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Our friendship with Bangladesh

Is Our Friendship with Bangladesh justified at all?

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Let us analyse this without emotions.

What is the strategic value of Bangladesh?

Strategic value would tantamount a flow because of a country’s location, or its economic worth to make a dent in the world economics, or its military might which can be a gamechanger or its political clout and leadership on the world stage (as was that of NAM when the colonial infrastructure was being dismantled around the world.

I leave it for discussion as to which of the criteria Bangladesh fulfils.

To believe that the NE of India is insecure because of Bangladesh would be an exaggerated and opiniated thought. The cartography has not changed over history since Independence. The adversaries remained the same till 1971. If it did not matter then, why it should matter now, more so, when in 1971 the Pakistan Army could not do anything about it and the Pakistan Army was no pushover.

The issue of China being able to anything worthwhile against India in the NE is another pipedream, if one understood the manner in which wars are fought and also the terrain. Without getting into the operational aspects, which would not be correct, suffice it t say that had it been possible would China have withdrawn from what was known as NEFA in 1962, when they did not do so in Aksai Chin? The reason is that it was not feasible since artillery could not be brought up to support operations as it was a mountainous terrain with no existence of roads to permit artillery to be brought up. In Aksai Chin it was possible because it was a Plateau.

Also, take the issue of Kashmir. If it were such a cakewalk, then is it not surprising that even after four wars there is hardly much of a change in the territory from what was after the first Kashmir War? Surely, both India and Pakistan are serious about their claims over Kashmir.

What looks simple on paper or during drawing room chats, is not the reality on the ground.

India’s eastern flank was secure in 1971 and it is secure even now. A look at the map and the force level indicate so since Bangladesh is surrounded by India including the Bay.

Exactly, very well mentioned. Few Internet warrior only calculate on Paper and never see practical presence and overall possibilities.
Let us analyse this without emotions.

What is the strategic value of Bangladesh?

Strategic value would tantamount a flow because of a country’s location, or its economic worth to make a dent in the world economics, or its military might which can be a gamechanger or its political clout and leadership on the world stage (as was that of NAM when the colonial infrastructure was being dismantled around the world.

I leave it for discussion as to which of the criteria Bangladesh fulfils.

To believe that the NE of India is insecure because of Bangladesh would be an exaggerated and opiniated thought. The cartography has not changed over history since Independence. The adversaries remained the same till 1971. If it did not matter then, why it should matter now, more so, when in 1971 the Pakistan Army could not do anything about it and the Pakistan Army was no pushover.

The issue of China being able to anything worthwhile against India in the NE is another pipedream, if one understood the manner in which wars are fought and also the terrain. Without getting into the operational aspects, which would not be correct, suffice it t say that had it been possible would China have withdrawn from what was known as NEFA in 1962, when they did not do so in Aksai Chin? The reason is that it was not feasible since artillery could not be brought up to support operations as it was a mountainous terrain with no existence of roads to permit artillery to be brought up. In Aksai Chin it was possible because it was a Plateau.

Also, take the issue of Kashmir. If it were such a cakewalk, then is it not surprising that even after four wars there is hardly much of a change in the territory from what was after the first Kashmir War? Surely, both India and Pakistan are serious about their claims over Kashmir.

What looks simple on paper or during drawing room chats, is not the reality on the ground.

India’s eastern flank was secure in 1971 and it is secure even now. A look at the map and the force level indicate so since Bangladesh is surrounded by India including the Bay.

A great deal of speculation based on no facts .......
Bangladesh can make "Very Good Relation" with any country. Doesn't matter to India. Good Luck to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has neither any Strategic Importance to India nor it can create threat to India (Too Late and too little if it will do). Thanks to Point to Point Defence establishment since 1960's. Even in Bay of Bengal, we have strong Navy. In only Assam, Our IAF wing is triple of Bangladesh. Just Imagine 9 States surrounding Bangladesh......Army, BSF, Navy extra.
A great deal of speculation based on no facts .......

Facts will come once you will do some research rather than Dreaming without Logic.

Check India Missiles, Air Force, Army Equipment, Navy in Bay of Bengal placed in North East States.

It is not for BD, But does it matter ?? All works 360 Degree.
and i miss you sir! at least you have the heart to admit it! Respect for you....

many, rather majority of the people do admit this fact... its just a problem of some english speaking missionary minded liberal fascists....
Facts will come once you will do some research rather than Dreaming without Logic.

Check India Missiles, Air Force, Army Equipment, Navy in Bay of Bengal placed in North East States.

It is not for BD, But does it matter ?? All works 360 Degree.

But that would count for nothing if we had Chinese missiles, jets and frigates in and around Bangladesh.
If you feel that they should be accepted as Pakistanis, what stops you from giving the National ID card?

They are good chaps, aren't they.

Why treat them so shabbily since you love them!

No, the illegal immigrants can be traced in every part of the world, even in US / UK / Aus / Many others...

They have to do marriages (paper or otherwise) to get the Nationalities. Even if they pretend to be good chaps but does that mean they should be awarded with Nationality?
No, the illegal immigrants can be traced in every part of the world, even in US / UK / Aus / Many others...

They have to do marriages (paper or otherwise) to get the Nationalities. Even if they pretend to be good chaps but does that mean they should be awarded with Nationality?

If you can't trace, then don't rant that they are illegals.

The are as legal as those who claim that they are Arabs.
But that would count for nothing if we had Chinese missiles, jets and frigates in and around Bangladesh.


And even if you did, so what? We could handle you as an enemy before and we can do it now.
If you can't trace, then don't rant that they are illegals.

The are as legal as those who claim that they are Arabs.

We can trace, there are even complete colonies of bengalis here in Karachi. But we have no problem with them. They are living here, working here but cannot access those facilities that are available to a normal pakistani requiring presentation of NIC.

Lolz on Arab...
But that would count for nothing if we had Chinese missiles, jets and frigates in and around Bangladesh.

What Missiles ??? First Get then Talk...........Also, We have Anti Balistic Missile + SAM placed to Kill all missiles coming to our area. Yes, One of the Best in world........(I am not counting ABM technology) Not needed for BD. Also, No country can sell Missile with range more than 300KM. We have some 10,000's of Missiles like Brahmos, Agni-1,2,3, Shaurya, Prahar, K-15, and many more......

Jets ?? What Jets ?? Rafale and Sukhoi 30MKI are better than any present Chinese Jets......Even If i assume you will get 100 of best Chinese Jets....and We are adding more and more every year and not to forget 5th Generation AC Fighter after 2017.........We are spending some 50 Billions $ for only Jets (excluding what we have).

Frigates ?? Do you know Destroyers ?? We have 8 operational. 3 more by 2015. 8 More by 2020. Add Nucleur Submarine, AC Carrier near Bangladesh. Alas, we have 20-30 Frigates too.

You are totally fanboy without even basic knowledge of How Defence Works. lol
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