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P-3 Orion Wing Line Restarted


Apr 8, 2014
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From left: Peter Hillier, Karen Eiblmeier, and Michael Spurr from the Canada Department of National Defence were on hand to commemorate the reopening of the P-3 wing line at Marietta, Georgia.


From left to right: Sean Lockhart, Ali Khoshro start working on Canada’s first wing of 2015 while Brent Miller, the Beam Shop Supervisor looks on.

MARIETTA, Ga., March 5, 2015 -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] restarted the wing production line for the P-3 Orion Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) program for Canada and Chile on March 4.

The P-3 wing line was last in production in August 2014. The gap in production extended the opportunities for global operators to assess their fleet needs.

“We are very excited about restarting the wing line here in Marietta and we are very proud of the partnership with Canada and Chile,” said Mark Jarvis, P-3 program director. “We look forward to building wings for the many P-3 operators across the globe.”

The MLU replaces the outer wings, center wing, horizontal stabilizer and horizontal stabilizer leading edges. All necessary fatigue life-limiting structures are replaced, leading to significantly reduced maintenance and sustainment costs. New alloys are employed that provide a five-fold increase in corrosion resistance.

The P-3 Orion plays a vital role in maritime intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, drug interdiction, hurricane hunting, fire-fighting and anti-submarine surveillance. Due to the MLU, it will support operators for 20-25 more years.

“The P-3 Orion is the gold standard in maritime reconnaissance,” said Jarvis, “We are excited to keep this venerable workhorse flying for many years to come.”

In addition to Canada and Chile, other MLU customers include U.S. Customs & Border Protection, the U.S. Navy and Norway.
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