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Osama Bin Laden: More fatal in death

Really?we are not ignoring those hands?we have not taken even a single step against those big powers who are funding..

The powers wehther big or small always tale action against each others' strategic assests :)))) thats what US and Pakistan are doing at the moment.

The main point is if both want to defeat terrorism they would have to take care of each others' interests. Pakistan cant always favour US
we kind of already? do you see us denying this fact my beloved troll?
which lesson should i take ????, yes i know that Americans provided what you said but does it belittle pakistani deeds from any angel???. once you accepted that you also supported him, then why should you people also not be punished for your crime ???
which lesson should i take ????, yes i know that Americans provided what you said but does it belittle pakistani deeds from any angel???. once you accepted that you also supported him, then why should you people also not be punished for your crime ???

bwahahahahahahaha well this belittle or facepalm or less culprit card is used by India not us.

And we do NOT Need never needed to belittle our deeds viz a viz Afghanistan/USSR wars. We own these. The belittling attitude is used by US not us in this regard.

They called USSR invasion uncalled for and called for Jehad but they themself invaded Afghanistan and called it a just war and called Jehad against itself as terrorism.
Don't you know the mentality of few people?....to blame Pakistan for everything without any knowledge..:lol:
We all are well aware of Russ-American history,and the benefits Americans will get after defeat of Russians,as Americans will be only declared powerful state?and current objective behind war on terror is same:
--To maintain their dominance throughout the region
--To keep a strict eye on China
--To support Indians against Pakistan,as Pakistan's nuclear technology has highlighted as a threat against them.
--To weaken Pakistan by dragging them in war against Afghanistan.
--That is why,they only target those Haqqani network mainly via drone strikes,and on the other hand they fund TTP to cause terror in Pakistan,and on other hand they only target so that pro-Pakistan elements are reduced and Pakistan will face Afghanistan just like Iran-Iraq war.

I was watching a program in which a TV-One journalist was taken to have interview by Taliban,where they said to him,that:

"We have no relationship with TTP,when we found out that they are causing terrorists activity we warned them,and when they continued,we stopped our connection with them''

What I suggest now:
--Pakistan should get out of US war
--Pakistan should seal her borders so that TTP won't get any funds.
--Pakistan should carry drone operations on her own.
--Pakistan should close all sorts of routs for supply.

9/11 was just a god damn drama,we all are well aware of,even many Americans claim that..the actual reason is entirely different,US is not mad that it is fighting a war against terror in barren area reasonlessly.
US's war ended the day when Mr.Bin Laden was killed and other responsible too..actual objective was to prepare Afghanistan against Pakistan by killing all pro-Pakistan elements.
Their actual target is us!!!always us!!
and as for 9/11 it is proved that it was drama..CNN showed false structure of building actual is available in company which was responsible for construction.
and a/c to actual structure..it cannot be destroyed unless dynamites are not planted on the base.
I have talked to several Americans they themselves claim that airplane may be remote controlled,various books are written.
What to you think @balixd? @Awesome @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch ?? @Aeronaut?

americans had no intention of invading Pakistan, why would and why should they do it? they always had US friendly Govt in place.

The reason behind these so WoT is not only the regional dominance but the huge Weapons industry , the major corporations, the investment in those corporations and revenue generation from drug trafficking
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@Slav Defence

Please forgive me my ignorance. But just to want to know more about these points.

9/11 was just a god damn drama,we all are well aware of,even many Americans claim that..the actual reason is entirely different,US is not mad that it is fighting a war against terror in barren area reasonlessly.
US's war ended the day when Mr.Bin Laden was killed and other responsible too..actual objective was to prepare Afghanistan against Pakistan by killing all pro-Pakistan elements.
Their actual target is us!!!always us!!
and as for 9/11 it is proved that it was drama..CNN showed false structure of building actual is available in company which was responsible for construction.

And want to know why will the spend $300 billion to achive this?...
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americans had no intention of invading Pakistan, why would and why should they do it? they always had US friendly Govt in place.

The reason behind these so WoT is not only the regional dominance but the huge Weapons industry , the major corporations, the investment in those corporations and revenue generation from drug trafficking

My dear,My dear,My dear......
The war strategy is changed now..
who is talking about invasion??
the actual plan is to give maximum collateral damage to country..and this is what we are getting..due to these terrorists organizations we are loosing everything..we all know that besides weapons,economy also makes a nation powerful and dominant.
Well said..it is their war,and we suffer like always..and in the end..Uncle Sam takes the whole credit..
That's because as Clinton said, "it's the money stupid!" Yep! It was because of the lure of the lucre! So don't put all the blame on the Yanks. You've been getting financial aid from them since 1950 to keep your economy propped up. You guys are so used to leaning on others shoulders that as a result, even today you do not have an independent foreign policy. So when the Yanks tell you to jump you jump!

After your honeymoon with the Yanks you've now outstripped yourselves by inviting the Chinese who have now penetrated Pakistan like never before, what with cheap goods flooding the markets, to ports, naval bases, energy corridors for the Chinese from Xinjiang to Gwadar, projects in G/B with the presence of over 11,000 Chinese located there permanently that would change the demography of the region in the near future.

Putting all eggs in one basket is dangerous. Like you guys did with the Yanks earlier. But the dependency syndrome is here to stay. This time with China. What beckons in the future is the million dollar question.
My dear,My dear,My dear......
The war strategy is changed now..
who is talking about invasion??
the actual plan is to give maximum collateral damage to country..and this is what we are getting..due to these terrorists organizations we are loosing everything..we all know that besides weapons,economy also makes a nation powerful and dominant.

correct, my bad for missing the point there
@Slav Defence

Please forgive me my ignorance. But just to want to know more about these points.

And want to know why will the spend $300 billion to achive this?...
Many reasons

Marketing....now look they are selling their weapons to India after "experimenting with them in Afghanistan"...Now they will get some money back when other countries put in orders...

Plus they had to give a reason why 2 of the tallest twin towers fell in front of their noses and who was responsible...

3rdly, they needed to put sanctions on some countries

4thly, they wanted to destroy some countries to "help" build them WITH STRINGS attached...

Man the list goes on...For a larger profit you need to spend some to gain some
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@Slav Defence

Please forgive me my ignorance. But just to want to know more about these points.

And want to know why will the spend $300 billion to achive this?...

--Open Microsoft word.
--A/c to the jung news,the plane that hit the twin tower was having code:
Q32NY and Q33NY (don't forget to open capslock)
--Convert in into winding(font)

Right after 9/11 attack...after few days..I saw this on a newspaper...bravo what a journalists..I don't remember his name..
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That's because as Clinton said, "it's the money stupid!" Yep! It was because of the lure of the lucre! So don't put all the blame on the Yanks. You've been getting financial aid from them since 1950 to keep your economy propped up. You guys are so used to leaning on others shoulders that as a result, even today you do not have an independent foreign policy. So when the Yanks tell you to jump you jump!

After your honeymoon with the Yanks you've now outstripped yourselves by inviting the Chinese who have now penetrated Pakistan like never before, what with cheap goods flooding the markets, to ports, naval bases, energy corridors for the Chinese from Xinjiang to Gwadar, projects in G/B with the presence of over 11,000 Chinese located there permanently that would change the demography of the region in the near future.

Putting all eggs in one basket is dangerous. Like you guys did with the Yanks earlier. But the dependency syndrome is here to stay. This time with China. What beckons in the future is the million dollar question.

oi stop this trolling. if we are dependent than what are you? you are depending on france, russia, us, israel for the weaponry. heck you couldn't even build an aircraft on your own.

stick with the topic, if you can't say useful than leave
Many reasons

Marketing....now look they are selling their weapons to India after "experimenting with them in Afghanistan"...Now they will get some money back when other countries put in orders...

Plus they had to give a reason why 2 of the tallest twin towers fell in front of their noses and who was responsible...

3rdly, they needed to put sanctions on some countries

4thly, they wanted to destroy some countries to "help" build them WITH STRINGS attached...

Man the list goes on...For a larger profit you need to spend some to gain some

Well said @Talon shabash..very good analysis.... :tup:

oi stop this trolling. if we are dependent than what are you? you are depending on france, russia, us, israel for the weaponry. heck you couldn't even build an aircraft on your own.

stick with the topic, if you can't say useful than leave

shabash cheetay..shabash..dil khush kerdiya tum ne..:D
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@Slav Defence i can smell some confusion in your posts between Taliban and AQ. both are a bit different all together.
coming back to the topic. Yes the war is not over. OBL was a key figure to AQ members, so it doesn't matter whether he is alive or dead. many of those who have been fighting have not even seen the guy for a decade , so did it matter to them whether he stays alive or not? The key to this is the ideology which these guys carry, and it is not limited to Afghanistan , but ME, Africa and former Soviet Union states.
So killing OBL has actually motivated these guys a little bit.

BTW an interesting thing to note is the new free lancers, especially in EU, who are acting on their own, and the come thing between AQ member and them is the ideology - a Version of Islam

My dear I am not confused..besides my actual objective is to highlight that we are an ally of our own enemy..:sick:
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--Open Microsoft word.
--A/c to the jung news,the plane that hit the twin tower was having code:
Q32NY and Q33NY
--Convert in into winding(font)

Right after 9/11 attack...after few days..I saw this on a newspaper...bravo what a journalists..I don't remember his name..

That is interesting:) I will get back to you with what I find..

Many reasons

Marketing....now look they are selling their weapons to India after "experimenting with them in Afghanistan"...Now they will get some money back when other countries put in orders...

Whatever they sold India was already battle proven and we never had tick box saying successfully tested in "Afghan":)

Plus they had to give a reason why 2 of the tallest twin towers fell in front of their noses and who was responsible...

There are ample scientific research done by many. Channeles like discovery and NGC proved scientifically as to whay these building will colapse. Now dont tell me the channels are Ameriki. Science is science.

3rdly, they needed to put sanctions on some countries

I dont see how it directly or indirectly co-relates the sanction, if you are referring towards Iran, coz Iran does have some influence over Afghan and US will gain more in WOT from the Iran side.

4thly, they wanted to destroy some countries to "help" build them WITH STRINGS attached...

Man the list goes on...For a larger profit you need to spend some to gain some

Their annual business with India is about $1 billion and they are in trillionn debts. I dont see how this war has been profitable for them. I will not count debts. Everybody in the world is singing the 'looser US' song and you know we have our friends here who support that conclusion too!.

Just trying to understand.
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