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Overseas Pakistanis like this are an embarrassment

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Why duck that white girl? Is she less of a human because she’s white? So what if your sister was raped? Would that change your emotions?
Didn’t say that or meant that. Rape is a big problem. You British need to start doing a better job at stopping it. Do you show the same energy when the culprits is a non Pakistani? Why should collectively accept his crime and apologize on his behalf.
Right are u gonna stop coping now like a good little boy, or are u gonna scream on the internet where people can't even hear u.
But how am I coping? You are the one that is demising a crime? Brain dead ?

Didn’t say that or meant that. Rape is a big problem. You British need to start doing a better job or stopping it. Do you show the same energy when the culprits is a non Pakistani? Why should collectively accept his crime and apologize on his behalf.
Pakistanis in the UK need to start by keep their dicks in their pants!

See it works both ways.

This is the reason far right shitbirds are able to peddle their toxic narrative against Muslims and immigrants in the west.

Just to let you know the man was arrested by the police and the girl in the video was rescued.

People like you are worse than him.

Thats 1 rapist, he raped 1 person.

You f**k a whole community.

The guy who recorded him and called the Police was a British Pakistani too - anyone with any local knowledge would recognise the accent and the language used by him.
Shouting at me

But how am I coping? You are the one that is demising a crime? Brain dead ?

Pakistanis in the UK need to start by keep their dicks in their pants!

See it works both ways.
Listen here soyboy it's time u hit the deck before ur mum finds out u been using her phone to scream online at men older than u.
People like you are worse than him.

Thats 1 rapist, he raped 1 person.

You f**k a whole community.

The guy who recorded him and called the Police was a British Pakistani too - anyone with any local knowledge would recognise the accent and the language used by him.

If we started measuring all Pakistanis by the crimes committed in Pakistan itself you wouldn't know where to put your face.
Read my post and the. Rephrase your reply. I think people on this forum have a comprehension problem.
You come across as someone who failed his 11+. Please, look beyond skin colour, it’s a valid concern.

This is not going away.

I never said you were! Did I blame anyone here? Instead of recognising the problem people just jump on me and call me names.

That is small dick energy right there.

What if the girl in this video was your sister?

Not responsible. The racist far right Brits cannot hold the entire Pakistani community responsible for the actions of a handful of people.

We don't hold all Brits responsible for 21 white peados.

Just punish the culprits and move on.
Didn’t say that or meant that. Rape is a big problem. You British need to start doing a better job at stopping it. Do you show the same energy when the culprits is a non Pakistani? Why should collectively accept his crime and apologize on his behalf.

He probably mad cause his sister eloped with a Pakistani.
“Caught raping a young white girl on camera”

**** that white girl And that POS. Rape is wrong against all women, not just White. It’s obvious that it’s bothering you more that it’s a white chick vs if it was a non white.

She is a racist bitch. Plain and simple.

Wake me up when white racist Brits hold their own accountable.
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Listen here soyboy it's time u hit the deck before ur mum finds out u been using her phone to scream online at men older than u.
Unlike you, I live on my own. You keep saying “mum” I pay my own way little man. Ur hey you keep shouting desperate to silence me.

Just face the truth please.
Agreed but it needs to be recognised as a problem. Especially if you consider the town where this happened. The same town as the infamous grooming gangs…

the easiest way is to selectively ban immigration. get it over with.

I am sure it will hurt Pakistanis on this forum. If you take a deep breath and look back maybe a ban on immigration will force Pakistanis to fix the issues in their society and make Pakistan a better way to live
But how am I coping? You are the one that is demising a crime? Brain dead ?

Pakistanis in the UK need to start by keep their dicks in their pants!

See it works both ways.

Yesterday you claimed that Catholics are fine people and never resorted to rape of children in churches. Do you still believe this?
Unlike you, I live on my own. You keep saying “mum” I pay my own way little man. Ur hey you keep shouting desperate to silence me.

Just face the truth please.
Mummy is what u need soyboy that's I keep reminding ur nappy wearing arse.
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