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Ottoman Athens and the Parthenon Mosque (Osmanl Atina's)

a list of churches in Istanbul doesn't mean much. The city wasn't build by the muslims and it had churches long before any mulsim set foot in there. And besides it is not the capital of Turkey,

why don't you show us a list of churches in Ankara ?

I live in Ankara since 35 years but didn't see any christian -apart a few tourist- :)
and what areyou trying to prove?? your country going bankrupt?? lol

the quote is from that article.. reading it would have helped you...

---------- Post added at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 AM ----------

I live in Ankara since 35 years but didn't see any christian -apart a few tourist- :)

oh my point exactly .. ;)
Because Shias do Salah in their mosque, it doesnt mean Sünni cannot do there. Mosque is the House of Allah.

The Salah is different in each medheb. Imams do it differently, but it is still the House of Allah.

you are explaining faith to me and I am showing you politics.
Do you understand me?
you sure ?

Sunni revenge bomb in Shia mosque kills 15 - Telegraph

whom do I please if I am Greek and I want to build a mosque ?
or do you propose turkey sends their own police to Athens to take care of these things ? ;)

please... don't try childish arguments.. .see the truth

Where is my childish comment? I aint cursing, saying anormal thing. You are escaping.

it is you the Greek who comes to this forum defending Christian Greek values. Dont expect much therefore.
Where is my childish comment? I aint cursing, saying anormal thing. You are escaping.

it is you the Greek who comes to this forum defending Christian Greek values. Dont expect much therefore.

your argument is childish because you are arguing a mosque is a mosque, when in reality (as the death of a lot of people has shown) it is a way deeper issue than that.

also If you want to take this rather more seriously, and you seem like you do, I suggest you read up on the issues surrounding the issue of the mosque in Athens.

There is a whole lot more going on than you think. Not just the building of a casual mosque. It takes effort to identify the issues on both sides. Let me enlighten you on some.

The location. Most suggestions for the mosque are under the Acropolis !!. ..seriously now.
The funding, either saudi arabia or turkey want to fund it. Which brings a question, why would either countries fund the biggest mosque in Europe in Athens? strange ...

Also, the saudis want the mosque to come with an islamic study center, while Turkey wants to assign the imam there? how strange is that? and why ?

Ownership ? Would a turkish funded mosque be under Greek jurisdiction? would turkey accept that? would any country accept a temple be under another country's jurisdiction ?

these are some of the issues you didn't seem to take under consideration, you see it from a religious point of view, and trust me, I wish it was just that.
i âm going to sleep. Last words of mine. Greeks are paranoid of Islam. i dont blame you.

Nevertheless, you cannot escape the inevitable. Islam is rising, faster than ever. Greeks should make peace with Islam, sooner the better.
i âm going to sleep. Last words of mine. Greeks are paranoid of Islam. i dont blame you.

Nevertheless, you cannot escape the inevitable. Islam is rising, faster than ever. Greeks should make peace with Islam, sooner the better.

you truly need to hang out with some Greeks to see how much in peace the average Greek is with islam ;)

Greek historian Dimitri Kitsikis say that Ottoman Empire was the most beautiful empire of the world history..
400 years in Ottoman Rule was not the period of the slavery, on the contrary, the Greek culture contributed to the development of a universal history freely.. Greeks lived in wealth, prosperity, and tolerance in this ages.. He recalls the experience the words of the famous Greek revolutionary Rigas from 18. century: "The Ottoman Empire was the praised by all scientists of world, the world's most beautiful kingdom "


Ord. Prof. Kitsikis is a Turkologist and Professor of International Relations and Geopolitics at the University of Ottawa in Canada

Greek historian Dimitri Kitsikis say that Ottoman Empire was the most beautiful empire of the world history..
400 years in Ottoman Rule was not the period of the slavery, on the contrary, the Greek culture contributed to the development of a universal history freely.. Greeks lived in wealth, prosperity, and tolerance in this ages.. He recalls the experience the words of the famous Greek revolutionary Rigas from 18. century: "The Ottoman Empire was the praised by all scientists of world, the world's most beautiful kingdom "


Ord. Prof. Kitsikis is a Turkologist and Professor of International Relations and Geopolitics at the University of Ottawa in Canada

personally i do not subscribe to this particular point of view. But even if it was like the book suggests, you cannot take away from a people the right to self determination.

Greeks and turks, however close or far, they are not the same people and they both have the right to develop separately and freely.
yes ..how many in total ?

Well Greeky Baby Boy.. if Pakistanis come and settle in Greece is it their right... Greeks forcefully lived in present day Pakistan for hundreds of years and created many Indo-Greek kingdoms.. then why can't we live in Greece?... I am visiting Greece next year.. welcome me with open arms.. :D :yahoo:

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