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Ottoman Athens and the Parthenon Mosque (Osmanl Atina's)



Anastasia (Kösem Sultan) (1589 - 1651)
Greek Wife of Ottoman Sultan Ahmed I

When the documentary titled "1821", telling the story of Greek independence from the Ottoman Empire, aired on a Greek TV (Skai Channel) and showed “actually the most prosperous period of Greece was lived under the Ottoman rule”, the country fell in a hot debate.

Ultra-nationalists and especially the Greek Church are furious with the documentary.

It stirred up trouble in the neighbour Greece.

“1821”, the documentary telling the story of Greek Independence has devastated the official version of the history in Greece.

Greeks are now quite confused after having had to face completely opposite historical facts on their own history. The documentary showed that harsh Ottoman rule oppressing Greek subjects during centuries was indeed a myth not a fact. Hence, it said the most prosperous era of Greeks was under the Ottoman rule.

It was not limited with that.

It displayed that Greek villagers, exploited by the Christian land lords, were freed by the Ottomans. The documentary defended that it was not true that Ottomans forcibly converted Greeks to Islam. Turks did not slaughter Greeks as it has been taught in the schools up until now, contrary tens of thousands Turks were killed by Greeks during the riots.

The film revealed that after Greece gained independence, they demolished each and every sign associated with Turks. The documentary rocked the most deep rooted bias of the country, causing a great debate over the historical facts.

Ultra-nationals overreacted against the documentary after learning that it was sponsored by a bank of which director was appointed by the Greek government.

The documentary hit the highest rating records on the prime time and confused the minds of Greeks with the contradicting historical facts it displayed.

PS: The documentary “1821” was produced and presented by the Greek writer Petros Tatsopoulos with an impressive team of international historians including William St. Clair of University of London and Thanos Veremis of Athens University. The documentary is sponsored by the National Bank of Greece and is still being aired by the Skai channel in Greece while the arguments over its content are continuing.

There is a link to watch the full documentary in eight episodes but it`s in Greek language only;
ΣΚΑΪ Player TV — ΣΚΑΪ ([url]www.skai.gr)[/url]

Please look to the (Page 5) for those new topics:
Bulgarian Historian: The Ottoman Empire saved us from Extinction
Historical Ottoman confession from Hungary
and rightly so.

I don't mind mosques in Greece, muslims should have their temples. But building one, that is another story. In the UK, mosques are simple converted buildings, and everyone is happy, why should a proper mosque be build in Greece? what is so special there??

Why do YOU build churchs instead of converting buildings to churchs? What is so special there?
I really wished the Ottomans had held the city of Athens and the SE Europe. Turkiye today would have several European capitals under its territory. Making visiting Turkiye even more exciting. Ottomans should have better integrated the territories under their control.

Sorry about that brother. We couldn't resist Russians, Englishs, Frenchs and their anti-ottoman propaganda on Serbs, Greeks, Armenians and Bulgars at the same time.
Do you want a bravo for not demolishing them all ? is that your sign of culture ?
you can have it from me then, bravo for not demolishing and vandalising all churches like you did with Agia Sofia.

as far as Athens, it never had any significant amount of mosques.

As a matter of fact, it is a sign of civilization. When "our not demolishing churches" and "your demolishing everything related to Ottomans, including mosques" are compared, it will give a great view of how civilized Greek society is.

The mosques builded by Ottomans would have been more than enough for the muslims in Greece today, if you hadn't demolished them or burned them or vandalised them as shown in the previous posts.

By the way, you can still visit "vandalised" Agia Sofia as a museum if you ever come to our beatiful Istanbul.
The same reason mosques are rarely built in Indian Panjab, all political reasons due to bitter history
and rightly so.

I don't mind mosques in Greece, muslims should have their temples. But building one, that is another story. In the UK, mosques are simple converted buildings, and everyone is happy, why should a proper mosque be build in Greece? what is so special there??

---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

really??? you don't say...!!

shall we demolish all the churches then

Sorry about that brother. We couldn't resist Russians, Englishs, Frenchs and their anti-ottoman propaganda on Serbs, Greeks, Armenians and Bulgars at the same time.

not to mention their colonies who thought with them , e.g Australia , New zealand etc
I don't buy the agia sofia faults. Nor do a lot of architects.
I don't buy the etymology of the word but that is minor ..

I think religious people have authority in Turkey too, otherwise why would you want the mullah in Thrace to have political responsibilities?

Second, Greek political scene is making study on separating the church from the state, but it is how it is and these things don't change overnight.

Also, nobody pays much attention to priests in Greece when it comes to politics and policies and they don't have much political power or none at all.

and for the record, you haven't responded to my question.

why should Mosques be build in Athens ? what is so special about Athens? Wouldn't muslims be happy in a converted building as they are in London, or Manchester for example?

I think you need to correct your facts. In UK there are plenty of purpose built mosques [ some might even say too many ] starting with the Woking Mosque built in 1889 to Central Mosque, Birmingham, one of the largest in UK.

Shah Jahan Mosque - Britain's first purpose-built mosque est. 1889
Birmingham Central Mosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition to scores of purpose built mosques there are converted building also in use as mosques. There are no restrictions on building new mosques in UK other than normal planning rules that would apply to any other construction. I guess the British have to be respected - They indeed are a mature, superior, sophisticated society and quite secure with their identity.

There is much we can learn from the British - That would apply to second rate Muslims of all backgrounds as well as second rate Europeans like Greeks etc who feed off the North West Europeans.

And I say 'second rate' with intent. Was it not for the British-Northern Europeans we the second rate Muslims in Pakistan would still be living in medieval ages like our Afghan neighbours and the second rate Europeans like Greeks, Bulgars would still be enjoying Ottoman Turkish hospitality with a decidely red crescent and star flag still fluttering over the Parthenon.

Addendum: The Mosque in UK are even allowed to give call to prayer during daylight hours. That says a lot about liberal democracy practiced in UK whilst you in Greece ask 'why should mosques be built'?

Shame on you for demolishing mosques built by the Ottoman!

Shame on you for demolishing mosques built by the Ottoman!
Ottomans didnt built it, just converted, later is was used as a gun powder magazine.
And shame on whom? The venetians who blew it up?

In 1687, the Parthenon was extensively damaged in the greatest catastrophe to befall it in its long history.[57] The Venetians sent an expedition led by Francesco Morosini to attack Athens and capture the Acropolis. The Ottoman Turks fortified the Acropolis and used the Parthenon as a gunpowder magazine – despite having been forewarned of the dangers of this use by the 1656 explosion that severely damaged the Propylaea – and as a shelter for members of the local Turkish community.[78] On 26 September a Venetian mortar round, fired from the Hill of Philopappus, blew up the magazine, and the building was partly destroyed.[79] The explosion blew out the building's central portion and caused the cella's walls to crumble into rubble.[74]

Parthenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At @Hakan can you take care of this zombie thread build on hostility.
Ottomans didnt built it, just converted, later is was used as a gun powder magazine.
And shame on whom? The venetians who blew it up?

Parthenon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

can you take care of this zombie thread build on hostility.
I've read thruout the thread post here, a member were saying Greeks demolished and blocked from building it yet in Turkey the churches are protected showing their hypocrity.
I've read thruout the thread post here, a member were saying Greeks demolished and blocked from building it yet in Turkey the churches are protected showing their hypocrity.
I thought you was talking about Parthenon.
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