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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Adil Raja is using Youtube to earn money, pure and simple. I know people will disagree with me here. I know some members here hold him in high regard, but his YouTube channel is just that, it's a youtube channel. He invites guests to talk for ages, insulting anyone and everyone with largely baseless allegations, offers no concrete solutions to the malaise and just chills.

He even stole this's artists artwork and posted it on his community page without attributing it to the original content creator:
View attachment 930070

I did mention to @Jango and a couple of others that they should take his words with a grain of salt because my cousin knew him directly when he was in the army and he didn't have great things to say about him, chalo, that is between him and Allah. But Adil Raja sb with respect is not an authoritative source, he is making a lot of money from creator revenue, he is feeding people will half-truths and maligning anyone because he has a platform.

Also how can someone who worked in Intelligence put active duty personnel at risk by sharing their voice notes on a public forum about very high security conversations, as if junior officers would know what is being discussed by Command in GHQ. He has said on multiple occasions, he is not a PTI supporter, he has done this to distance himself, he has some sort of issue with the military but he is stoking the embers and sitting in London, it doesn't effect him, ask those who are having their backs broken right now in Jail in Pakistan, ask them what the outcome of fanning the flames is.

Honestly A LOT of people will have blood on their hands by the end of this.

"And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know [it]." (2 : 42)

"O believers! Avoid many suspicions, ˹for˺ indeed, some suspicions are sinful. And do not spy, nor backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of their dead brother? You would despise that!1 And fear Allah. Surely Allah is ˹the˺ Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful." (49:12)

Freedom of Expression (FOE) is a human right but conspiracy theories and backbiting are discouraged. FOE should be exercised with responsibility.
FOE should be exercised with responsibility.
100% you are correct. Certain elements hijacked the message, the same elements that mocked the army on a regular basis, they got their hooks and claws deep into the PTI, created a divide between PTI and the Army, a divide that grew into a chasm, and what we see is the result now.
100% you are correct. Certain elements hijacked the message, the same elements that mocked the army on a regular basis, they got their hooks and claws deep into the PTI, created a divide between PTI and the Army, a divide that grew into a chasm, and what we see is the result now.
even hamid mir was suggest Imran khan to be anti establishment lol while playing both sides of the fence.
Yes sir I am aware of that from the horses mouth so to speak, and out of respect for Imran Khan I will not mention it here. It's a real shame, as I said by the end of this A LOT of people will have blood on their hands, god is watching.
I know another one after which my very close friend who participated in the jit sub team from NAB on Panama case. He was a very strong supporter of Khan but one incident in 2020 (involving Shahzad Akbar) changed him. He now swears at Khan.

Khan Banda shanaas nahi hai.. he doesn't know anything about the people who surround him all the time.
IK is a beautiful soul, just misguided. I attended his first election rally in Mianwali, back then he had 25 supporters mainly Maghdooms, Niazis and from DI Khan and Tank the Gandapurs. No one used to give him the time of day, no one saw him as a politician, then when his star rose and he started securing votes all of a sudden these vultures, these parsites crawled out of the woodwork and attached themselves to him, misguiding him and leading him away from the initial objective he had set for himself.

Ask yourself this, behind every visionary leaders fall, is always a cabal of corrupt hangers on. The hangers on always survive, because that's what parasites do, when the host is about to die, they jump ship. It fills my chest with pride, that despite all that has happened, Imran Khan's supporters, the people of Pakistan haven't abandoned him. God bless you Pakistan!
Also called life....

Unless Pakistan turns into a country of angels, you get the good with the bad. A visionary leaders sees the wheat through the chaff and keeps the chaff at an arms length or manages to work around. No different than a good corporate/military leader who has the ability to see good talent vs. others.

Anyone who thinks that there is nobody like IK is mistaken, the fact that you have millions standing up with him tells you there are countless.

Have faith even though Pakistan is going through an extremely rough patch right now. Insha'Allah things will turn for the better (but it will get worse before it gets better).
Also called life....

Unless Pakistan turns into a country of angels, you get the good with the bad. A visionary leaders sees the wheat through the chaff and keeps the chaff at an arms length or manages to work around. No different than a good corporate/military leader who has the ability to see good talent vs. others.

Anyone who thinks that there is nobody like IK is mistaken, the fact that you have millions standing up with him tells you there are countless.

Have faith even though Pakistan is going through an extremely rough patch right now. Insha'Allah things will turn for the better (but it will get worse before it gets better).
Also called life....

Unless Pakistan turns into a country of angels, you get the good with the bad. A visionary leaders sees the wheat through the chaff and keeps the chaff at an arms length or manages to work around. No different than a good corporate/military leader who has the ability to see good talent vs. others.

Anyone who thinks that there is nobody like IK is mistaken, the fact that you have millions standing up with him tells you there are countless.

Have faith even though Pakistan is going through an extremely rough patch right now. Insha'Allah things will turn for the better (but it will get worse before it gets better).

Pakistan has not managed to produce someone like IK ever before and I doubt ever will for a very long time. If he was in a 1st world country he would already have won a nobel peace prize. The difference in calibre between him and the rest of the politicians is ridiculous.

First time in my life my Lebanese barber was complimenting a Pakistani leader. Never happened to me before.

Once in a generation. We all be well dead by the time another person like this appears.
Yes sir, woh to maney Saifullah bahi ko mana be kia tha, but looking at it objectively, who am I in the grand scheme of things, I am a nobody :lol:.

However, even a respected Brig (R) sb had a meeting with Khan Sb and Saifullah in Islamabad and told him you need to be careful about who you take into confidence, but that Bani Gala incident left Imran Khan so incensed that he just wouldn't see as my cousin puts it "the forest for the trees"... A lot of self serving people surrounded Imran Khan when his star was high, they misguided him, the turned him against CPEC, created an atmosphere where he was having to constantly put out fires to the front and the back of him, but these "YES MEN" just sat there in Islamabad and in Lahore and kept saying "KHAAN JI, KHAAN SB, YOU ARE GREAT".

All the while they knew full well, what was going on. They had several chances to sit down on a table and hash out an amicable solution, but that doesn't suit their vested interests. Even now, the SMT (Social Media) team of PTI is playing a dangerous game of posting videos of Gandapur Sb swearing and threatening Rana and others, they don't understand, this is adding to the flame, they want to make PTI an example and these people are giving them the excuse to do just that.

Pakistan has no shortage of self-absorbed and self-centered characters. Politics takes precedence over having values and common sense.

Khan had valid reasons to review CPEC but look at this and this.

Akalmand ke liye ishara kafi hai

The policy of putting all eggs in one basket is a significant mistake. But Pakistani political scene is too polarized to move things forward in the right direction.
Pakistan has not managed to produce someone like IK ever before and I doubt ever will for a very long time. If he was in a 1st world country he would already have won a nobel peace prize.
IK is making leaders as we talk. Women and Kids being thrown in jails for just having a political opinion are the Crop that will generate Future leaders. They will learn one thing from IK and that will be the only thing they will keep in mind. Being pacifist never gets you power it must be taken with brute force. Pakistani Tyrants will meet their end like every other tyrant who thought he was invincible.
Pakistan has no shortage of self-absorbed and self-centered characters. Politics takes precedence over having values and common sense.

Khan had valid reasons to review CPEC but look at this and this.
Great links, thanks for sharing, added to my One Note of research :).
Pakistan has not managed to produce someone like IK ever before and I doubt ever will for a very long time. If he was in a 1st world country he would already have won a nobel peace prize. The difference in calibre between him and the rest of the politicians is ridiculous.

First time in my life my Lebanese barber was complimenting a Pakistani leader. Never happened to me before.

Once in a generation. We all be well dead by the time another person like this appears.
We are past comparing him to other politicians. I am objective so while I don't consider IK an angel, he is certainly better than others by miles.

IK should be compared to the crop that is seeing what is happening and willing to take none of it. This is the generation that will produce leaders who would be imbued with the spirit to set the country straight.

It would be unfair to leave this massive task of righting the ship only for IK. He is the catalyst for his base, the base has to deliver more leaders to lead.

Pakistan was broken over time, it will be fixed incrementally, however minor tweaks can make a big difference at this time.

ugotta do wat u gotta do...no shame in it..just aks the khassi jarnals
I know another one after which my very close friend who participated in the jit sub team from NAB on Panama case. He was a very strong supporter of Khan but one incident in 2020 (involving Shahzad Akbar) changed him. He now swears at Khan.

Khan Banda shanaas nahi hai.. he doesn't know anything about the people who surround him all the time.

These are the realities that many of the commentators here on PDF are not privy to. They do not know.

I have stories to tell as well.
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