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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Also the mood of the nation right now: please share this video with everyone you know :

Thanks for this video - shows there are intelligent, articulate and capable people in Pakistan - the shame is they are are not in the right places.

Yes - Pakistan is a Banana republic and we should not be afraid to say that. It is the bitter truth.

Very brave of her - respect her for that!
Thanks for this video - shows there are intelligent, articulate and capable people in Pakista - the shame is they are are not in the right places.

Yes - Pakistan is a Banana republic and we should not be afraid to say that.
Yes it’s a banana republic. It pains me to say this. But any country that treats its citizens like this, especially women and children frankly isn’t a state anymore. It’s a farce!

The rapporteur for the International Human Rights Foundation was scathing in his criticism of the present breach of every single fundamental human right and due process.
I stalked this forum for years as guest to read about defence related news as i was a big fan of our beloved Armed forces and whatever revolved around them. When 27 Feb happened, i finally joined the forum as a member out of sheer happiness and pride.
Now coming to present day, I visit daily and countless times. All i ever find is despair, hopelessness, evil and no foreseeable future.
What have they done to my country and my people.
Being from AJK all i ever wanted was solution to this "Disputed Territory" problem. Who thought that the visuals we would see daily on PTV about indian barbarism in Kashmir would turn into reality in our own country and at the hands of our own people and 10x worse.

May the servants of satan who ruined this country get served justice by Allah in this dunya and hereafter.
My dua's have turned into curses. Getting more passionate and with anger with each passing day.

This is not about IK or PTI, this is about Humanity.
May the eyes of these cowards never sleep.
Nothing wrong here.
One democratically elected leader of a country apprising another country’s democratically elected representative of the brutal crackdown on democracy in Pakistan.

Estab really is clutching on straws now.
Actions like this by Pak agencies would erode the already fragile Pak-US relationship.
To add most of these corrupt PDM and their backers have financial interests in the west. This is where the real pressure is applied to them, where it hurts their wallets.
It’s not high handed at all, you have no stake in this discussion you are only here to flame 🔥. If you have something genuine to discuss please be my guest.

Don’t flame people which you know you are doing, this is why you get banned. If I was “heavy haded” I would have reported you or issued a negative rating. I didn’t I asked you politely to mind yourself because emotions are high. People’s relatives are in jail, their freedoms are at stake, they are being threatened with crimes that do not exist.

So unless you can have a grown up conversation around this, I ask that you refrain from paying anything that would cause us as Pakistanis any additional upset.

This I appeal to you as a human to another human. The rest is up to you.
I hear you. First up. I have zero intention to flame. I have been on this forum since 2009. I have never done any flaming. This is not in my nature. I barely even posted here let alone this forum. What happened last time is I posted something very simple and people started abusing me. I agree I replied back. But how come the abuser is ok but responder is a flamer. I get that this is Pakistani forum so rules are now heavily biased in their favor.

Now, I agree I don’t have anything in stake here. However, you also have no stake in India. But I am sure you do debate on India. That’s the whole point of a forum correct.

I know you for long and you are a sensible person. I feel you get too sensitive because of what is happening I your country. So anything anti Imran right now looks flaming. So I will refrain from posting on him in future. But I also feel that it takes away the charm of debating issues. Now you are at threat simply debating politely on topics just because you are Indian.

Now let me clarify on my personal view on politics in Pakistan. I agree with you that Imran Khan is by far the best leader you got. 100%. No doubt. However, I do believe he also have done few things wrong. He sometimes react instead of talking it with patience. If he could change that he definitely will make Pakistan better.
•5 hr. ago
That's really horrific and sent chills down to my bones while I was reading it, Pakistan is a lost cause now, the crooks and the tyrants have plagued the country to its core and unless some divine miracle happens there's really no hope left for this country. I too had a chance to live abroad but gave up because I loved this country and thought about all the possibilities I could have here, I was also emotionally attached to it and all the people around me but now more than regret I have a burden of sorrow for what's left of my beloved Pakistan. I wish that I could do something to change the situation, I make some crazy plans and pray day and night for a change of events but I guess it's not enough. May your uncle and every other person return back home safely and may Allah protect our country from all the evil surrounding it. Ameen !
When slavery was on the rise in America, a woman named HaYerette formed a secret organization to help free the prisoners from slavery.
Once this woman was asked that what was the most difficult phase in your mission?
So he said that it was the most difficult thing to do by persuading a slave to realize that you can be free."

Last edited:
My cousin was telling me a number of years ago (during PMLN rule) how I was wrong to leave the country and settle abroad. This that, patriotic fervor, etc.

I remember telling him straight that I am no sacrificial lamb for anyone. Pakistan is not a place to live for decent people.

Then I had hope after IK was in power. The conditions were still not right but I could imagine coming back, not for myself, but to serve in whatever capacity I might.

Now I realize that the issue was never about PTI/IK being there or not. The issue has always been a corrupt establishment. At times, they have ruled directly and at other times indirectly.

Historically, when they have ruled directly, it has been marginally better than when they ruled behind corrupt politicians. But now it seems that they are not even competent at the margins. It’s one thing if we talk about Ayyub and Musharraf who had some competence. This recent duo do not even have this trapping.

So Pakistan is screwed. For all the Pakistanis living within Pakistan, best thing is to leave until things settle. This is my advice to all my family. The country is no place for decent people who don’t want to give rishwat and live a halal life.

On the aggregate, overseas Pakistanis are more patriotic, better Pakistanis and frankly closer to the ideal of Islam than Pakistanis living in the country. No one needs to be a sacrificial lamb. Leave the country wherever you can. With some hard work and good ethic, you will get further than you ever could within Pakistan if you come from a family that is not part of the liberal secular elite leeches that rule it.

Besides, the idea of Pakistan is larger than the ethnicities that have lived in the Indus Valley. It is Iqbal’s and Jinnahs dream to form a modern republic that marries Islamic ideals with modernity. There was none of this son of the soil component to their dream.

I don’t see IK winning this round. Whoever can jump ship, should. You have to focus on yourself and your family before you focus on your country. All of this has to happen within the boundaries of Islam. The only place to do the above is outside of Pakistan. Even Jinnah and Iqbal lived abroad when they needed to. No issue with us doing so.


•4 hr. ago
My cousin also participated in the protest and his face was on one video which was widely shown on TV too.
But fortunately, my family was successful in bringing him to Canada immediately.
I know that the situation is very dire. But as of now, there is nothing that could be done by powerless people like us. Until political leaders (don’t care whether PTI or PDM) and Army stop exploiting the sentiments of lower and middle class people, this god forsaken country has no future.
IK got the attention of SC and then a bail within a day. While at the sametime many of the top leaders are still lying in jail. At this time there appears to be no hope for us lower and middle class.
Keep faith in Allah and stay strong. Best wishes to you and your family.
On the aggregate, overseas Pakistanis are more patriotic, better Pakistanis and frankly closer to the ideal of Islam than Pakistanis living in the country. No one needs to be a sacrificial lamb. Leave the country wherever you can. With some hard work and good ethic, you will get further than you ever could within Pakistan if you come from a family that is not part of the liberal secular elite leeches that rule it.


Besides, the idea of Pakistan is larger than the ethnicities that have lived in the Indus Valley. It is Iqbal’s and Jinnahs dream to form a modern republic that marries Islamic ideals with modernity. There was none of this son of the soil component to their dream.

The lack of this attachment to the soil is what has led us to this precarious situation. When you are attached to the soil, you will defend this soil and fight for this soil.…and I’m not talking about revolutions.

I’m talking about politicians….every politician is corrupt no matter what part of the world you might be in. BUT, at the end of the day the corrupt American politician serves America. The corrupt British politician serves Britain.

Our corrupt politicians don’t even serve Pakistan, let alone their own families (Look at the Bhuttos and Sharifs and the constant infighting).

This lack of attachment to the soil is part of the reason why we are the way we are.

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