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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

ایک سوال ہے جو کافی روز سے زہن میں سوار ہے؟؟؟

ہمارے ملک کے حساس اداروں پر حملہ کرنے والوں کی شناخت فوری طور پر ہو گئی اور پکڑے بھی گئے اس بات کی خوشی ہوئی کہ ہمارے پاس جدید ترین ٹیکنالوجی ہے ان سب کا پتہ نام والدیت سب سامنے آ گیا لیکن اس ہی ملک پاکستان میں رہنے والے ہم شہریوں کے ہاں روز چوری ، ڈکیتی ، قتل ہوتا ہے جس کی سی سی ٹی وی فوٹیج چیخ چیخ کے ملزم کا چہرہ دیکھا رہی ہوتی ہے ان کا اس طرح ڈیٹا سامنے نہیں آتا نہ وہ پکڑ میں آتے ہیں۔۔۔؟؟؟؟؟

اس سوال کا جواب کہاں سے ملے گا۔
In countries like America, you can criticize the armed forces how much ever you want. People won't like you but you still have freedom of speech. And the military generals aren't so shallow and filled with big egos that they'd get offended over someone criticizing them.

If you surround yourself with "yes men" and completely eliminate any opposition, you are bound to eventually fail. Progress comes from diverse opinions and critique.
Too many people in Pakistan ready to do bidding of the corrupts and not enough people came out on the streets after PDM took over. Every political party joining together to remove Khan should have rung alarm bells. You only have yourselves to blame and now the universe will teach you once again the consequences of your actions. How many times will you need to learn this lesson?

Faces hidden because I don’t want them to get in any trouble. These two wonderful gents witnessed partition. They said “Pakistan was made for us, despite not having access to social media when they learned about what was happening and that Imran Khan said come and peacefully protest for your true freedom they said: how could we not”.

God bless their courage. You cannot kill an idea!

Also the mood of the nation right now: please share this video with everyone you know :

So people have become so sensitive that a simple question needs a timeout. Please go ahead and get it done. A think tank running away from debates. What you are asking in the forum is what your army is doing to the country. Hypocritical to use high handedness when you can and blame others for doing the same.
It’s not high handed at all, you have no stake in this discussion you are only here to flame 🔥. If you have something genuine to discuss please be my guest.

Don’t flame people which you know you are doing, this is why you get banned. If I was “heavy haded” I would have reported you or issued a negative rating. I didn’t I asked you politely to mind yourself because emotions are high. People’s relatives are in jail, their freedoms are at stake, they are being threatened with crimes that do not exist.

So unless you can have a grown up conversation around this, I ask that you refrain from paying anything that would cause us as Pakistanis any additional upset.

This I appeal to you as a human to another human. The rest is up to you.
This is what is happening in Pakistan:

I know all too well That Hopelessness is a Sin, but the state of Pakistan does not justify any hope after all that has happened past week.

First My Uncle got arrested in the most criminal way. He was in the Corps commander protest. He was identified by the police through a Video posted on social media in which he is clearly protecting a Sipahi.
He was hiding at his in-laws out of city, The police stayed outside his house for about 48 hours after which they apparently gave up. Little did we know, they were planning something else. They abducted my father as he was returning from work at around 11 PM. We were all sleeping by 12. My Mum woke around 2AM and told us that Father hadn't come home. I put his Email on my phone and tried Google find my phone. it showed a location on The motorway. around fajr we got the news of what had happened and my uncle got arrested. My father came home and told us how they didn't even let him pray fajr and grabbed his arm just as he was about to say takbeer(the police stopped somewhere on the way around fajr time). They took all the cash he had in the wallet(around 15k)
As we understand My Uncle is being beaten everyday non stop at some police station.

My Brother who lives in London told me about his roommate. His roommate who has a British passport, was visiting his family in Pakistan. He made some tweets against the army while he was staying here. He got abducted (without any warrant) and was beaten for a whole day at a police station. Apparently they knew he was a British National and told him they were gonna beat him untill the British embassy intervened. They would beat him(naked) with a rod 2 or 3 times and then would make him lie on an ice block so the marks would disappear and then repeat.
If this is happening to British Nationals on a mere tweet, God knows what they are doing to "Dehshat Gards"
Should we leave this country? or stay.
I had the opportunity to leave after A levels, but decided that Pakistan was far too much to give up, even for 4 years. I'm regretting now.

This is what is happening in Pakistan:
Asim Muneer and his lik and every one executing his illegal orders Deserve a Death that must shake the very soul of the people who see it. I hope and Pray Justice will be done and this Abhorrent slime of a man meets his end and pays for his crimes both in this life and the next.

Finally Ex-COAS Gen Asif Nawaz's granddaughter... jiskey peechay pori police lagaye hoi hey PDM nay
This will blow in their face very badly.



Asim Muneer and his lik and every one executing his illegal orders Deserve a Death that must shake the very soul of the people who see it. I hope and Pray Justice will be done and this Abhorrent slime of a man meets his end and pays for his crimes both in this life and the next.
Yes I concur, nothing short of a full criminal trial with oversight from the IHR court.

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