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PAF crossed LoC says Indian Media

Air violations should be returned with sea boundaries violations where we enjoy the advantage..... if situation gets out of control no worries we have those crazy BRAHMOS in the sea, on the land and in the air.....

Don't forget Sukhoi BRAHMOS base in south... you certainly don't have the range to strike that deep.....

We have ballistic/cruise missiles that literally covers every inch of India, if you wanna test us then go for it... Even your media is quiet today.
Fixed it

Leaked footage of ancient vedic technology in tejas mk2
Mighty Tejas deployed at LOC with extra protection..
We have ballistic/cruise missiles that literally covers every inch of India, if you wanna test us then go for it... Even your media is quiet today.

Are you crazy?? You will use Ballistic missiles to hit air bases??? Do you know India too possess ballistic missiles and your use of BMs will give India a perfect opportunity to do some very serious damage in return and still get away with it as once you use BM even without nuclear weapons India retains a full right to retaliate in full force....
As for cruise missiles sorry your babur is only 700 kms range so can't reach everywhere in India and unlike BRAHMOS it can't be used for sea operations and it can't be used from fighter jets.... its subsonic speed makes it further vulnerable to air defenses....
Don't forget Sukhoi BRAHMOS base in south... you certainly don't have the range to strike that deep.....

There is nothing in IAF inventory that can threaten Pakistan. 27th Feb, 2019 proved it when IAF had their tail between its legs.
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Are you crazy?? You will use Ballistic missiles to hit air bases??? Do you know India too possess ballistic missiles and your use of BMs will give India a perfect opportunity to do some very serious damage in return and still get away with it as once you use BM even without nuclear weapons India retains a full right to retaliate in full force....
As for cruise missiles sorry your babur is only 700 kms range so can't reach everywhere in India and unlike BRAHMOS it can't be used for sea operations and it can't be used from fighter jets.... its subsonic speed makes it further vulnerable to air defenses....
yaar enough with your mad man claims, we have seen the reality of indian might recently. ultimately you will blame clouds, Russian, French and every tom dick and harry for your failures.
I hope this isn't true. Because if they went across, they should have bombed the sh$t out of IA & IAF ONCE AGAIN instead of just making a short loop in the air.
There is nothing in IAF inventory that can threaten Pakistan. 27th Feb, 2019 proved it when IAF had their tail between its legs.

Okay if one small air skirmish is a yardstick for you to compare PAF and IAF then good for you.... no problem
There is nothing in IAF inventory that can threaten Pakistan. 27th Feb, 2019 proved it when IAF had their tail between its legs.
its about poor tactics shown by IAF on 27 Feb, 2019 , they have the capabilities quality/quantity to inflict heavy damage on PAF, but their tactics and strategy against PAF is wrong
Okay if one small air skirmish is a yardstick for you to compare PAF and IAF then good for you.... no problem
Its show you haven't any proper tactic/strategy against PAF
Okay if one small air skirmish is a yardstick for you to compare PAF and IAF then good for you.... no problem

Modern warfare is much different from warfare conducted in the 90s let alone pre 70s....

Fact of the matter is just yesterday Pakistani drones violated IOK airspace, followed by jets today. Pakistan is most likely using the incursion for recognizance and intelligence gathering purposes, as well as to test IAF reaction time and find gaps in radar/communications. This is what mature air forces do...

Compared to the IAF which is so shit scared that they launch bombs from their airspace and get struck the next day in broad daylight :D
This is a violation of our airspace and this matter should be taken seriously to the international community..... right now its difficult to intercept those Hi-tech F16s but its high time to ramp up the production of AKASH NG and force Russia to speed up the delivery of S400....

Things will further get dirty once they (Pakistan) start receiving J10s..... F16+J10 backed by awacs and armed with AMARAAM and PL15 combo is a serious threat on the horizon and need an urgent response in the form of AKASH NG.....

We have BRAHMOS which can render those fighters useless on the ground before they are airborne but we can't use them before it's a full fledged war..... so in air skirmish we will be at disadvantageous situation......
I love it when ever Indians hiccup to say JF-17 like Voldemort
Are you crazy?? You will use Ballistic missiles to hit air bases??? Do you know India too possess ballistic missiles and your use of BMs will give India a perfect opportunity to do some very serious damage in return and still get away with it as once you use BM even without nuclear weapons India retains a full right to retaliate in full force....
As for cruise missiles sorry your babur is only 700 kms range so can't reach everywhere in India and unlike BRAHMOS it can't be used for sea operations and it can't be used from fighter jets.... its subsonic speed makes it further vulnerable to air defenses....
Except indian missile tech sucks ***
Indian can’t even make subsonic missile
Except indian missile tech sucks ***
Indian can’t even make subsonic missile

The "Brahmos" is just a copycat Soviet Yakhont cruise missile. Cruise missiles have a lot of benefits such as low radar signature, low flight ceiling, etc... even modern Patriots and S-400 systems have been unable to detect cruise missile strikes in Syria or KSA and somehow baniya Gangedesh can :D
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