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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

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    Votes: 145 63.6%
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    Votes: 83 36.4%

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General Asim Munir is back in the country?

He was in middle east last week right?
He is busy visiting his officers to sell his hateful munjun.
Introducing to you Mr. Mehdi Hassan, he is not Ex Army, he is a “punter” who’s claim to fame includes defrauding people of money he was raising for flood victims and this certificate from ISPR for a picture competition 😂

View attachment 930268

This is his twitter handle:
View attachment 930271

Why am I sharing this? I want you to listen to this interaction:

Warning Graphic: Abusive / Threatening Language:

Listen to what he wants to do to women who support Imran Khan. Listen to the threats he makes!
Challo, after all that banter atleast he said إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللَّٰهُ at the end.

This 3rd Class clown should come to Karachi & i'll put him up against teenagers that'll put him to shame.
The style of talking of this man and Asim Munir seem very similar. Whiskey is also supposed to have used a lot of curse words and hurled threats. These people are mad dogs and need to be treated exactly like you would deal with mad dog that was biting everyone.
At the orders of Reis Erdo'an some rabid dogs were put down in Turkey when they went too far! In this video (0:40) an NCO is shooting down a traitor general during the Imperialists' instigated coup in 2016. Pak may have to go through a similar cleansing process...

In the french revolution, the Awam, from villagers to lower middle class semi educated folks, they all got united to make an armed group, an Army of their own.

They stormed the camps and French Army arms storages and took the arms and when fully armed to teeth, the people started attacking the French oligarchs, the Army supporting them, the status quo kleptocrats, all the upper echelons who were leeching onto the poor French masses.

This is how it got successful.
He is retired Army brigadier in #AfghanArmy, he graduated from the #RoyalArmy academy from the UK in 1958 and served #Afghanistan until 1990, he lost 2 sons during the civil war in Kabul 1992-1996 and 3rd son last year in a suicide attack.


He lives alone with his wife and daughter-in-law, but with pride because he has worked for Afghanistan with honesty and want to die with pride.
He doesn’t accept khairat or luxury house, in this age(88) he works hard like a man to support his family of four. This is called life with Dignity.
Apr 10, 2020..

Given the facts, no other Military's General can defeat corruption level of Afghan Army. Above information could be the one example in 100 cases but it will be foolish to compete with ANA corruption.

Furthermore, we shall avoid every other information from SM since, not everyone is credible. There are many wanna be experts throwing non credible information left & right, under circumstances at hand due to political turmoil, taking full advantage for their own fame.

Otherwise, here is a recent reference of Lt. Gen. Usmani (late) died in his car in DHA area due to cardiac arrest. Look at the car model/make for person once CC Karachi.

At the orders of Reis Erdo'an some rabid dogs were put down in Turkey when they went too far! In this video (0:40) an NCO is shooting down a traitor general during the Imperialists' instigated coup in 2016. Pak may have to go through a similar cleansing process...

There is no need to look at Pakistani events with a Turkish lens.
The deranged speech that Asim Munir gave at the Sialkot garrison proves without doubt that he’s gone totally mad. There’s no question about it.

The surprising thing is that all the faujis listening to the speech didn’t immediately subdue him and take him to a mental hospital in a stretcher.

The officer class seems to be made up of arrogant and immoral, low IQ robots who’re motivated by greed for plots, dollars and green cards. Their continuing support for Whiskey is proof that they’re third rate characters.

Today someone told me that, even in this crisis, Asim Munir plays golf every day and visits the house he’s building. Evenings are probably spent drinking whiskey. He’s gone from rags to riches and he’ll destroy the country to keep his newly acquired wealth and power.

I am not surprised. People talk about bringing down the temperature. This is the the time to push forward and find a solution to this major problem that has destroyed Pakistan since the beginning. The fact is that a bunch of corrupt and greedy generals have always used Pakistan for personal benefits. Pakistan is nothing but a vessel to paradise.

Which army has commercial undertakings in the world today? This isn't fiction folks. This is not an army anymore. This is a commercial eternity that wants to grow at all cost.

The style of talking of this man and Asim Munir seem very similar. Whiskey is also supposed to have used a lot of curse words and hurled threats. These people are mad dogs and need to be treated exactly like you would deal with mad dog that was biting everyone.

You listen to the tone of the military and its supporters. They really believe they are the sole protectors and owners of Pakistan.

Without the Pakistani army Pakistan cannot exist. Look at the BS they are feeding LOL This is copium stuff.


You might forget that Pakistan is also dealing with various economic challenges and is truly on the edge of default. This is what they have done to Pakistan folks. Destroyed Pakistan economically.
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Which army has commercial undertakings in the world today?
Almost every modern army is a commercial enterprise. Every independent institution has financial freedom at its core fundamental.

Taxpayers cannot afford to fund modern military requirements no matter which country and which scale of it.
This is copium stuff.

It's the bare naked truth.

Otherwise every politician has more or less his own little junta recruited from the most depraved communities of the country.

Why don't you focus on Dutch politics as you have repeatedly washed your hands with Pakistan? Clearly it's not the people that have you attached to Pakistan.
You all are JERKS and at the same time very CUNNING as well. Just like your Khan.

IK has lost this.

From Absolutely NOT to lobbying in US Congress to save his skin.

From instigating his people to attack on Army to outright disowning them when shit hits the fan.

You can hardly play with such forked tongue and cunningness for too long.

Army has made the right call...IK should be and would be taken to cleaners now.

This whole tamasha which has been dragging for a year or two should be put to an end finally now.

Lives are being lost since that cunt got ousted last year

PTI wings should be clipped in such a manner that no other party dares to do what PTI did.

What Indian Army, despite all her might and all wars she had with Pak Army, didn't dare to do....PTI did it with full arrogance.

GHQ just struck back and the faces of PTI are all RED now.

This is what happens when you over dose yourself with popularity Mantra.

Time to set a precedent.

PTI thought they can fool everyone all the time....

IK is now finally under Army's crosshairs.

@Mirzali Khan Please start your insurgency...Would love to see how that will go. The threats of some PTI nationalists are laughable. Easy to say this while sitting in US.
No threat will save your party now.

As per my analysis, PTI IS GONE....

By the way, the way your leader ran through to avoid arrest was hilarious...LMAO.

Poori PTI aur IK ki phati pari hai is waqt....lol

Pakistan was surviving before IK and achieved great things and Pakistan WILL survive and win even after him. Get out of propaganda. He is not bigger than country.

This Pied Piper has taken whole country for a ride for too long (Taking advantage of Army's leniency)

He and his party even dared to nurture/cultivate junior officers against their own High Command. Only enemy intelligence does that. That was the level of this a***ole

Business will not be as usual from now onwards.

9th May has been marked as national day.

PTI and Khan will pay a huge unbearable price for what they did.

Party is OVER.
And they will hammer the last nail in the coffin of what little is left of Pakistan in the process. Default is looming courtesy the uber geniuses in GHQ and their equally ingenious minions the PDM.

We should all read fatiha on the dead body of Pakistan
I am not surprised. People talk about bringing down the temperature. This is the the time to push forward and find a solution to this major problem that has destroyed Pakistan since the beginning. The fact is that a bunch of corrupt and greedy generals have always used Pakistan for personal benefits. Pakistan is nothing but a vessel to paradise.

Which army has commercial undertakings in the world today? This isn't fiction folks. This is not an army anymore. This is a commercial eternity that wants to grow at all cost.

You listen to the tone of the military and its supporters. They really believe they are the sole protectors and owners of Pakistan.

Without the Pakistani army Pakistan cannot exist. Look at the BS they are feeding LOL This is copium stuff.


You might forget that Pakistan is also dealing with various economic challenges and is truly on the edge of default. This is what they have done to Pakistan folks. Destroyed Pakistan economically.

I found it comical that Noor Alam said the US should pay the fine. Have to be a special breed of stupid to think at that level. 😂
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