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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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My opinion.. This all was big drama played by US and triggered by Shuja Pasha's visit... I see many loop holes in the US story and no official pics/video is shared.. All looks trick for Obama's second term..

Apart from all this, the big thing a Brand of Terror is killed which was long awaited.. Now to see US & South Asia politics here onwards..

you can now check bbc live. They are reporting many polls. All in favour of one person
My opinion.. This all was big drama played by US and triggered by Shuja Pasha's visit... I see many loop holes in the US story and no official pics/video is shared.. All looks trick for Obama's second term..

Apart from all this, the big thing a Brand of Terror is killed which was long awaited.. Now to see US & South Asia politics here onwards..

My forex trading software news panel said US has released 3 latest pictures of Osama bin laden along with his son and other people in the house. I have not seen them yet but surely they will be uploaded somewhere on internet soon
Good Riddance.. at least Osama chapter closed (though it opened a lot of others).. i don't think that Pakistanis should concern about what OUTSIDERS think.. they should start asking questions to the INSIDERS themselves.. was he killed before? was he brought after being killed? was he captured long time ago and used to get STRONG reasons to infiltrate Pakistan? was he there for an hour, a day, a month, a year or whole decade? these are not the questions which we need answer about.. What we need answered is.. HOW THE HELL did 4 choppers flew from OUTSIDE the country and then COMPLETED their mission in 40+ minutes and then GO BACK without any response from PA?..

My question is.. If PA does not have capability to track such attacks then why are we keeping and paying them? and IF they HAD the capability and they could have taken steps to stop them then WHY did they not? and IF they intentionally over looked it then WHAT was the reason? WHY was the sovereignty of the country sold? WHAT was the reason?

I have respected PA for whole of my life.. i am sorry to say but i am questioning myself if it is worth respect or not!
Good Riddance.. at least Osama chapter closed (though it opened a lot of others).. i don't think that Pakistanis should concern about what OUTSIDERS think.. they should start asking questions to the INSIDERS themselves.. was he killed before? was he brought after being killed? was he captured long time ago and used to get STRONG reasons to infiltrate Pakistan? was he there for an hour, a day, a month, a year or whole decade? these are not the questions which we need answer about.. What we need answered is.. HOW THE HELL did 4 choppers flew from OUTSIDE the country and then COMPLETED their mission in 40+ minutes and then GO BACK without any response from PA?..

My question is.. If PA does not have capability to track such attacks then why are we keeping and paying them? and IF they HAD the capability and they could have taken steps to stop them then WHY did they not? and IF they intentionally over looked it then WHAT was the reason? WHY was the sovereignty of the country sold? WHAT was the reason?

I have respected PA for whole of my life.. i am sorry to say but i am questioning myself if it is worth respect or not!

Why the sorry recourse to conspiracy theories, already?

Respect for PA? Let them first respect Pakistan and themselves, let them at least win at some damn thing, let them be good at something that's of value to Pakistan instead of being good at activity that brings shame and dishonor

F-16 Jets were scramble to intercept Helicopters as soon as they were detected on radar. But it takes time. Since helicopter were flying very low radar could pick it (from AWACS) but a call from Military Academy might have got them ready for that. But it took just 40 minutes to complete whole operation. They were out before PA comes to rescue.
I do not think that the killing of OBL inside Pakistan after all our leaders having denied his presence there for the past 10 years is a positive step for Pakistan (although I do not believe the official US version of events. This can all be done again for other HVT). This will only be used against Pakistan by the USA and others in the region to strengthen their narrative that Pakistan is a terrorist state some people are already calling for Pakistan to be declared as such. I also think that some one in the Military establishment must be held responsible for this fiasco and resign their post.
My forex trading software news panel said US has released 3 latest pictures of Osama bin laden along with his son and other people in the house. I have not seen them yet but surely they will be uploaded somewhere on internet soon

I still need a strong case, everything just look like staged.. I dont know but while i dont believe in conspiracy theories.. This time I am not comfortable.. During killing of many rivals the first thing which we get is Photographs or videos from US just like Saddam's killing. Even this being such a huge thing.. Nobody took a shot or circulated.. Neither it has been kept for display atleast for senior officials and then hurriedly they just burried him in sea...

Even if they display OBL's pics now.. I will not be quite sure if they are genuine.. We have such snaps since 2008 and for new one they have enough of time.. Again flying a chopper from Sea to Abbottabad which is far away can't be traced by Pak airforce???
Its time Pakistan should change its ways , to much embraceable on world forms. Pakistani high ups can't even come up with one story.
If its a intelligence failure then Some one should resign from the top else some are still keeping Zia time alive. All those who believe in Gen Zia school of thought should be fired from Government services as there is no more Charley Wilsons in Washington.

Sane words.

Okay, PDF is back online. I thought the server crashed because of the load.

Some quick thoughts.
The political leadership of Pakistan cannot be blamed for this huge fiasco considering that the President of Pakistan is not even allowed inside 'sensitive' installations. It is the military which has REALLY held power in Pakistan since 5 July 1977 when ZAB's govt. was toppled by Zia ul Haq. So I blame THEM! I blame the military for at least incompetence. By that I mean the military should have AT LEAST checked out the so-called 'mansion' being built so close to the military training academy. Did they not know the fall out of OBL's presence in the 'heartland' of Pakistan?
Now, I am not saying that the military is in bed with Al Qaida. Far from it. Pakistani military has been targeted by both Al Qaida and Talibans. There is an element of the military which does support the Haqqani-led Talibans and that too to counter India. Beyond that, other than some nut jobs who are a tiny minority, the Talibans and AlQaida are not welcome by the Pak. military.
ALSO consider this: Pakistani state is so radicalized that there are these jihadi-moles right in the heart of institutions. Think of Salman Taseer's killing by his own guard. That is still a minority but they are there.
I still need a strong case, everything just look like staged.. I dont know but while i dont believe in conspiracy theories.. This time I am not comfortable.. During killing of many rivals the first thing which we get is Photographs or videos from US just like Saddam's killing. Even this being such a huge thing.. Nobody took a shot or circulated.. Neither it has been kept for display atleast for senior officials and then hurriedly they just burried him in sea...

Even if they display OBL's pics now.. I will not be quite sure if they are genuine.. We have such snaps since 2008 and for new one they have enough of time.. Again flying a chopper from Sea to Abbottabad which is far away can't be traced by Pak airforce???
From Afghanistan...
I still need a strong case, everything just look like staged.. I dont know but while i dont believe in conspiracy theories.. This time I am not comfortable.. During killing of many rivals the first thing which we get is Photographs or videos from US just like Saddam's killing. Even this being such a huge thing.. Nobody took a shot or circulated.. Neither it has been kept for display atleast for senior officials and then hurriedly they just burried him in sea...

Even if they display OBL's pics now.. I will not be quite sure if they are genuine.. We have such snaps since 2008 and for new one they have enough of time.. Again flying a chopper from Sea to Abbottabad which is far away can't be traced by Pak airforce???

One of the stories doing rounds is that OBL is in captivity of USA and singing like a canary. Once he has spilled his guts, he will be killed and photos released..
1. O̶s̶a̶m̶a̶ ̶B̶i̶n̶ ̶L̶a̶d̶e̶n̶

2. Rebecca Black

3. Justin Bieber
Excellent --- Pakistanis will soon devolve into hyper denial-ism - all reality will have to be abandoned -- so cherished hate-filled myths can be upheld

It's not necessary to be in denial - live free, in the light of truth

It started yesterday only..this Denial-ism... I wonder why certain media persons like to manufacture conspiracy theories ..

Watch News Night With Talat
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