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Overcoming Turkey’s policy blunder concerning India

We were referring to Pre-Islamic era,

Maurayan empire

Indo-Greek,Indo-Sythician kingdoms also the Kushan empire.

Even though the Kushans were only culturally Indian.

Ok, i know all these empires except indo greeks ruled parts of present day India but none of these empires were indigenous indians. Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya who was from taxila, PunjabIndo-Greek empire was restricted to north west of subcontinent only

Indo-Sythician were also central asians and ruled from Taxilla
Kushans were from central asians Yuezhi tribes and ruled from peshawar and taxilla.

Chandragupta Mauryan was born in Magadha(Bihar,Bengal area), and Punjab was considered Indica by the Greeks, and Hindustan by the Arabs and Persians. Every thing east of the Indus river was.

.... and not to forget the british Imperialist and intrigues in the monarchic Yard destroyed the Mughal Power in India ! The Case from which I'm speak will be quite different then the End Times of Mughal Empire. India

When British invaded the Mughals they were already not the dominate force in India. Marathas after Aurangzeb made inroad on much of Mughal territory.

Lets go back on topic..
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Ok, i know all these empires except indo greeks ruled parts of present day India but none of these empires were indigenous indians. Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya who was from taxila, Punjab

Indo-Greek empire was restricted to north west of subcontinent only

Indo-Sythician were also central asians and ruled from Taxilla
Kushans were from central asians Yuezhi tribes and ruled from peshawar and taxilla.

Some points:
1.I meant it from the cultural context.
2.Chandragupta was an illegitimate child of the Nanda Dynasty , born to a Nanda prince and a maid .
3.I don't expect any fruitful discussions with you considering your user name and the phrase indigenous Indians,so this my last post on this thread,also if you have realized we are way off-topic.
4.Make use of the quote button,provided at the lower,right corner .
Putting it in simple words. Turkish people just love Pakistanis and vice-versa. On strategic grounds it does not make sense to prefer India over Pakitan. Economically Pakistan is not a dead horse as many here see it. Turkey know about pakistan more than most of the world and they know that pakistan is not a ravaged bomb blasting desert as it is being portrayed all over the world. There are ripe fruits in Pakistan and juice can extracted its just a matter of few years.
Chandragupta Mauryan was born in Magadha(Bihar,Bengal area), and Punjab was considered Indica by the Greeks, and Hindustan by the Arabs and Persians. Every thing east of the Indus river was.

Thats right the name India was given to the region around river indus Punjab/Sindh by greeks but that didn't include present day bharat.

The word hindu comes from river sindhu(indus), sindhu in farsi becomes hindu and was given to people living in Sindh and punjab by persians not to the citizens of present day India. It was a secular term untill 18 century when britain made it into religious term.

The Arabs used to call the land between arabian sea and hindu kush as Sindh and everything east of Sindh as Hindh (Read Chach Nama)
Chandragupta Mauryan was born in Magadha(Bihar,Bengal area), and Punjab was considered Indica by the Greeks, and Hindustan by the Arabs and Persians. Every thing east of the Indus river was.

Thats right the name India was given to the region around river indus Punjab/Sindh by greeks but that didn't include present day bharat.

The word hindu comes from river sindhu(indus), sindhu in farsi becomes hindu and was given to people living in Sindh and punjab by persians not to the citizens of present day India. It was a secular term untill 18 century when britain made it into religious term.

The Arabs used to call the land between arabian sea and hindu kush as Sindh and everything east of Sindh as Hindh (Read Chach Nama)

Sindh and Hind both derived from the Sanskrit Sindhu. Hindustan was original Northern India and Sindh and Punjab Pakistan by middle easterners. Its core is the Indo-Gangetic plain.

When invaders from middle east and central asia pushed in deeper then modern Pakistan into modern N. India Hindu was still used.
Some points:
1.I meant it from the cultural context.
2.Chandragupta was an illegitimate child of the Nanda Dynasty , born to a Nanda prince and a maid .
3.I don't expect any fruitful discussions with you considering your user name and the phrase indigenous Indians,so this my last post on this thread,also if you have realized we are way off-topic.
4.Make use of the quote button,provided at the lower,right corner .

According to greek historian Plutarch in Parallel Lives: Life of Alexander, Chandragupta Maurya is mentioned by name Sandracottos

"Sandracottos, when he was a stripling, saw Alexander himself, and we are told that he often said in later times that Alexander narrowly missed making himself master of the country, since its king was hated and despised on account of his baseness and low birth."

Sandracottos was a poor boy in Takshila, he was raised by a Takshila University teacher, Chanakya, He was also Chandragupta’s main political advisor and was responsible for the creation of Mauryan empire
Chandragupta met Alexander the Great and asked him to wage a war against Nanda dynasty.

If chandagupta was an illegitimate child of the Nanda Dynasty why would he ask Alexander to wage war against his own kingdom

According to Col. James Tod Chandragupta was a descendant of Puru dynasty(Punjab):“ Sandrocottus is mentioned by Arrian to be of this line ; and we can have no hesitation, therefore, in giving him a place in the dynasty of Puru, the second son of Yayati, whence the patronymic used by the race now extinct, as was Yadu, the elder brother of Puru.,
"Sandracottos, when he was a stripling, saw Alexander himself, and we are told that he often said in later times that Alexander narrowly missed making himself master of the country, since its king was hated and despised on account of his baseness and low birth."

Sandracottos was a poor boy in Takshila, he was raised by a Takshila University teacher, Chanakya, He was also Chandragupta’s main political advisor and was responsible for the creation of Mauryan empire
Chandragupta met Alexander the Great and asked him to wage a war against Nanda dynasty.

If chandagupta was an illegitimate child of the Nanda Dynasty why would he ask Alexander to wage war against his own kingdom

Same reason Mughals or other kings in India like Ashoka killed their brothers and fought wars against their own relatives. Or when Mao created revolution and a take over China. Nandas were said to tyrants and treated the people badly, Mauryan had much support from the locals when he took it over.

Chandragupta wasnt from Punjab, Chanakya took him from eastern India when he was a kid and trained him to launch a war against the Nanda empire. Chanakya was brain behind it and Chandragupta was the muscle.

It was a full scale revolt planned by Chanakya against the Nanadas. Which will later on form the Mauryan empire.
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India shares no Border with Afghanistan and there are no real cultural and historic Links between India and Afghanistan. In the History Afghanistan were ruled by two Turkic Empires, the Timurids and Mughals. In the 1930's the new founde'd Turkey kept close Relations to Afghanistan and helped the to built a Military Academy.

Regarding Economic Cooperation, Turkey and India allready strengthen there Economic Copperation. In the first Quarter 2010 President Gül allready visited India and signed many Agreements for Economic Cooperation. We can cooperate in economic Matters but we will never cooperate in strategic Matters, because India is seeking Dominance in the Region, including in Turkeys Backyard Central Asia !

That means our Relations are compareable with US and China !:azn:

I don't know what History you have been studied there but as per Afghanistan's official history profile they are connect many ways to Indian sub continent.:rofl:

Afghanistan History
First of all, who are the Afghanis? Afghanistan has historically been the link between Central Asia, the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent.:hitwall: It is therefore a nation made up of many different nationalities – the result of innumerable invasions and migrations.
Same reason Mughal or other kings in India like Ashoka killed their brothers and fought against their own empire. Or when Mao created revolution and a take over China. Nandas were said to tyrants and treated the people baddly, Mauryan had much support from the looks when he took over it.

I dont think i have to give you more history about Chandragupta Maurya. Two of the world's ancient and greatest historians Arrian and Plutarch are saying he was a descendent of puru dynasty so i will believe them not the bharati historians who have a habbit of hijaching pakistani history. Even Ptolemy I Soter says chandragupta as some one dwelling alongside river indus.
Same reason Mughal or other kings in India like Ashoka killed their brothers and fought against their own empire. Or when Mao created revolution and a take over China. Nandas were said to tyrants and treated the people baddly, Mauryan had much support from the looks when he took over it.

I dont think i have to give you more history about Chandragupta Maurya. Two of the world's ancient and greatest historians Arrian and Plutarch are saying he was a descendent of puru dynasty so i will believe them not the bharati historians who have a habbit of hijaching pakistani history. Even Ptolemy I Soter says chandragupta as some one dwelling alongside river indus.

You have to be kidding me right?

Look Its said Chanakya asked for help from the Nandas against the invaders(Greeks, Santraps,etc), Nanda declined and he found this boy(Gupta) who is said to come from a poor(humble) background from eastern India.Brought him to Taxlia educated and trained this child who will in the future form the Mauryan empire. He waged war against the Greeks in Afghanistan and later the Nandas themselves. He didnt come from the Punjab, and even if he did you act like Punjab isnt some how not Indian or something.

Chandragupta is said to be illegitimate child of the Nanda Dynasty of Magadha in eastern India, born to a Nanda prince and a maid named Mura, later literary traditions imply that Chandragupta may have been raised by peacock-tamers (Sanskrit Mayura-Poshaka), which earned him the Maurya epithet.

You can make a thread about this, and lets stop going offtopic.
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Look Its said Chanakya asked for help from the Nandas against the invaders(Greeks, Santraps,etc), Nanda declined and he found this boy(Gupta) who is said to come from a poor(humble) background from eastern India.Brought him to Taxlia educated and trained this child who will in the future form the Mauryan empire. He waged war against the Greeks in Afghanistan and later the Nandas themselves. He didnt come from the Punjab, and even if he did you act like its Punjab is some how not Indian or something.

As far as i remenber Chanakya was the enemy of Nanda dynasty because he was exiled from maghda, and Porus had no relation with any kingdom on its eastern border. Porus had relation with king of persia and darius did ask Porus for help but porus wasn't able to help him. Yes Pakistani Punjab was never a part of Bharat it was always separate of India.

Chandragupta is said to be illegitimate child of the Nanda Dynasty of Magadha in eastern India, born to a Nanda prince and a maid named Mura, later literary traditions imply that Chandragupta may have been raised by peacock-tamers (Sanskrit Mayura-Poshaka), which earned him the Maurya epithet.

You are again going back to the same line Chandragupta was a punjabi king, he was no bengali or bihari. I have given you name of 3 historians who say he was a punjabi here is another historian Appian of Alexandria (95CE-165CE), wrote Roman History and says Sandracottos (Chandragupta) was the king of the Indians, dwelt on
river Indus.
You haven't given me the name of a single credible writer which states he was a bengali
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Look Its said Chanakya asked for help from the Nandas against the invaders(Greeks, Santraps,etc), Nanda declined and he found this boy(Gupta) who is said to come from a poor(humble) background from eastern India.Brought him to Taxlia educated and trained this child who will in the future form the Mauryan empire. He waged war against the Greeks in Afghanistan and later the Nandas themselves. He didnt come from the Punjab, and even if he did you act like its Punjab is some how not Indian or something.

As far as i remenber Chanakya was the enemy of Nanda dynasty because he was exiled from maghda, and Porus had no relation with any kingdom on its eastern border. Porus had relation with king of persia and darius did ask Porus for help but porus wasn't able to help him. Yes Pakistani Punjab was never a part of Bharat it was always separate of India.

Chanakya raised Gupta, he was the architect behind Guptas rise and an important part of the founding of the Mauryan empire. Gupta WAS from the eastern India, make a thread about this.

Look up the kingdoms of Bharat, you will find Porus's clan a part of it. His clan(Pauravas) was one of the tribes that fought off "barbarians" like the Iranian tribes, Greeks, etc in the Battle of the Ten Kings..The Persian kings Darius and Xerxes claimed suzerainty over many of the Pauravas, but this claim was loose at best. The most powerful tribes, led by Ambhi and Porus, were conquered by the Macedonian Emperor Alexander the Great in 326 BC. Porus fought a fierce last stand against Alexander at the Battle of the Hydaspes River. Alexander was not able to conquer the entire area due to his army refusing to fight the Nanda Empire further east. By 322 BC, the region was eventually conquered by Chandragupta Maurya, a teenage adventurer from Magadha, who later conquered the Nanda Empire, and founded the Maurya Empire.
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Both the Buddhist as well as Jain traditions testify to the supposed connection between the Moriya (Maurya) and Mora or Mayura (Peacock).[11] Yet there are other literary traditions according to which Chandragupta belonged to Moriyas, a Kshatriya clan of a little ancient republic of Pippalivana ("Piparahiyan" in modern day in Gorakhpur) located between Rummindei in the Nepali Terai and Kasia in the Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh. A kshatriya people known as the "Mauryas" who had received the relics of the Gautama Buddha are also mentioned in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta of the Digha Nikaya: "Then the Moriyas of Pipphalivana came to know that at Kusinara (known as KushiNagar as a district of Uttar Pradesh near Gorakhpur) the Blessed One had died. And they sent a message to the Mallas of Kusinara, saying: "The Blessed One was of the warrior caste, and we are too. We are worthy to receive a portion of the relics of the Blessed One. We will erect a stupa over the relics of the Blessed One and hold a festival in their honor.

Yet there are other literary traditions according to which Chandragupta belonged to Moriyas, a Kshatriya (warrior) clan of a little ancient republic of Pippalivana located between Rummindei in the Nepalese Tarai and Kasia in the Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Tradition suggests that this clan was reduced to great straights in the 4th century BCE under Magadhan rule, and young Chandragupta grew up among the peacock-tamers, herdsmen and hunters.

The Buddhist text of the Mahavamsa calls Chandragupta a scion of the Khattya (Kshatriya) clan named Moriya (Maurya). Divyavadana calls Bindusara, son of Chandragupta, an anointed Kshatriya, Kshatriya Murdhabhishikata, and in the same work, king Ashoka, son of Bindusara, is also styled a Kshatriya. The Mahaparinnibhana Sutta of the Buddhist canon states that the Moriyas (Mauryas) belonged to the Kshatriya community of Pippalivana. These traditions, at least, indicate that Chandragupta has come from a Kshatriya lineage. The Mahavamshatika connects him with the Sakya clan of the Buddha, a clan which also claimed to belong to the race of Aditya i.e. solar race.

A medieval inscription represents the Maurya clan as belonging to the solar race of Kshatriyas.It is stated that the Maurya line sprang from Suryavamsi Mandhatri, son of prince Yuvanashva of the solar race.

Another popular legend among the common folks of India is that Chandragupta was a shepherd(Kuruba/Dhangar) boy who with the help of the Brahmin Chanakya revolted against the atrocities of the Nanda kings and established the Mauryan Empire.
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