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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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So, the problem, I think, is less to do with Imran Khan and his foreign policy and more to do the general's own confused thinking.
Our Generals are the biggest Munafiqs this land has even seen. These Company traitors still leave no chance to suck up to their former imperial masters.

NAB has started another drama, they expect IK to appear in person tomorrow in relation to Al Qadir case. If he fails to appear they are likely to file for his arrest warrant for the 22nd.
Create a twitter account or Reddit account and spill the tea 😂😂😂

No, everyone knows that Imran Khan has lots of skeletons in his cupboard. I still support him as the best chance for Pakistan to progress. I’m certainly not going to provide more ammo at a time when the whiskey generals are trying to kill him.

Is the rumour about the info Gen Asim giving IK the report about IKs wife's alleged corruption true?
He definitely gave some information to IK because that did lead to his removal from ISID. Remember, prior to all of the recent past statements about his character, OTS pedigree etc., etc, when he was DGI and DGMI, he had a good reputation for being upright and straightforward. After becoming CoAS, given he has continued with the policies of his predecessor, there is a lot of propaganda against him as well (much of it true on account of his doubling-down on a failed trajectory but also some victimization.)

Corruption of Mrs IK or her friends could have been in the form of offering favors or looking the other way. I don't know the details.
Average citizen on a normal day cannot get Justice in a civilian court and cannot afford to fight a legal case but somehow they’ll challenge PAA in civilian courts, which them selves are hand in hand in the oppression against supporters of the largest political party in Pakistan?
Point taken, perhaps the hope lies with the SC given a new precedence is being set by bringing PAA into non-military domain which is the purview of the Pakistani legal system. The former may not allow this overreach.
I have been recently thinking:

"Lanat ho Pakistan pe" this country does not even deserve to exist.
Only thing Pakistanis can do now is to Ask India to free them just like Mujeeb did. it should be broken into 4 or 5 countries.

I am sure this is how BD freedom movement started, this is how people go from Army loving to Army hating and then Enemy of Army....its a slow process can only be done with help of generals like they doing it now....just like they did in BD they started name calling Bangalis and now they have started name calling pashtunes.
Published on May 16, 2023 08:16 PM IST
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Dramatic scenes were witnessed on Islamabad High Court premises after PTI leader and former Pakistan minister Fawad Chaudhry ran inside court to evade rearrest.​

This is not a joke or a laughing matter. These chaps are literally fighting for their lives in a system that is unfairly stacked against them.

Had it been Sharifs or Zardaris, they would have already made a deal and taken flight out of Pakistan.

I don't know any of these folks personally, but I feel sorry for what they are being unfairly subjected to through the nonsense that is Pakistan's judicial and law enforcement system.
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I want to personally beat the shit out of every dothead smelly brown shit skinned Indian I see like the OP.

Ban me if you must, but I hope there’s more video of that IOK attack
This is not a joke or a laughing matter. These chaps are literally fighting for their lives in a system that is unfairly stacked against them.

Had it been Sharifs or Zardaris, they would have already made a deal and taken a flight out of Pakistan.

I don't know any of these folks personally, but I feel sorry for what they are being unfairly subjected to through the nonsense that is Pakistan's judicial and law enforcement systems.

It’s an Indian. What did you expect from? They literally wish the deaths of Pakistanis while were too busy trying stabilizing the country. They will destabilize us the second this country gets back on track - by proxy aka dollars for the fifth columnists
He definitely gave some information to IK because that did lead to his removal from ISID. Remember, prior to all of the recent past statements about his character, OTS pedigree etc., etc, when he was DGI and DGMI, he had a good reputation for being upright and straightforward. After becoming CoAS, given he has continued with the policies of his predecessor, there is a lot of propaganda against him as well (much of it true on account of his doubling-down on a failed trajectory but also some victimization.)

Corruption of Mrs IK or her friends could have been in the form of offering favors or looking the other way. I don't know the details.

He gave info to IK about IK's wife alleged corruption

But has no problem in standing behind a government that has likes of Sharif and Zardari families

Funny people still believe in this story
Our Generals are the biggest Munafiqs this land has even seen. These Company traitors still leave no chance to suck up to their former imperial masters.
View attachment 930073
Do realize that we (all of Pakistan governments including PTI) were/are being asked to take sides. The army leadership was signaling to the Brits that we don't want to burn bridges on their end. Regardless of what one is quoted, Pakistan is not walking away from China. It is just not an option. However, Pakistan had to keep West/IMF aligned too.

Regardless of the current flawed policies of our civil/military leadership, the overhang is that Pakistan is being asked to pick sides and everyone is having to do this delicate balancing act.
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can someone please just say it out loud what they are talking about regarding IK. I know no human is perfect and would like to know what has the man done. If people within forces and those related to army are aware , I think people have the right to know.

Is he corrupt himself? Or he allowed corruption to happen ?

Any drugs involved?
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