone to see.....
Wet dreams of Pajeets. You could boast about so much other things but you always have to choose the most obviously retarded and untrue thing
The same can be said about your claim of shooting down a flanker
Yes your non-stealth fighters went completely undetected and unchallenged as they were covered in secret goa muttar that was scattering the radar waves 🤡
Ever heard of Electronic warfare? Su 30s can carry SAP 14 pods you know
images (32).jpeg

But then the very next day you forgot to apply the goa muttar coating as you were caught off guard so you received a total back door smashing.
We detected your presence and sent fighters from srinagar to challenge you.

Another achievement of the PAF: it has compelled the crafty Indians to turn to the French - the cleverest folks in Europe! The French takes great pride in their extremely cunning and cruel exploitation of their colonies which is continuing till these days! I think the Indians initially took the French help in designing Tejas, and the results are there for everyone to see.....
What's excatly so bad about tejas which you keep talking about ?
No because they said they had radar problems so they turned back to base before they got into the fight.
They were targeted by AMRAAM C, that's why they had to evade
Flying 2 su30mki behind 3 M2K during a parade and labelling it the balakot formation doesn't disprove the su30mki shoot down.
Sure, just like an F16 was shot down lol.
Just ask your own air chief showing an AMRAAM fragment. Wonder where they got that from 🤔
Intercepted ? Evaded , target by decoys ? Burnt out during the chase ? An AMRAAM can't fly forever you know . There are many possibilities sir
I know it wasn't. I mentioned his wingman bugging out before he could get into range of engaging any of the PAF jets.
Abhi had crossed the LoC without orders, that ought to explain him bugging out
No no not at all sir, I'm not plating with any words. Pakistan doesn't have ANY sort of missiles at all in its arsenal. Be it ballistic, cruise, MLRS, ATGM or whatever. Pakistan doesn't have it 🙃
As you say my lord.
I hope soon inshAllah our boys can down their rafale too, to put a final nail in the coffin of the iaf. For a long time. Amen!
Next time the J10 perhaps can kill some abhi-none-dones 😂
It was two … SU-30 MKI was other .. proven like zillion times
Infact 3, Including Mi17 which was also shot down by PAF AIM120C but both sides remain silent on this issue and blame has to be taken by SPYDER SAM.
Tejad is an exceptional aircraft and every Pakistani wishes that IAF fills its squadrons with tejas
The same can be said about your claim of shooting down a flanker

Ever heard of Electronic warfare? Su 30s can carry SAP 14 pods you know View attachment 910219

We detected your presence and sent fighters from srinagar to challenge you.

What's excatly so bad about tejas which you keep talking about ?
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