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Our Friends and our Enemies...

actually dude you should replace Pakistan with India here since not only was Pakistan then part of India but also Father of Pakistan (Jinnah) and the organisation which created Pakistan (Muslim League) strongly opposed Khilafat Movement while Father of Present day India (Gandhi) along with his organisation ( Indian National Congress which is still biggest political party in India) actively participated in it.

Well neither of it happened didn't it?

I mean what was the point of MKG to drag India into the whole thing when we had nothing to do with a European war?

Even after WW1, the man sent Indians into the mouth of death encouraging them to fight for a collapsing European power (British Empire of the old). Thousands of brave Indian soldiers died for a bunch of occupiers who had only swindled this country.

But that's not the topic and we can discuss this later.

Instead, if he had supported Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, we could have forged stronger ties with Turkey of today.

Ottoman empire was at the end of its wits and pushed to the wall.

Even the Turks under Ataturk knew that they had to prioritize the survival, progress and prosperity of modern day Turkey more than worry about far away lands in another continent. It was very pragmatic of Ataturk to take control. Today Turkey is a modern powerhouse because of his efforts, policies and guidance under which Turks worked hard, discarded dogma and refused to abide by clerical edicts.

But what am I talking?

Gandhi was never the stance taker. Never really took a stance even if it destroyed his country. What to talk of supporting a potential ally.
There are several problems with this analysis.
1. Germany and France and Russia are at least rivals;if not enemy.

I don't see how Germany and France are rivals or threats to Turkey. Both the countries despite their reservations on Turks joining EU, they are close military allies and share numerous strategic cooperation agreements. Those agreements are of the nature that only close partners can come to in terms with.

Russia can be a rival because it stands on the opposite of what Turkey's current government calls its policies as. Syria issue is the biggest example.

While the FSA extremists are attacking Turkey and forcing it into an unwanted war, their ruling party is still pushing the country into what the FSA exactly wants.

Think about it; before the Syrian civil war, Turkey held joint military exercises with Syria to show solidarity and peace. Why the heck would the two countries go into war if there was not a third element trying to ruin their foreign relations?

2. I am amazed by the love story made up by the author about south Korea and turkey.

Actually, the OP has a point. Koreans have opened up a lot to cooperating with Turkey on numerous weapons platforms. This has enabled Turkey to speed up many defence developments that they plan to take up in order to go self-reliant with ToT and mutual exchange of know-how.

What's more, Koreans are committed to a free and fair system of governance and are in sync with what Turkey's ideology stands for, as well as the fact that ROK is not a major power to dictate terms to Turkey and both share their alliance with USA.

So I'd say it was a master-stroke by the Turkish government to choose a partner with good technical know-how and at the same time someone who is friendly and not dominating instead.

Turkey was used by NATO masters as soldiers in the Korean war. Turkey had no choice buy to be drafted to the war, as ordered.

Man you better come up with some serious stuff.

Turks are a part of NATO. An agreement is there between the members.

While I may personally not agree to what NATO does at times, they are an alliance. Which means in case a bigger threat attacks Turkey and Turks are alone, they can invoke the joint military act which will compel entire NATO armed forces to fight alongside Turkey.

So how are they subservient to some imaginary masters?

3. How about Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo and hamas and Al Qaeda? They are bette friends compared to many others.

You've got to be smoking something strong. :blink:

AQ? Hamas? Friends?

Are you an AQ supporter?

Turkey is the most sensible and rational country in entire Middle East and the most progressive because they KNOW how to distinguish personal beliefs from a governing system and at the same time make faith a part of national culture. AQ and Hamas will end up creating terrorism in a peaceful country like Turkey and turn a wonderful country into a hellhole in no time.

Look what AQ's hands in Afghanistan did and what they are doing in Pakistan today. There's chaos, instability, attacks, insecurity, bankruptcy everywhere where they go. Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan's northern regions.. what more proof do you want?

As for Bosnia Albania and Kosovo.. what can they offer Turkey that NATO can't?

In foreign relations there is no religion involved above interests. You need to understand that.

If that was the case, the world would not be having globalized relations among different countries and instead would have had their own nests of interest among similar countries.

These countries would be a liability for Turks instead.

Friendly ties are okay but when it comes to interest, all this 'brotherhood' just becomes hogwash.
what about Bosnia ....

Buddy we don't see Bosnia , Albania , Chechenistan or Dagistan as foreign countries rather our countries our people.You may even found this rude to independence of your country but many Turks sees Ex-Ottoman Balkan countries(except orthodox christian ones) as part of the Turkey.
Bosnia, Albania, are very close to us in many ways, we share many things. They are close allies too.

We can say Romania, Macedonia is also friendly states.
We have naval base in Albania I think. The others like Bosnia no need to mention.

I think nowadays even Serbia is close to Turkey. They asked government meetings on frequent base.

At the moment our biggest enemies are Armenia, Greece and Iran. The first two are neutralized and will be aslong as thy are economically crippled but don't forget they will become hostile again when the opportunity comes.

Don't forget Greece, Armenia, Iran, all have supported PKK. The first two wont dare to do it again. Iran is a different story, a lesson needs to be teached to them.

2. I am amazed by the love story made up by the author about south Korea and turkey.
Turkey was used by NATO masters as soldiers in the Korean war. Turkey had no choice buy to be drafted to the war, as ordered.

Soviet was about to invade Turkey we had to do whatever it takes to join NATO.

3. How about Bosnia, Albania, and Kosovo and hamas and Al Qaeda? They are bette friends compared to many others.

Bosnia Albania and Kosovo okay but hamas and alq?

was that suppose to be funny or something?
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Iran, the 'great enemy' of Turkey is already third largest trading partner of Turkey in exports and sixth largest in imports and 2 countries agreed on majority of the political matters in ME before the Syrian crisis started and Iran is also considered hostile 'militarily' while 2 countries haven't had one single military clash after Treaty of Erzurum in 1847 signed between 2 empires.
Iran, the 'great enemy' of Turkey is already third largest trading partner of Turkey in exports and sixth largest in imports and 2 countries agreed on majority of the political matters in ME before the Syrian crisis started and Iran is also considered hostile 'militarily' while 2 countries haven't had one single military clash after Treaty of Erzurum in 1847 signed between 2 empires.

yesterday i decided to post such comment here, but i thought its just useless and may start a troll war. It was kind of weird and unfortunate to see some of turkish brothers considered Iran as an hostile enemy while we have not same view.
not just here, in other threads i always see some people consider iran as an rival which is not good at all. co operation and Competition are good but an hostile rivalry is just detrimental, I think we still didn't grow up enough.
yesterday i decided to post such comment here, but i thought its just useless and may start a troll war. It was kind of weird and unfortunate to see some of turkish brothers considered Iran as an hostile enemy while we have not same view.
not just here, in other threads i always see some people consider iran as an rival which is not good at all. co operation and Competition are good but an hostile rivalry is just detrimental, I think we still didn't grow up enough.

Some of them still think we support and arm PKK on one front, while fighting its other branch, Pjak, on the other front which is quite odd. Naturally, they will think we are the enemy.
I can also post several reports revealing Iran supporting PkK terrorist but you will deny it like you are so official from Mullah. Maybe you will understand some day but then it will be too late.

Soviet was about to invade Turkey we had to do whatever it takes to join NATO.

Bosnia Albania and Kosovo okay but hamas and alq?

was that suppose to be funny or something?

All Russia need from to Turkey militarily - free passage through the Bosphorus. As long as this condition is met - Turkey will not be the enemy of Russia.
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All Russia need from to Turkey militarily - free passage through the Bosphorus. As long as this condition is met - Turkey will not be the enemy of Russia.

There is conditions for what can pass and what can't, we can close it in a conflict.
Iran, the 'great enemy' of Turkey is already third largest trading partner of Turkey in exports and sixth largest in imports and 2 countries agreed on majority of the political matters in ME before the Syrian crisis started and Iran is also considered hostile 'militarily' while 2 countries haven't had one single military clash after Treaty of Erzurum in 1847 signed between 2 empires.

I think Iran and Turkey are more rivals than enemy's.

To Germany:
1.no other country has more company's in turkey than.
2.In no other country live more Turks.
3.Most Mosque are build by German
4.Which no other than non-Turki you are married.
4.First railway was build by German
Our relationship are older and deeper as the most of us known. Those, who know this fact, have forgotten it and the problems between us have made this relationship partially broken.
There is conditions for what can pass and what can't, we can close it in a conflict.

Yeap but only incase of a war with Russia.

Lausanne Peace Treaty

(a) In Time of Peace.

Complete freedom of navigation and passage by day and by night under any flag and with any kind of cargo, without any formalities, or tax, or charge

(b)In Time of War, Turkey being Neutral.

Complete freedom of navigation and passage by day and by night under the same conditions as above.

(c )In Time of War, Turkey being a Belligerent

Turkey will have full power to take such measures as she may consider necessary to prevent enemy vessels from using the Straits.

II. Convention Relating to the Régime of the Straits / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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