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Osama Bin Laden: More fatal in death

Who were Al Qaeda in 2001?
A few ragtag terrorists in Afghanistan, independent of any other organizations, numbering only a few hundred.

The way to deal with them, is to treat them like criminals, arrest them, prosecute them.
the US didn't understand this back then, nor do they today. As a result.

Al Qaeda is now famous, it is no longer a regional menace, it is everywhere, it is in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Those top leaders killed, no biggy, old leaders replaced with new ones, you haven't dealt with the issue at it's source.
Also, Al Qaeda are now associated with a wider network of terrorist organizations, not least the taliban. Western intervention didn't help at all, multiple terror plots had been waged against the US after 9/11 and Europe was also targeted.

I can firmly say that Al Qaeda won this war, a few measly rag tag terroists took on the sole superpower and came out stronger than before.

Sad, but very true.

War is a very profitable business....
That is interesting
Whatever they sold India was already battle proven and we never had tick box saying successfully tested in "Afghan":)
Of course not but they need to make sure consumer gets weapons that works...right? Marketing strategy...
There are ample scientific research done by many. Channeles like discovery and NGC proved scientifically as to whay these building will colapse. Now dont tell me the channels are Ameriki. Science is science.
there is also ample questions asked which are unanswered by many and mind you there is also counter research which shows the opposite....
I dont see how it directly or indirectly co-relates the sanction, if you are referring towards Iran, coz Iran does have some influence over Afghan and US will gain more in WOT from the Iran side.
Do you know how many countries have sanctions on them...some related to weaponry + army (Germany) some related to trade (Iran) and many other such stuff Pakistan itself has several "deals" so that it will not do this or do that....Some African countries have sanctions and what not on trade ...
Their annual business with India is about $1 billion and they are in trillionn debts. I dont see how this war has been profitable for them. I will not count debts. Everybody in the world is singing the 'looser US' song and you know we have our friends here who support that conclusion too!.

Well, if you see the larger picture you would be part of the choir!

America is ONLY strong due to its army and by putting sanctions on Nations that can progress....Without this...it is a failing nation and hence it needs to insure others do not succeed..

War is a very profitable business....

Sadly it is and has been....Instead of economical loss for the country WAGING IT...it seems to just destroy the country who is being bashed! :cray:
Hence, I said strings attached...advertise their technology, their construction workers their aid givers their everything...in return loans + loans not to forget the large amount of interests...

Pakistan long paid its loans but we are still paying the interest that came with it....so yes War is a business...Otherwise why would USA jump in on some 70 countries since WW2?

Include the most known ones Vietnam, gulf war, cold war...America was always involved in 1 way or another....financially, by weapon sales, "aid" and then the "aid" in helping re-build the countries....
@Talon. Heading home, will reply tomorrow...

No problem if the reply is for me...Just mention me :smart: I might reply tomorrow or day after at night as I have some stuff to do in office..
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I will disagree. US didnt feed Al-Qaeda. They fed the Mujahiddins. That time that seemed to be a great idea and they wanted to stop USSR's march towards Gulf. So the whole world including Gulf supported US with open hearts.

Later that became a Frankestien's mosnter to haunt US.

But Al-Qaeda was founded by those mujahits if I'm not wrong
I would like Pakistan to be so willing to eliminate its own bin laden. Pakistan's Bin Ladin is Hakimullah Mehsud. Hakimullah Mehsud is the chief of the Pakistani Taliban. He and his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud is responsible for the killing of 40,000-50,000 Pakistani citizens. We should launch a helicopter raid against him and eliminate him. Taliban should be crushed beneath our heel.

If anyone gives me a job to hunt that traitorous animal Hakimullah down I will accept it immediately. My patriotism to my land has been doubted and I wish to prove my loyalty to land and people

Dont forget me. i am with you bro :)
It is time for us to re-unite and re-plan.
They want to show to this world they are superpower and they can do what ever they want to any one and to any country they can screw at any cost from millions killings to billions USD gone..

in pakistan our problem is this we are become so addicted of western luxuries we don't even think to go against them... people talk about aid to pakistan by US . but may be they don't know how much pakistan sacrificed and how much we lost because of US. till now i think US gave us around 45-50 biilion USD. is it our selling price of 180 Million people? If world think they bought us for this price then they are wrong....

US playing a game by giving us aid so we can keep dependent on them if you look around only those countries progressed and those who are self sufficient those who was against US or who was under US sanctions.

for example..... in pakistan ever one abuse america ..... from liberals to Fundamentalists.... but at the end every one loves to settle up in US..... if today US announce Green cards for pakistans you will find millions in line out side US embassy? why we people are become so hypocrite ? i know there is Fault of US in using us. but are we so much blind we dont have wise to think what we are doing?

what ever us did with us.... he will do again and we will bear it again for some more dollars. i wished if Bhutto had said this" Eat grass but be independent from Slavery"

well inshaALLAh one day will come when we will make those decisions which will be in interest of our country. Hope s one day ! Hope and Just Hope
They want to show to this world they are superpower and they can do what ever they want to any one and to any country they can screw at any cost from millions killings to billions USD gone..

in pakistan our problem is this we are become so addicted of western luxuries we don't even think to go against them... people talk about aid to pakistan by US . but may be they don't know how much pakistan sacrificed and how much we lost because of US. till now i think US gave us around 45-50 biilion USD. is it our selling price of 180 Million people? If world think they bought us for this price then they are wrong....

US playing a game by giving us aid so we can keep dependent on them if you look around only those countries progressed and those who are self sufficient those who was against US or who was under US sanctions.

for example..... in pakistan ever one abuse america ..... from liberals to Fundamentalists.... but at the end every one loves to settle up in US..... if today US announce Green cards for pakistans you will find millions in line out side US embassy? why we people are become so hypocrite ? i know there is Fault of US in using us. but are we so much blind we dont have wise to think what we are doing?

what ever us did with us.... he will do again and we will bear it again for some more dollars. i wished if Bhutto had said this" Eat grass but be independent from Slavery"

well inshaALLAh one day will come when we will make those decisions which will be in interest of our country. Hope s one day ! Hope and Just Hope

Everything that has beginning has an end. Inshallah one day,things will be different.:)
The death of OBL was a great achievment not only to the US, but the international community as well. He was nothing more than a mass-mudere psychopath.

Hopefully, soon Pakistan will clean the scum terrorists out of Pakistan as well. Those barbarians are the sole responsible for the death of our children and elder people.
The death of OBL was a great achievment not only to the US, but the international community as well. He was nothing more than a mass-mudere psychopath.

Hopefully, soon Pakistan will clean the scum terrorists out of Pakistan as well. Those barbarians are the sole responsible for the death of our children and elder people.

This is so not easy,unless we will not stop those hands who are fueling and funding these terrorists elements,we need get rid of those financers and suppliers.
This is so not easy,unless we will not stop those hands who are fueling and funding these terrorists elements,we need get rid of those financers and suppliers.

That's a legitimate argument my friend. We have had the same issue with the radical elements of Al-Qaida in KSA. The first thing the Gov't did was " If you see something, say something ". Second thing was to track down deposit and cash flooding in wrong hands. Nowadays, we check every single penny that goes in or out KSA. I'm positively sure that Pakistan will defeat those barbarians who killed innocent people for nothing but to feed their brutal instinct.
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