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PAF crossed LoC says Indian Media

Modern planes don't really need to rely on lights for targeting but I agree that they should've done what they're best at and blacked out the city to make it difficult for IAF.

concept of total blackout in IMO is slightly far fetched out with almost every other house with a standby generator, unless there is an air raid siren and citizens are ORDERED to maintain blackout, still i think there will be some idiot insisting of can't living without his precious electricity
I am from DHA Karachi, on the night of 28th where tensions were very high and other nights to follow with eminent missle attack i was on my roof top and i was wondering BC waisay K-Electric is efficient in blackout but now when there are threats the whole God damn city is lit up lol
Not need to blackout sir this isn't mid 20th century where weapons need brightness to hit the target, today's stand off smart munitions/missiles can hit their targets whether targets is in a blackout conditions or not, its doesn't matter much
Air violations should be returned with sea boundaries violations where we enjoy the advantage..... if situation gets out of control no worries we have those crazy BRAHMOS in the sea, on the land and in the air.....

Don't forget Sukhoi BRAHMOS base in south... you certainly don't have the range to strike that deep.....

Your "Sukhoi" has been taken care off on 27 Feb 19.

Wait and watch.
Another image that had been circulating:

Via Ashraf Wani on twitter
Your "Sukhoi" has been taken care off on 27 Feb 19.

Wait and watch.

You guys think too much about 27th Feb.....
Sachin tendulkar, imran Khan sometimes were clean bolded on 0....
Doesn't mean everytime they will perform the same way.....
You guys think too much about 27th Feb.....
Sachin tendulkar, imran Khan sometimes were clean bolded on 0....
Doesn't mean everytime they will perform the same way.....
But IAF has always been clean bowled in every match before...
where are rafaels?

seems like its in indian media and their army cheifs mouths only :partay:
pakistan army has already decided to attack terrorists training camps inside India and Afghanistan

seems like its a trailer or warning for indians.
You guys think too much about 27th Feb.....
Sachin tendulkar, imran Khan sometimes were clean bolded on 0....
Doesn't mean everytime they will perform the same way.....

Lol @ your justification.

You all are shameless. You guys just don't have the grace to accept the defeat. Your forces failed you. Your pilot ended up as Prisoner of war. Two of your planes were shot down. Your government lied to you about 350 dead terrorist. Did you ever questioned them????

What else is defeat in modern war????
Can we relate both pictures?

View attachment 692268
Maybe, i am unsure about this one, although the curvature of the contrail makes it look similar. However it is relatable to the picture Windjammer posted as per Ashraf Wani.
The photo you posted is possibly taken from a further distance from the ones posted by Ashraf Wani.
Also clarification here for my previous posts,
IAF has not released any statement only Major India news outlets have published the stories on a violation of Indian Airspace/No violation/Violation of the buffer airspace of 10km. We also do not know what the type of Aircraft this was that has made the contrail.
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Maybe, i am unsure about this one, although the curvature of the contrail makes it look similar. However it is relatable to the picture Windjammer posted as per Ashraf Wani.
The photo you posted is possibly taken from a further distance from the ones posted by Ashraf Wani.
Also clarification here for my previous posts,
IAF has not released any statement only Major India news outlets have published the stories on a violation of Indian Airspace/No violation/Violation of the buffer airspace of 10km. We also do not know what the type of Aircraft this was that has made the contrail.

It looks like the same fly over captured by two people from opposite side of fly path. Notice the snow peaks.
Our Din family is proud of the sacrifices rendered earlier by me and now by my younger brother Shaheed Tammiz ud din. Tameez was a fun-loving guy. He was fond of Bollywood movies. His focus was more on datings than the flying. Flying was never his passion. He ended up in the airforce accidentally. Next in line is the youngest Badtameez ud din. In his childhood, he was good at kite flying. Following in the footstep of his elder brothers he joined the air force. Now he is waiting for his turn. The day IAF will attack Pakistan he will automatically sacrifice his life to appease the pajeet nation. 😭 😭
Thank you Sir, for taking your time and responding to messages.

Your dedication and love for the country and this forum is venerable, you continue to grace us with your online presence, even after your Shahadat.

one question I wanted to ask, but I dont know if you will be able to answer or no, because you are already a shaheed and....

Did you / Do you have any children? if yes please tell us the names.....Din family is famous for their innovative names.....
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