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Ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan Arrested: News and Discussion

Is Martial Law/Emergency a real possibility after IK arrest?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 63.6%
  • No

    Votes: 83 36.4%

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  • Poll closed .
They all are products of same factory. So thinking some are different is foolishness.

There are other countries in SA as well. No one is in a situation like pak.

So using that logic, you are okay with the stereotype that all Muslims are terrorists because of the actions of some stupid Mcfkers?

Every SA country has its own backward problem. Combined they have kept these countries behind others and have been a constant source of brain drain.
Kashmir people have been abused by Indian army. Why would they want to be abused by Pakistan army? They want freedom like us. Europe and Great Britain need India more than a bankrupt Pakistan. May sound harsh but its true.

Good , now clear off back to your subhuman Asian forum you crawled out of.
Net is really slow, duffers at helm have slowed down the internet in Pakistan.

The overseas pakistanis are contributing more as they are free from these duffers acts.
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All I see is guys who wanted to be in the army but where either a mamas boy or just fat or they got rejected flat out are the ones supporting the army atm and the current government. Hope some of there Army top brass gets hit home close. Or they get the old French style justice. But if the people of pakistan don’t do nothing…… well that is just a dam shame. Hopefully the army and the government gets clapped
if i wanted i would got it, my grandfather was in the army, i choose to pursue a different field, i don't support the army i support pakistan, i grew up when WOT was at its height. i just want those days to return, unlike you mf who grew up in west, u mfs no nothing of war, so get fucked, i lost my uncle and cousin in marriot hotel bombing, who do you lost mf!!!
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As per the law of change, the law of revolution and system complete overhaul...

Let's keep our spirits high, the aspirations brimming, and no despondency and hopelessness creeping in.

This is just the beginning to change a corrupt, status quo system which has entagled the people in 75 years. It's a long haul...

As per the law of change, the law of revolution and system complete overhaul...

Let's keep our spirits high, the aspirations brimming, and no despondency and hopelessness creeping in.

This is just the beginning to change a corrupt, status quo system which has entagled the people in 75 years. It's a long haul...

There needs to be a shut down call all across Pakistan.
First off, this Naila Inayat does NOT exist.

To date no one has ever seen or met her.

She claims to be a journalist - but we all know where this twitter account originates from.
not seen or met because obvious skorti reasons

not easy being a dissenter and saying stuff the crazies won't like

there's plenty in India too
I have exposed the deranged god-complex ego of these so-called overseas Pakistanis with one single post.
Do you really think the Pakistanis at home will ever lick your boots for the "handouts" you so feel mighty about?

As I said, you don't have any stake.
Keep it to yourself and don't hide behind the identity crisis you seem to be having.

Diaspora is the same, no matter what nationality.
Don’t beg chanda from us then!

Nobody is, your own leader that you seem to be crying over did.

Like your PM said: beggers can’t be choosers.

When you stand on your own legs and not depend on overseas remittances which is bigger than the export the entire lazy *** useless lot achieves back home then this chest thumping will look nice on you.

Till then keep drooling on what the capable overseas Pakistanis have achieved, keep barely surviving on their handouts and repeat after your PM till it sinks in: beggers can’t be choosers.

You mean Imran Khan said that,
Do note that there is a sizeable part of the population that did not agree to that statement.
If families like yours (corrupt thieves and bootlickers of the Establishment) weren't hell bent on screwing the country up, none of those people would have left in the first place.

Sit the f**k back down in the corner and stfu skunt.

Maybe learn some manners before you start assuming things?
LOL The overseas Pakistanis have taught these bastards a lesson. Remittances all time low. Even the IMF won't give these beggars a penny. Friendly countries are sick and tired of these beggars. These beggars think they are a champion of Pakistan 😂 The military is literally begging for military assistance from papa USA. Even the American sponsors have declined the request. I mean is there any shame left? 🤔

Another one of the god-complex offspring.

you do realize that the army used aircraft, artillery mortars and whatnot, and didnt allow media to access these areas. are you saying that i should believe the army when it is the one doing the killing? that is a one-sided narrative and bound to be biased. sadly, since the army said it didnt kill any innocents, it must be true for people like you. in conclusion i can say the same for you. dnt blindly follow the army, and open your eyes.

Not everything has to have a sort of a conspiracy behind.
You're right, let's just defund the whole apparatus.
Let's see how that goes for the region.

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