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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Horse shit, the army declared war on the state when they committed high treason and installing themselves as the administrator of the federation, they created PDM for only PR (Fake democracy). they have being trying to hijack PTI, but Imran Khan is a barrier..

Exactly. Why do people beat around the bush with this stuff?

Al-Qadir Trust case: Court reserves verdict on NAB plea seeking Imran’s 14-day remand

“I haven’t gone to the washroom in 24 hours,” he told the court, adding that he wanted his physician, Dr Faisal, to be called in. “I don’t want what happened to Maqsoo chaprasi (peon) to happen to me,” he said, referring to one of the people involved in the Ramazan Sugar Mills case who died in UAE last year.

“They inject you and the person dies slowly,” he alleged.

The court then reserved its verdict.

I heard from an Indian channel that Paf base sargodha was attacked and some monuments defiled. I think PAF needs to be extra careful to tell the qaum that it is different from the army . There is virtually no Paf snr air officer in ISI and PAF has not gotten involved in shady property deals barring an exception or two. The CAS needs to come out into the open and side with the Public

The awam has had enough of distinctions. If they are different and don't stand for the tyranny of the army, then resign en masse and demand justice by standing with their civilian compatriots. And justice is only possible when the same law applies to everyone - no holy cows, no unaccountable deep states.

Standing by while the country is r*ped doesn't endear you to the public.

I think it can be a plot and justification by an army to takeover because of anarchy. Because it's so weird there were no guards at Ghq entrance , also there was no security at Corps commander residence.
Who knows those were real protestors or just hired by army to create a scene ?

There were some soldiers. There are videos of one surrounded in the lawns of the CC Residence (aka Jinnah House occupied by the fauj). PTI protestors are telling others not to harm the soldier. He safely left. Truly incredible scenes. It's insane that not a single channel showed any of this. Everybody seems to have a gun to their heads.

But yes, resistance was next to none. Three possible reasons. Impossible to know which is true or if it's a mixture:
1) Conspiracy, as you say
2) Refusal by some commanders to obey shooting / resistance orders
3) Overall wait-and-see / not wanting to escalate / or simply shitting their pants, because no army that openly fires on thousands, including women and children, has any claim to the public's trust and loyalty for long
Its really heartening to see so many protestors on the roads in multiple cities. PDM govt and GHQ is so worried that they had to resort on total internet blackout and stopping private channels, not to cover any protest.

Had this been PMLN or PPP on receiving, not more than 1-2 people would had turned up. PTI in street power party now something which was missing 4-5 years back. When you started to have street power, than future of the party is always bright. The phenomenon of PTI will not end. Faujis thought it will 1 year back but look at now.
Pakistan army’s oath of allegiance:

“I _________ , do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people, that I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoever and that I will honestly and faithfully Pakistan in the Pakistan Army (or Navy or Air Force) as required by and under the law.”

You wanna talk constitution? lets talk about this part.
Yeah, India wasn’t all that hostile to Pakistan postpartition, it was Pakistan army’s wet dreams of Kashmir and incursions in ’65 that set India on track to become so aggressive they felt like putting an ahole like Modi in power.

At this point the common Pakistani just wants to see peace, peace with India, with Afghanistan, and the only way to that is to defund the source of all this hatred, establishment.

that’s not to say India is innocent in all this, this path of hatred that we travelled on all those years ago, I feel like your country is going through that now.
TBH the of far right wing ideology in India also has lot do with Pakistan & terrorism. Not that I support far right and discounting the political and religious angle to it, but you know, every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Those of us who have some knowledge of history can recognize the danger existing situation poses for Pak. For the last two hundred years, independent leaders of muslim countries such as Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Iran have been removed because those leaders have refused to follow gora diktats. Modus operandi has been nailed down to a tee. Corrupt civilians/army leaders are funded. These elements use violence against defenseless civilians supporting popular leaders. Goras inevitably succeed but consequences are disastous for the people.

Arabs could not deal with a small country like Israel. Pakistanis in comparison have to handle a much bigger rival. Omens are not good if IK fails. This is the time to take sides. Anyone defending corrupt civilian/army leadership is a ghadaar no less. Those not differentiating between ghadaars and PTI supporters are dancing on the graves of hundreds of thousand of people who gave their lives in the process of creation of Pak. Freedom is precious. Sadly, Pakistanis are too dumb to recognize its value. They will know it when they start getting treated like Palestinians
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Situation Normal In Karachi: All Roads Are Open, Educational Activities Continue​

The traffic on the roads and highways in different areas of Karachi is moving as normal.

Both lanes of Shaara Faisal are open for traffic. Education institutions in Karachi are also open and the ongoing SSC examinations are being conducted as per schedule.

Earlier, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah said he will not allow anyone to take the law into his hands in the entire province.

He said that if anyone tries to damage the government private property, he will be dealt with iron hands.​

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