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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
He gave info to IK about IK's wife alleged corruption

But has no problem in standing behind a government that has likes of Sharif and Zardari families

Funny people still believe in this story
I don't have the facts, but I think now it's become personal between him and IK, PDM be damned.

can someone please just say it out loud what they are talking about regarding IK. I know no human is perfect and would like to know what has the man done. If people within forces and those related to army are aware , I think people have the right to know.

Is he corrupt himself? Or he allowed corruption to happen ?

Any drugs involved?
The inferences were that he allowed corruption of his family/family friends or looked the other way.
Imran Khan should become th next Altaf Bhai.
In Pakistan this is the only language widely and easily understood.
It's just that it Imran goes Altaf, it will be Altaf Bhai to the exponent on 200.

Do they evaluate the mental condition of COAS before they are given charge ? Not trolling but a serious question @PanzerKiel @RescueRanger @blain2 @PakSword
This guy doesn't seem right in the head .
Behaves like teen on her first period.
Fuhrer Maryam nawaz has ordered to not leave anyone who supports IK.
Wait when she comes to UK.
He gave info to IK about IK's wife alleged corruption

But has no problem in standing behind a government that has likes of Sharif and Zardari families

Funny people still believe in this story

Some of the rumors or so-called skeletons in the closet are frankly absurd.

I remember the audio releases that were totally doctored with cheap and stupid technology.

I work in AI- I could write something within a day that would produce much more believable shit but the generals leaking these audios don’t seem to have the brains to do so.
Do they evaluate the mental condition of COAS before they are given charge ? Not trolling but a serious question @PanzerKiel @RescueRanger @blain2 @PakSword
The Entire Apparatus Governing Promotions above Brigadier level needs to be changed. COAS has too much power it needs to be diluted the current apparatus allows a COAS to surround himself with yes-men.
He gave info to IK about IK's wife alleged corruption

But has no problem in standing behind a government that has likes of Sharif and Zardari families

Funny people still believe in this story

There are two stories circulating. One is that Asim Munir signed a deal with Nawaz Sharif to get rid of Imran Khan in return for being made COAS, called the London Plan. The second is that Maryam Nawaz has videos or other material on him to blackmail him. Also, he may have been offered money—NS can write a cheque for $1 billion to buy the whole top command if he wants to.

Possibly, the Chinese could have stopped bribe payments to Nawaz Sharif and they’re trying to shake those out of them by giving them a hard time. Some people here have mentioned $8 billion of bribes.

Whatever it is, the reality is that Asim Munir is totally in the control of Nawaz, Maryam and Zardari. And it’s a game involving personal interests rather than the interests of Pakistan.
The Entire Apparatus Governing Promotions above Brigadier level needs to be changed. COAS has too much power it needs to be diluted the current apparatus allows a COAS to surround himself with yes-men.
True that, but i think what's more important is that we need to have a independent team of psychiatrists evaluating COAS/Corp Commanders, Air Chief and Naval Chief and top commands, because when power is given in the hands of a lunatic like Bajwa or Asim the country and its people suffer, I can bet if you do independent evaluation of Fauji from Santry to 4 star General they will all come back unstable.
Let see what Saudi’s are able to broker. Army demand will be -1 and they allow PTI to take part in elections… ( will elections be fare?)

Khan on other hand might give assurance he won’t remove COAS once in power. Will it be enough?

or I am completely wrong, saudis just visiting for some nice nihari…

@RescueRanger , if you can share what you heard first hand regarding khan or give some hints to what actually happened. Whatever it was should be in open, people of Pakistan should know
There is a famous saying "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"
When people say the west isn't raising any voice aganist pakistani state fascism then there u go. To west both imran and nuclear pakistan are both dangerous. good boy General dogs think waging tails like a dog infront of west would protect them. Just wait what is going to happen to u in something were to happen to imran.
First time I am happy with what police has done.
Let's not be happy on the misery of others. Yes we don't agree with daughter of Mizari but this harami police on the orders of illegal caretaker government in Punjab and KPK and imported government have written a new dastaan on torture, kidnappings, extra judicial killings, rape and God knows what.
The begairat people of Pakistan need to wake up. It's not PTI responsibility alone or that of it's workers. Every Pakistani is.
Let see what Saudi’s are able to broker. Army demand will be -1 and they allow PTI to take part in elections… ( will elections be fare?)

Someone told me maybe 6-9 months ago that the generals want to implement a minus one formula. We can see it happening now.

Imran Khan is a kebab mey huddi for them.
Adil Raja is using Youtube to earn money, pure and simple. I know people will disagree with me here. I know some members here hold him in high regard, but his YouTube channel is just that, it's a youtube channel. He invites guests to talk for ages, insulting anyone and everyone with largely baseless allegations, offers no concrete solutions to the malaise and just chills.

He even stole this's artists artwork and posted it on his community page without attributing it to the original content creator:
View attachment 930070

I did mention to @Jango and a couple of others that they should take his words with a grain of salt because my cousin knew him directly when he was in the army and he didn't have great things to say about him, chalo, that is between him and Allah. But Adil Raja sb with respect is not an authoritative source, he is making a lot of money from creator revenue, he is feeding people will half-truths and maligning anyone because he has a platform.

Also how can someone who worked in Intelligence put active duty personnel at risk by sharing their voice notes on a public forum about very high security conversations, as if junior officers would know what is being discussed by Command in GHQ. He has said on multiple occasions, he is not a PTI supporter, he has done this to distance himself, he has some sort of issue with the military but he is stoking the embers and sitting in London, it doesn't effect him, ask those who are having their backs broken right now in Jail in Pakistan, ask them what the outcome of fanning the flames is.

Honestly A LOT of people will have blood on their hands by the end of this.

Not a grain of salt but a whole bucket.

When he posted that voice note of some relative of the Corps Commander and then did a whole show on it, I got it confirmed from the horse's mouth and they denied that series of events.
they want to make PTI an example and these people are giving them the excuse to do just that.
Highly doubt at this point they even need an excuse. In fact I will say Khan has been a pacifist for far to long and others have called out this army on far far less. His lack of action and "humeri fauj" mantra is what gave his enemies the chance to hit him. I mean his 7000 plus workers and followers are in jail, without being presented to the court, why is he silent? He believes change will come through vote while remaining in the system, the very system built to make sure he looses. The pressure that was created after his arrest should not have been sidelined just because SC said app leader hain lead kerin.
True that, but i think what's more important is that we need to have a independent team of psychiatrists evaluating COAS/Corp Commanders, Air Chief and Naval Chief and top commands, because when power is given in the hands of a lunatic like Bajwa or Asim the country and its people suffer, I can bet if you do independent evaluation of Fauji from Santry to 4 star General they will all come back unstable.
Pakistani nation must learn from everything that has happened.

We need to get rid of this bloated 700000 sized standing army. Bring a mandatory national service every man of 18 serves 3 years. The permanent military should only including officers, specialist, special forces and a smaller standing force. This would cut these megalomaniacs to their true aukat. Right now they are raping the entire country because they know they have 700000 soldiers who will dance to their tunes.

ISI must goes to Civilians or the very least should be rotated between Airforce and Navy. Ground forces officers must be banned from holding any significant position within ISI. This way we will have an independent organization not subservient to the whishes of army commanders.

Remove all decronion colonial Era Laws. Like section 144, army act and official secret act.

Had their been no Officials secrets act we would have never been in this position. They hide all their ill gotton wealth and crimes behind this act.

Full constitutional protection for the right to bear arms and self defence of life property and family against unlawful invasion of privacy even by enforcement with out any legal warrant.
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